
思路分析:结点向左边移动时结点(a, b)变为( a+b, b),向右边移动时( a, b )变为( a, a + b); 为求最短路径<a1, a2, a3,...,an>,

考虑从已经知道的结点(a, b)开始找出最短路径回到根节点(1, 1),即向左移动次数和向右移动次数最少回到根节点,由贪心算法,

若 a>b 时,a 减少最大即减去 b,若 a < b,b 减少最大即减去a值,循环直到到达根节点(1, 1)。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std; int main()
int n; scanf( "%d", &n );
for ( int i = ; i < n; ++i )
int a, b;
int l, r; scanf("%d %d", &a, &b );
l = r = ;
while( a != || b!= )
if ( a == )
r += b - a;
b = ;
if ( b == )
l += a - ;
a = ;
if ( a > b )
l += a / b;
a -= b * ( a / b );
if ( a < b )
r += b / a;
b -= a *( b / a );
} printf( "Scenario #%d:\n%d %d\n\n", i + , l, r );
} return ;

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