About - Adultism

About Adultism and why things ar the way they are

In this page we will try to clarify what our site is and explain some of our recent decisions you may be wondering about.

Our goals and how we are different

We strive to be the biggest amateur adult community and to provide best possible user experience. Our goals can be listed in this order:

  • Respect user's privacy. We understand that your submitted content is very personal and we do respect that. You have full control over your content when you upload it to Adultism.
  • Keep the site simple, fast and clean. Because all other adult sites are trying to fuck you by giving you misleading promisses, forcing you to download their viruses and only focusing on making as much money as possible in the shortest period of time.
  • Have little or no advertising. This will be covered in more detail later in this page.
  • Respect the uploader. No matter what you upload, we admire the courage it takes for you to go public with your pics and videos. People who upload are our first priority. Without you, our site could not exist.

How we make money

Simple answer: we don't. We have been funding this site from our own money for about 10 years. In 2011 we introduced paid memberships, which helped to cover our hosting bills, however we were still going negative for a long time. Right now all the money we make is invested back into Adultism. We want to have the best possible site and until we achieve this, we are not planning to make money.

Why no advertising

Again, very simple answer:

  1. It sucks for the user. Adult ads make the site slow, they may contain viruses or other malware and they are misleading a lot of times. We just don't like to give this to our users.
  2. They make no money anyway. We have tried to make it work for a year or so... our site became a banner farm and we still had to pay the bills from our own pockets. Our server bills were still way bigger than income from the advertising.

So how is it going to work?

We have developed a plan that is very easy to follow for us and our visitors:

  • We will keep inexpensive features free.
  • We will charge for features that are most expensive to us.

It's a very simple plan. I am sure a lot of you will not like it, but we can't keep funding this from our own money forever.

Yes, this means that movies will be accessible to gold members only. But read on:

How is it going to be for the old time members?

We decided that once we give something for free, it has to stay free. All existing members (at the time of this writing, around 300 thousand) will not see any changes. They will get access

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