Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions:6633   Accepted: 2834


Polygon is a game for one player that starts on a polygon with N vertices, like the one in Figure 1, where N=4. Each vertex is labelled with an integer and each edge is labelled with either the symbol + (addition) or the symbol * (product). The edges are numbered from 1 to N. 

On the first move, one of the edges is removed. Subsequent moves involve the following steps: 
�pick an edge E and the two vertices V1 and V2 that are linked by E; and 
�replace them by a new vertex, labelled with the result of performing the operation indicated in E on the labels of V1 and V2. 
The game ends when there are no more edges, and its score is the label of the single vertex remaining.

Consider the polygon of Figure 1. The player started by removing edge 3. After that, the player picked edge 1, then edge 4, and, finally, edge 2. The score is 0. 

Write a program that, given a polygon, computes the highest possible score and lists all the edges that, if removed on the first move, can lead to a game with that score. 


Your program is to read from standard input. The input describes a polygon with N vertices. It contains two lines. On the first line is the number N. The second line contains the labels of edges 1, ..., N, interleaved with the vertices' labels (first that of the vertex between edges 1 and 2, then that of the vertex between edges 2 and 3, and so on, until that of the vertex between edges N and 1), all separated by one space. An edge label is either the letter t (representing +) or the letter x (representing *).

3 <= N <= 50 
For any sequence of moves, vertex labels are in the range [-32768,32767]. 


Your program is to write to standard output. On the first line your program must write the highest score one can get for the input polygon. On the second line it must write the list of all edges that, if removed on the first move, can lead to a game with that score. Edges must be written in increasing order, separated by one space.

Sample Input

t -7 t 4 x 2 x 5

Sample Output

1 2



给一个n个顶点n条边的多边形,顶点上有一个整数值,边上有一个字符表示+ 或者 *。首先删除一条边,然后每次对两个顶点进行合并,用一个顶点代替这两个顶点,顶点的值是这两个顶点运算的结果,运算符为连接这两个顶点的边。最后只剩下一个顶点,问这个顶点最大值会是多少,以及得到这个结果的删边方法。






 //#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include<map> #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; int n;
const int maxn = ;
int num[maxn * ];
char op[maxn * ];
int dp[maxn * ][maxn * ][]; int main()
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF){ for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
scanf(" %c %d", &op[i], &num[i]);
for(int i = n + ; i <= * n; i++){
op[i] = op[i - n];
num[i] = num[i - n];
for(int i = ; i <= n * ; i++){
dp[i][i][] = dp[i][i][] = num[i];
for(int j = i + ; j <= * n; j++){
dp[i][j][] = -inf;
dp[i][j][] = inf;
} for(int len = ; len <= n; len++){
for(int l = ; l <= * n - len + ; l++){
int r = l + len - ;
for(int k = l; k < r; k++){ int res1, res2;
if(op[k + ] == 't'){
res1 = dp[l][k][] + dp[k + ][r][];
res2 = dp[l][k][] + dp[k + ][r][];
res1 = dp[l][k][] * dp[k + ][r][];
res2 = dp[l][k][] * dp[k + ][r][];
dp[l][r][] = max(dp[l][r][], dp[l][k][] * dp[k + ][r][]);
dp[l][r][] = min(dp[l][r][], dp[l][k][] * dp[k + ][r][]);
dp[l][r][] = min(dp[l][r][], dp[l][k][] * dp[k + ][r][]);
dp[l][r][] = max(dp[l][r][], res1);
dp[l][r][] = min(dp[l][r][], res2);
} int ans = -inf;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
ans = max(dp[i][i + n - ][], ans);
printf("%d\n", ans);
bool flag = false;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
if(dp[i][i + n - ][] != ans)continue;
printf(" ");
flag = true;
printf("%d", i);
return ;

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