1. Query Operators
viewsCount: {$get: 1000, $lte: 3000}
}, {_id: 0, viewsCount: 1, title: 1}) // $in
categories: {$in: ['ios']}
}, {categories: 1}) //$where
$where: function(){
return this.categories.length>15
}, {categories: 1, title: 1}) //see how many categories from previous query:
$where: function(){
return this.categories.length>15
}, {categories: 1, title: 1})[0].categories.length


2. Update
var d = db.posts.findOne();
//change the author email:
d.author.email = "new@new.com"
//update the database
db.post.update({_id: d._id}, d); //update mutli-document
db.posts.update({viewsCount: {$gt: 3000}}, {$set: {newKey: true}}, {multi:true}) //add new key, set mutli

Performance and indexes:

3. Performance and indexes
//create the data
var num = 5000000,
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < num; i ++){
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
} db.number.find({number: {$gt: 1000, $lt: 3000}, {_id: 0, number: 1}}).explain(); //it scan all the doucment, took 3500ms //add index:
db.numbers.ensureIndex({number: 1});
//took 1046 ms, scan 1m instead of 5m


4. $group
*/ //sum up the viewCount, rename the result as 'totalViewsCount'
$group: {
totalViewsCount: {$sum: '$viewsCount'}
}) //adding 1 for each document
$group: {
totalNumberOfDocuments: {$sum: 1}
}) // =

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