1 ≤ K ≤ N ≤ 200
1 ≤ ai < bi ≤ 100,000, 1 ≤ wi ≤ 100,000
- var head,vet,next,len1,len2,a,b,c,d,fan:array[..]of longint;
- inq:array[..]of boolean;
- q:array[..]of longint;
- pre:array[..,..]of longint;
- dis:array[..]of longint;
- n,m,k,up,i,tot,ans,s,source,src,cas,v,x,y:longint;
- procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
- var t:longint;
- begin
- t:=x; x:=y; y:=t;
- end;
- procedure qsort(l,r:longint);
- var i,j,mid:longint;
- begin
- i:=l; j:=r; mid:=d[(l+r)>>];
- repeat
- while mid>d[i] do inc(i);
- while mid<d[j] do dec(j);
- if i<=j then
- begin
- swap(d[i],d[j]);
- inc(i); dec(j);
- end;
- until i>j;
- if l<j then qsort(l,j);
- if i<r then qsort(i,r);
- end;
- function min(x,y:longint):longint;
- begin
- if x<y then exit(x);
- exit(y);
- end;
- function hash(x:longint):longint;
- var l,r,mid:longint;
- begin
- l:=; r:=up;
- while l<=r do
- begin
- mid:=(l+r)>>;
- if d[mid]=x then exit(mid);
- if d[mid]<x then l:=mid+
- else r:=mid-;
- end;
- end;
- procedure add(a,b,c,d:longint);
- begin
- inc(tot);
- next[tot]:=head[a];
- vet[tot]:=b;
- len1[tot]:=c;
- len2[tot]:=d;
- head[a]:=tot;
- inc(tot);
- next[tot]:=head[b];
- vet[tot]:=a;
- len1[tot]:=;
- len2[tot]:=-d;
- head[b]:=tot;
- end;
- function spfa:boolean;
- var u,e,v,i,top:longint;
- begin
- for i:= to s do
- begin
- dis[i]:=-(maxlongint>>);
- inq[i]:=false;
- end;
- top:=; q[]:=source; dis[source]:=; inq[source]:=true;
- while top> do
- begin
- u:=q[top]; dec(top); inq[u]:=false;
- e:=head[u];
- while e<> do
- begin
- v:=vet[e];
- if (len1[e]>)and(dis[u]+len2[e]>dis[v]) then
- begin
- dis[v]:=dis[u]+len2[e];
- pre[v,]:=u;
- pre[v,]:=e;
- if not inq[v] then
- begin
- inc(top); q[top]:=v; inq[v]:=true;
- end;
- end;
- e:=next[e];
- end;
- end;
- if dis[src]=-(maxlongint>>) then exit(false);
- exit(true);
- end;
- procedure mcf;
- var k,e,t:longint;
- begin
- k:=src; t:=maxlongint;
- while k<>source do
- begin
- t:=min(t,len1[pre[k,]]);
- k:=pre[k,];
- end;
- k:=src;
- while k<>source do
- begin
- e:=pre[k,];
- len1[e]:=len1[e]-t;
- len1[fan[e]]:=len1[fan[e]]+t;
- ans:=ans+t*len2[e];
- k:=pre[k,];
- end;
- end;
- begin
- assign(input,'poj3680.in'); reset(input);
- assign(output,'poj3680.out'); rewrite(output);
- readln(cas);
- for i:= to do
- if i and = then fan[i]:=i+
- else fan[i]:=i-;
- for v:= to cas do
- begin
- for i:= to s do head[i]:=;
- s:=; tot:=; ans:=;
- //fillchar(head,sizeof(head),);
- read(n,k); m:=;
- for i:= to n do
- begin
- read(a[i],b[i],c[i]);
- inc(m); d[m]:=a[i];
- inc(m); d[m]:=b[i];
- end;
- qsort(,m);
- up:=;
- for i:= to m do
- if d[i]<>d[up] then begin inc(up); d[up]:=d[i]; end;
- for i:= to n do
- begin
- x:=hash(a[i]); y:=hash(b[i]);
- add(x,y,,c[i]);
- end;
- source:=up+; src:=up+; s:=up+;
- add(source,,k,);
- add(up,src,k,);
- for i:= to up- do add(i,i+,k,);
- while spfa do mcf;
- writeln(ans);
- end;
- close(input);
- close(output);
- end.
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