


Attack on Titans

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Over centuries ago, mankind faced a new enemy, the Titans. The difference of power between mankind and their newfound enemy was overwhelming. Soon, mankind was driven to the brink of extinction. Luckily, the surviving humans managed to build three walls: Wall Maria, Wall Rose and Wall Sina. Owing to the protection of the walls, they lived in peace for more than one hundred years.

But not for long, a colossal Titan appeared out of nowhere. Instantly, the walls were shattered, along with the illusory peace of everyday life. Wall Maria was abandoned and human activity was pushed back to Wall Rose. Then mankind began to realize, hiding
behind the walls equaled to death and they should manage an attack on the Titans.

So, Captain Levi, the strongest ever human being, was ordered to set up a special operation squad of N people, numbered from 1 to N. Each number should be assigned to a soldier. There are three corps that the soldiers come from: the Garrison, the Recon Corp
and the Military Police. While members of the Garrison are stationed at the walls and defend the cities, the Recon Corps put their lives on the line and fight the Titans in their own territory. And Military Police serve the King by controlling the crowds and
protecting order. In order to make the team more powerful, Levi will take advantage of the differences between the corps and some conditions must be met.

The Garrisons are good at team work, so Levi wants there to be at least M Garrison members assigned with continuous numbers. On the other hand, members of the Recon Corp are all elite forces of mankind. There should be no more than K Recon Corp members assigned
with continuous numbers, which is redundant. Assume there is unlimited amount of members in each corp, Levi wants to know how many ways there are to arrange the special operation squad.


There are multiple test cases. For each case, there is a line containing 3 integers N (0 < N < 1000000), M (0 < M < 10000) and K (0 < K < 10000), separated by spaces.


One line for each case, you should output the number of ways mod 1000000007.

Sample Input

3 2 2

Sample Output


至少m个连续G士兵=至多n个连续G士兵-至多m-1个连续G士兵 准备一个数组,纵行代表处理到第几位放哪个士兵的方案数,横行代表这三个兵种各自的方案数
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const ll maxn=10e6+;
ll a[maxn][];//定义一个数组,a[i][1]代表第i位选的总方案数G士兵,
ll n,m,k;//最少m个连续G,最多k个连续R
ll mod=;//定义模,题目要求取模
ll solve(ll u,ll v)//准备一个函数算方案
if(u==) a[][]=; else a[][]=;//为G士兵赋初始值,要考虑当连续的要求为0的情况
if(v==) a[][]=;else a[][]=;//v和u差不多
for(ll i=;i<=n;i++)//枚举每一个位置,从2到n
if(i<=u) a[i][]=(a[i-][]+a[i-][]+a[i-][])%mod;
else if(i==u+) a[i][]=(a[i-][]+a[i-][]+a[i-][]-)%mod;
else a[i][]=(a[i-][]+a[i-][]+a[i-][]-a[i-u-][]-a[i-u-][])%mod; if(i<=v) a[i][]=(a[i-][]+a[i-][]+a[i-][])%mod;
else if(i==v+) a[i][]=(a[i-][]+a[i-][]+a[i-][]-)%mod;
else a[i][]=(a[i-][]+a[i-][]+a[i-][]-a[i-u-][]-a[i-u-][])%mod;
return (a[n][]+a[n][]+a[n][])%mod;//把方案数return出去 } int main()
//最多n个连续G,最多k个连续R --减去-- 最少m-1个连续G,最多k个连续R
return ;

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