
Time Limit: 3000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 2068    Accepted Submission(s): 785

Problem Description
There are many pretty girls in Wuhan University, and as we know, every girl loves pretty clothes, so do they. One day some of them got a huge rectangular cloth and they want to cut it into small rectangular pieces to make scarves. But different girls like different
style, and they voted each style a price wrote down on a list. They have a machine which can cut one cloth into exactly two smaller rectangular pieces horizontally or vertically, and ask you to use this machine to cut the original huge cloth into pieces appeared
in the list. Girls wish to get the highest profit from the small pieces after cutting, so you need to find out a best cutting strategy. You are free to make as many scarves of a given style as you wish, or none if desired. Of course, the girls do not require
you to use all the cloth.
The first line of input consists of an integer T, indicating the number of test cases.

The first line of each case consists of three integers N, X, Y, N indicating there are N kinds of rectangular that you can cut in and made to scarves; X, Y indicating the dimension of the original cloth. The next N lines, each line consists of two integers,
xi, yi, ci, indicating the dimension and the price of the ith rectangular piece cloth you can cut in.
Output the maximum sum of prices that you can get on a single line for each case.


0 < T <= 20

0 <= N <= 10; 0 < X, Y <= 1000

0 < xi <= X; 0 < yi <= Y; 0 <= ci <= 1000
Sample Input
2 4 4
2 2 2
3 3 9
Sample Output



题目的意思就是要我们能够剪的最大价值,所以设立 dp[i][j]:长为i宽为j的矩形布的最大价值;

由于剪成矩形有两种情况能够剪,(能够參看上面的博客),一种直接是依照长来剪,还能够依照宽来剪。剪了之后,一块矩形的布可能就不是一个矩形了,我们就把它分成三块来算,分成3个小矩形。我们要求的就是这三个小矩形的面积之和;设立 要剪去的矩形的长为x,宽为y。(图片直接是上面的博客里面的)








#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct bag
int x,y,value;
bag bag[10];
int dp[1001][1001];
int main()
int t,n,x,y,i,j,k;
if(i>=bag[k].x && j>=bag[k].y)//第一种剪法;
if(i>=bag[k].y && j>=bag[k].x)//另外一种剪法;
return 0;

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