关于类似vue-cli 脚手架
#!/usr/bin/env node const download = require('download-git-repo')
const program = require('commander')
const exists = require('fs').existsSync
const path = require('path')
const ora = require('ora')
const home = require('user-home')
const tildify = require('tildify')
const chalk = require('chalk')
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const rm = require('rimraf').sync
const logger = require('../lib/logger')
const generate = require('../lib/generate')
const checkVersion = require('../lib/check-version')
const warnings = require('../lib/warnings')
const localPath = require('../lib/local-path') const isLocalPath = localPath.isLocalPath
const getTemplatePath = localPath.getTemplatePath /**
* Usage.
*/ program
.usage('<template-name> [project-name]')
.option('-c, --clone', 'use git clone')
.option('--offline', 'use cached template') /**
* Help.
*/ program.on('--help', () => {
console.log(' Examples:')
console.log(chalk.gray(' # create a new project with an official template'))
console.log(' $ vue init webpack my-project')
console.log(chalk.gray(' # create a new project straight from a github template'))
console.log(' $ vue init username/repo my-project')
}) /**
* Help.
*/ function help () {
if (program.args.length < 1) return program.help()
help() /**
* Settings.
*/ let template = program.args[0]
const hasSlash = template.indexOf('/') > -1
const rawName = program.args[1]
const inPlace = !rawName || rawName === '.'
const name = inPlace ? path.relative('../', process.cwd()) : rawName
const to = path.resolve(rawName || '.')
const clone = program.clone || false const tmp = path.join(home, '.vue-templates', template.replace(/[\/:]/g, '-'))
if (program.offline) {
console.log(`> Use cached template at ${chalk.yellow(tildify(tmp))}`)
template = tmp
} /**
* Padding.
*/ console.log()
process.on('exit', () => {
}) if (inPlace || exists(to)) {
type: 'confirm',
message: inPlace
? 'Generate project in current directory?'
: 'Target directory exists. Continue?',
name: 'ok'
}]).then(answers => {
if (answers.ok) {
} else {
} /**
* Check, download and generate the project.
*/ function run () {
// check if template is local
if (isLocalPath(template)) {
const templatePath = getTemplatePath(template)
if (exists(templatePath)) {
generate(name, templatePath, to, err => {
if (err) logger.fatal(err)
logger.success('Generated "%s".', name)
} else {
logger.fatal('Local template "%s" not found.', template)
} else {
checkVersion(() => {
if (!hasSlash) {
// use official templates
const officialTemplate = 'vuejs-templates/' + template
if (template.indexOf('#') !== -1) {
} else {
if (template.indexOf('-2.0') !== -1) {
warnings.v2SuffixTemplatesDeprecated(template, inPlace ? '' : name)
} // warnings.v2BranchIsNowDefault(template, inPlace ? '' : name)
} else {
} /**
* Download a generate from a template repo.
* @param {String} template
*/ function downloadAndGenerate (template) {
const spinner = ora('downloading template')
// Remove if local template exists
if (exists(tmp)) rm(tmp)
download(template, tmp, { clone }, err => {
if (err) logger.fatal('Failed to download repo ' + template + ': ' + err.message.trim())
generate(name, tmp, to, err => {
if (err) logger.fatal(err)
logger.success('Generated "%s".', name)
https://github.com/vuejs-templates vue-cli的模板地址
https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli vue-cli 源码
主要使用的是 bin/vue-init
用的npm 包 download-git-repo commander
downloadAndGenerate() 里面的
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