最短路 + 最大流 , 没什么好说的...

因为long long WA 了两次....


#define rep( i , n ) for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i )
#define clr( x , c ) memset( x , c , sizeof( x ) )
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const ll INF = ( ll ) 1 << 60;
const int maxn = 1000 + 5;
struct edge {
int to;
ll cap;
edge *next , *rev;
edge* pt;
edge* head[ maxn ];
edge EDGE[ maxn * maxn ];
void init() {
pt = EDGE;
clr( head , 0 );
inline void add( int u , int v , ll d ) {
pt -> to = v;
pt -> cap = d;
pt -> next = head[ u ];
head[ u ] = pt++;
#define addEdge( u , v , d ) add( u , v , d ) , add( v , u , d )
inline void add_edge( int u , int v , ll d ) {
add( u , v , d );
add( v , u , 0 );
head[ u ] -> rev = head[ v ];
head[ v ] -> rev = head[ u ];
ll d[ maxn ];
void dijkstra( int n ) {
rep( i , n ) d[ i ] = INF;
d[ 0 ] = 0;
priority_queue< pair< ll , int > > Q;
Q.push( make_pair( 0 , 0 ) );
while( ! Q.empty() ) {
pair< ll , int > o = Q.top();
int x = o.second;
ll dist = o.first;
if( dist != d[ x ] ) continue;
for( edge* e = head[ x ] ; e ; e = e -> next ) if( d[ e -> to ] > d[ x ] + e -> cap ) {
d[ e -> to ] = d[ x ] + e -> cap;
Q.push( make_pair( d[ e -> to ] , e -> to ) );
edge *p[ maxn ] , *cur[ maxn ];
int cnt[ maxn ] , h[ maxn ];
ll maxFlow( int S , int T , int N ) {
clr( cnt , 0 );
cnt[ S ] = N;
clr( h , 0 );
ll flow = 0 , A = INF;
int x = S;
edge* e;
while( h[ S ] < N ) {
for( e = head[ x ] ; e ; e = e -> next )
   if( h[ e -> to ] + 1 == h[ x ] && e -> cap > 0 ) break;
if( e ) {
p[ e -> to ] = cur[ x ] = e;
A = min( A , e -> cap );
x = e -> to;
if( x == T ) {
while( x != S ) {
p[ x ] -> cap -= A;
p[ x ] -> rev -> cap += A;
x = p[ x ] -> rev -> to;
flow += A;
A = INF;
} else {
if( ! --cnt[ h[ x ] ] ) break;
h[ x ] = N;
for( e = head[ x ] ; e ; e = e -> next ) if( e -> cap > 0 && h[ e -> to ] + 1 < h[ x ] ) {
h[ x ] = h[ e -> to ] + 1;
cur[ x ] = e;
cnt[ h[ x ] ]++;
if( x != S ) x = p[ x ] -> rev -> to;
return flow;
vector< int > U , V;
int main() {
int n , m;
cin >> n >> m;
while( m-- ) {
int u , v , d;
scanf( "%d%d%d" , &u , &v , &d );
u-- , v--;
addEdge( u , v , d );
dijkstra( n );
rep( i , n )
for( edge* e = head[ i ] ; e ; e = e -> next ) 
   if(d[ e -> to ] == d[ i ] + e -> cap )
       U.push_back( i + n ) , V.push_back( e -> to );
rep( i , n ) {
int v;
scanf( "%d" , &v );
i && i != n - 1 ? add_edge( i , i + n , v ) : add_edge( i , i + n , INF );
rep( i , V.size() )
   add_edge( U[ i ] , V[ i ] , INF );
cout << maxFlow( 0 , n * 2 - 1 , n * 2 ) << "\n";
return 0;


3931: [CQOI2015]网络吞吐量

Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 512 MB
Submit: 585  Solved: 253




输入文件第一行包含两个空格分开的正整数n和m,分别表示路由器数量和链路的数量。网络中的路由器使用1到n编号。接下来m行,每行包含三个空格分开的正整数a、b和d,表示从路由器a到路由器b存在一条距离为d的双向链路。 接下来n行,每行包含一个正整数c,分别给出每一个路由器的吞吐量。



Sample Input

7 10
1 2 2
1 5 2
2 4 1
2 3 3
3 7 1
4 5 4
4 3 1
4 6 1
5 6 2
6 7 1

Sample Output





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