Customizing Zend Studio Using the Welcome Page

Zend Studio enables you to add or remove plugins from your product according to your preferences, allowing you to develop in a lighter and faster environment.

Installing Plugins

To add plugins in Zend Studio:

  1. From the Menu-bar, select Help | Welcome to open the Zend Studio Welcome page.

  1. From the plugin list on the right, select the plugin you wish to add by marking the adjacent check-box, and click Apply changes.

  1. When prompted, click Restart Now.
    Zend Studio restarts with the plugins you selected installed.


If you do not restart Zend Studio, the changes will not be applied.

Creating a new project that necessitates the installation of a plugin, without this plugin having been installed beforehand, will automatically prompt you to begin the installation process of that specific plugin.

Uninstalling Plugins

To remove plugins from Zend Studio:

  1. From the Menu-bar, select Help | Welcome to open the Zend Studio Welcome page.

  1. Unmark the plugin you wish to remove, and click Apply changes.

  2. When prompted, click Restart Now.
    Zend Studio restarts with the plugin uninstalled.

At any stage prior to applying changes and restarting Zend Studio, clicking on Restore will revert to current settings.

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