DataTable dtUser = GetEmptyDT(); Dictionary<DirectoryEntry, string> test1 = GetUserAndGroup(clsConst.enumADName.AD_1); foreach (DirectoryEntry deUser in test1.Keys)
string groupname = test1[deUser];
string sAMAccountName = GetProperty(deUser, "sAMAccountName");
string mail = GetProperty(deUser, "mail");
string department = GetProperty(deUser, "Department");
string displayName = GetProperty(deUser, "displayName");
string givenName = GetProperty(deUser, "givenName");
string sn = GetProperty(deUser, "sn"); DataRow dr = dtUser.NewRow();
dr["ADName"] = clsConst.enumADName.AD_1;
dr["GroupName"] = groupname;
dr["LoginName"] = sAMAccountName;
dr["Department"] = department;
dr["MailAddress"] = mail;
dr["DisplayName"] = displayName;
dr["FirstName"] = givenName;
dr["LastName"] = sn;
} ExportLog(dtUser, "UserInformation_log", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserInformationPath"]); public static Dictionary<DirectoryEntry, string> GetUserAndGroup(string ADName)
string[] GroupName = { string.Empty };
string path = string.Empty;
string username = string.Empty;
string password = string.Empty;
if (ADName.Equals(clsConst.enumADName.AD_1))
path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["1Path"];
username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["1UserName"];
password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["1Password"];
GroupName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["1Groups"].Split(',');
if (ADName.Equals(clsConst.enumADName.AD_2))
path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["2Path"];
username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["2UserName"];
password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["2Password"];
GroupName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["2Groups"].Split(',');
if (ADName.Equals(clsConst.enumADName.AD_3))
path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["3Path"];
username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["3UserName"];
password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["3Password"];
GroupName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["3Groups"].Split(',');
} List<SearchResult> results = new List<SearchResult>();
DirectoryEntry de = GetDirectoryObject(ADName); DirectorySearcher deSearch = new DirectorySearcher(); deSearch.SearchRoot = de;
string strFilter = string.Empty;
if (GroupName.Length <= )
return null;
strFilter = "(&(objectClass=group){0}(cn=" + GroupName[] + "){1})";
string s1 = string.Empty;
string s2 = string.Empty;
if (GroupName.Length > )
s1 = "(|";
for (int i = ; i < GroupName.Length; i++)
s2 += "(cn=" + GroupName[i] + ")";
s2 += ")";
strFilter = string.Format(strFilter, s1, s2); deSearch.Filter = strFilter;
deSearch.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
SearchResultCollection searchResults = deSearch.FindAll(); Dictionary<DirectoryEntry, string> groupAndUser = new Dictionary<DirectoryEntry, string>(); List<string> dnstr = new List<string>();
foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResults)
{ DirectoryEntry deGroup = new DirectoryEntry(searchResult.Path, username, password, AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection pcoll = deGroup.Properties;
int n = pcoll["member"].Count; for (int l = ; l < n; l++)
DirectoryEntry deUser = new DirectoryEntry(path + "/" + pcoll["member"][l].ToString(), username, password, AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
string dn = deUser.Properties["distinguishedName"][].ToString();
if (!dnstr.Contains(dn))
} }
return groupAndUser;
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