烟雾检测笔记1--《Video-based smoke detection with histogram sequence of LBP and LBPV pyramids》解析、实现
基于HEP(histograms of equivalent patterns【1】)框架下的特征具有良好的纹理分类效果,LBP(local binary patterns【2】)属于HEP框架下最常用的特征,具有对亮度、旋转等良好的不变特性。在基于分块的视频烟雾检测中,常使用其作为纹理分类的特征。然而,分块的图像具有局部性。这篇文章主要提出使用图像金字塔的方法让提取的烟雾块特征具有一定的全局属性。它将待检测烟雾块构成3级的金字塔,再对金字塔每一级提取不同模式的LBP特征,构成一个直方图序列作为特征向量,最后采用神经网络分类。
共三级金字塔,I0,I1,I2,I0为输入图像,I0通过高斯低通滤波(Gaussian low pass filter, LPF),然后下采样得到I1(采样大小2),同样由I1得到I2,如图:
feature_t get_pyramid_feature(cv::Mat & img)
assert((img.dims == 2) && (img.rows == 96) && (img.cols == 96));
feature_t result, lbp0, lbp1, lbp2, lbpv0, lbpv1, lbpv2;
cv::Mat I0, I1, I2, L0, S0, L1; I0 = img(cv::Rect(36, 36, 24, 24)).clone();
cv::GaussianBlur(img, L0, cv::Size(3,3), 0);
cv::resize(L0, S0, cv::Size(48, 48));
I1 = S0(cv::Rect(12, 12, 24, 24)).clone();
cv::GaussianBlur(S0, L1, cv::Size(3,3), 0);
cv::resize(L1, I2, cv::Size(24, 24)); lbp0 = get_u_lbp_gray(I0);
lbp1 = get_ri_lbp_gray(I1);
lbp2 = get_riu_lbp_gray(I2);
lbpv0 = get_u_lbpv_gray(I0);
lbpv1 = get_ri_lbpv_gray(I1);
lbpv2 = get_riu_lbpv_gray(I2); std::copy(lbp0.begin(), lbp0.end(), result.begin());
std::copy(lbpv0.begin(), lbpv0.end(), result.begin()+59);
std::copy(lbp1.begin(), lbp1.end(), result.begin()+118);
std::copy(lbpv1.begin(), lbpv1.end(), result.begin()+154);
std::copy(lbp2.begin(), lbp2.end(), result.begin()+190);
std::copy(lbpv2.begin(), lbpv2.end(), result.begin()+200);
return result;
void mlp_train(std::vector<feature_t> & train_x, std::vector<int> & train_y, std::vector<feature_t> & test_x, std::vector<int> & test_y, const char * weights_file, int iter_num = 20)
const int num_input = train_x[0].size();
const int num_hidden_units = 30;
int num_units[] = { num_input, num_hidden_units, 2 };
auto nn = make_mlp<mse, gradient_descent_levenberg_marquardt, tan_h>(num_units, num_units + 3); //train mlp
nn.optimizer().alpha = 0.005;
boost::progress_display disp(train_x.size());
boost::timer t;
// create callback
auto on_enumerate_epoch = [&](){
std::cout << t.elapsed() << "s elapsed." << std::endl;
tiny_cnn::result res = nn.test(test_x, test_y);
std::cout << nn.optimizer().alpha << "," << res.num_success << "/" << res.num_total << std::endl;
nn.optimizer().alpha *= 0.85; // decay learning rate
nn.optimizer().alpha = std::max(0.00001, nn.optimizer().alpha);
auto on_enumerate_data = [&](){
}; nn.train(train_x, train_y, 1, iter_num, on_enumerate_data, on_enumerate_epoch);
nn.test(test_x, test_y).print_detail(std::cout);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Rect>> make_image_blocks(const cv::Mat &in, const int iWD)
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Rect>> result;
std::vector<cv::Rect> level0, level1, level2;
int rows = in.rows;
int cols = in.cols;
int rows_level1 = rows / 2;
int cols_level1 = cols / 2;
int rows_level2 = rows / 4;
int cols_level2 = cols / 4;
int left, top, right, bottom;
for(int i = 0; i <= rows - iWD; i += iWD)
for(int j = 0; j <= cols - iWD; j += iWD)
level0.push_back(cv::Rect(j, i, iWD, iWD));
left = std::max(j/2-6,0);
top = std::max(i/2-6,0);
right = std::min(j/2+18, cols_level1);
bottom = std::min(i/2+18, rows_level1);
level1.push_back(cv::Rect(left, top, right-left, bottom-top));
left = std::max(j/4-9,0);
top = std::max(i/4-9,0);
right = std::min(j/4+15, cols_level2);
bottom = std::min(i/4+15, rows_level2);
level2.push_back(cv::Rect(left, top, right-left, bottom-top));
return result;
template<typename NN>
std::vector<int> single_image_smoke_detect(const cv::Mat & img, const std::vector<std::vector<cv::Rect>> & locate_list, const std::vector<int> smoke_block, NN & nn)
std::vector<int> result;
cv::Mat I1, I2, L0, L1;
cv::GaussianBlur(img, L0, cv::Size(3,3), 0);
cv::resize(L0, I1, cv::Size(img.cols/2, img.rows/2));
cv::GaussianBlur(I1, L1, cv::Size(3,3), 0);
cv::resize(L1, I2, cv::Size(I1.cols/2, I1.rows/2)); for(auto i : smoke_block)
cv::Mat block = img(locate_list[0][i]);
auto lbp0 = get_u_lbp_gray(block);
auto lbpv0 = get_u_lbpv_gray(block);
block = I1(locate_list[1][i]);
auto lbp1 = get_ri_lbp_gray(block);
auto lbpv1 = get_ri_lbpv_gray(block);
block = I2(locate_list[2][i]);
auto lbp2 = get_riu_lbp_gray(block);
auto lbpv2 = get_riu_lbpv_gray(block); feature_t feat;
std::copy(lbp0.begin(), lbp0.end(), feat.begin());
std::copy(lbpv0.begin(), lbpv0.end(), feat.begin()+59);
std::copy(lbp1.begin(), lbp1.end(), feat.begin()+118);
std::copy(lbpv1.begin(), lbpv1.end(), feat.begin()+154);
std::copy(lbp2.begin(), lbp2.end(), feat.begin()+190);
std::copy(lbpv2.begin(), lbpv2.end(), feat.begin()+200); vec_t y;
nn.predict(feat, &y);
const int predicted = max_index(y);
if(predicted == 1)
return result;
smoke_blocks = single_image_smoke_detect(gray_img, locate_list, smoke_blocks, nn);
auto merged_blocks = merge_blocks(smoke_blocks, gray_img.size(), 24);
for(auto rect : merged_blocks)
cv::rectangle(img, rect, cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
} cv::imshow("smoke", img);
【1】 Texture description through histograms of equivalent patterns
【2】 Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns
【3】 http://blog.csdn.net/zouxy09/article/details/7929531
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