c++ primer plus 习题答案(4)
using namespace std; class Golf{
static const int Len = ;
char fullname[Len];
int handicap;
Golf(char name[Len], int bt);
void showgolf() const;
}; void setgolf(char *name, int extent, int &bt){
cout << "enter a name\n";
cin.get(name, extent);
while (cin.get() != '\n')
cout << "enter a number\n";
cin >> bt;
} Golf::Golf(char name[Len], int bt){
strncpy(fullname, name, Len);
handicap = bt;
} void Golf::showgolf()const{
cout << "fullname is " << fullname << endl
<< "handicap is " << handicap;
} int main(){
Golf one = Golf("asxc", );
int ct;
char name[];
setgolf(name, , ct);
Golf two = Golf(name, ct);
cout << endl;
two.showgolf(); system("pause");
return ;
namespace SALES
class Sales{
enum {QUARTERS=};
double sales[QUARTERS];
double average, max, min;
Sales(const double *ar, int n);
void showsales();
} //方法
using namespace std; SALES::Sales::Sales(){
cout << "enter four number\n";
double sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < QUARTERS; i++){
cin >> sales[i];
sum += sales[i];
average = sum / QUARTERS;
max = sales[];
min = sales[];
for (int i = ; i < QUARTERS; i++){
if (max < sales[i])
max = sales[i];
if (min>sales[i])
min = sales[i];
} SALES::Sales::Sales(const double *ar, int n){
double sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++){
sales[i] = ar[i];
sum += sales[i];
average = sum / QUARTERS;
max = sales[];
min = sales[];
for (int i = ; i < QUARTERS; i++){
if (max < sales[i])
max = sales[i];
if (min>sales[i])
min = sales[i];
} void SALES::Sales::showsales(){
cout << "average is " << average << endl
<< "max is " << max << endl
<< "min is " << min;
} //驱动
using namespace std; int main(){
using namespace SALES;
cout << "enter four number\n";
double ar[];
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
cin >> ar[i];
Sales market1(ar, );
Sales market2;
cout << endl;
market2.showsales(); system("pause");
return ;
#ifndef _STACK_H_
#define _STACK_H_ struct customer{
char fullname[];
double payment;
}; typedef customer Item; class Stack{
Item items[max];
int top;
bool isfull()const;
bool isempty()const;
void push(const Item &);
bool pop(const Item &);
}; #endif //方法
using namespace std; Stack::Stack(){
top = ;
} bool Stack::isfull()const{
if (top == max)
return true;
else return false;
} bool Stack::isempty()const{
if (top == )
return true;
else return false;
} void Stack::push(const Item &temp){
if (isfull())
cout << "the stack has already full\n";
else items[top++] = temp;
} bool Stack::pop(const Item &temp){
if (isempty()){
cout << "the stack has already empty\n";
return false;
else {
items[--top] = temp;
return true;
} //驱动:
using namespace std;
void get_customer(Item &); int main(){
Item temp;
Stack test;
double payments=;
cout << "enter A to push, enter P to pop or"
<<"enter Q to quit\n";
char ch;
while (cin >> ch && (ch != 'Q' && ch != 'q')){
while (cin.get() != '\n')
switch (ch){
case 'A':
case 'a':
case 'P':
case 'p':
if (test.pop(temp))
payments += temp.payment;
cout << "now total payments is " <<
payments << endl;
cout << "please enter A/P or Q\n";
cout << "enter A to push, enter P to pop or"
<< "enter Q to quit\n";
return ;
} void get_customer(Item &temp){
cout << "enter a line\n";
cin.getline(temp.fullname, );
cout << "enter a number\n";
cin >> temp.payment;
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