About Class Loading

Class loading, within the plethora of environments that Ehcache can be running, could be complex. But with Ehcache, all class loading is done in a standard way in one utility class: ClassLoaderUtil.

Plugin Class Loading

Ehcache allows plugins for events and distribution. These are loaded and created as follows:

* Creates a new class instance. Logs errors along the way. Classes are loaded
* using the Ehcache standard classloader.
* @param className a fully qualified class name
* @return null if the instance cannot be loaded
public static Object createNewInstance(String className) throws CacheException {
Class clazz;
Object newInstance;
try {
  clazz = Class.forName(className, true, getStandardClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  //try fallback
   try {
   clazz = Class.forName(className, true, getFallbackClassLoader());
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
   throw new CacheException("Unable to load class " + className +
". Initial cause was " + e.getMessage(), e);
try {
  newInstance = clazz.newInstance();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
  throw new CacheException("Unable to load class " + className +
". Initial cause was " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
  throw new CacheException("Unable to load class " + className +
". Initial cause was " + e.getMessage(), e);
return newInstance;
* Gets the ClassLoader that all classes in ehcache, and extensions,
* should use for classloading. All ClassLoading in Ehcache should use this
* one. This is the only thing that seems to work for all of the class
* loading situations found in the wild.
* @return the thread context class loader.
public static ClassLoader getStandardClassLoader() {
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
* Gets a fallback ClassLoader that all classes in ehcache, and
* extensions, should use for classloading. This is used if the
* context class loader does not work.
* @return the ClassLoaderUtil.class.getClassLoader(); */
public static ClassLoader getFallbackClassLoader() {
return ClassLoaderUtil.class.getClassLoader();

If this does not work for some reason, a CacheException is thrown with a detailed error message.

Loading of ehcache.xml Resources

If the configuration is otherwise unspecified, Ehcache looks for a configuration in the following order:

  • Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("/ehcache.xml")
  • ConfigurationFactory.class.getResource("/ehcache.xml")
  • ConfigurationFactory.class.getResource("/ehcache-failsafe.xml")

Ehcache uses the first configuration found. Note the use of “/ehcache.xml”, which requires that ehcache.xml be placed at the root of the classpath (i.e., not in any package).

Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Class Loading的更多相关文章

  1. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Key Classes and Methods

    About the Key Classes Ehcache consists of a CacheManager, which manages logical data sets represente ...

  2. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Write-Through and Write-Behind Caches

    About Write-Through and Write-Behind Caches Write-through caching is a caching pattern where writes ...

  3. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Cache Eviction Algorithms

    About Cache Eviction Algorithms A cache eviction algorithm is a way of deciding which element to evi ...

  4. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Basic Caching

    Creating a CacheManager All usages of the Ehcache API start with the creation of a CacheManager. The ...

  5. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Cache Usage Patterns

    There are several common access patterns when using a cache. Ehcache supports the following patterns ...

  6. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Searching a Cache

    About Searching The Search API allows you to execute arbitrarily complex queries against caches. The ...

  7. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Using Explicit Locking

    About Explicit Locking Ehcache contains an implementation which provides for explicit locking, using ...

  8. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Transaction Support

    About Transaction Support Transactions are supported in versions of Ehcache 2.0 and higher. The 2.3. ...

  9. Ehcache(2.9.x) - API Developer Guide, Blocking and Self Populating Caches

    About Blocking and Self-Populating Caches The net.sf.ehcache.constructs package contains some applie ...


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