#include <iostream>
using namespace std; template <typename T>
class MyVector
{ friend ostream & operator<< <T>(ostream &out, const MyVector &obj);
MyVector(int size = ); //构造函数
MyVector(const MyVector &obj); // 拷贝构造函数
~MyVector(); //析构函数 public: T& operator[] (int index);//返回引用
// a3 = a2 = a1;
MyVector &operator=(const MyVector &obj); public:
int getLen()
return m_len;
} protected:
T *m_space;
int m_len;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "MyVector.h" template <typename T>
ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const MyVector<T> &obj)
for (int i=; i<obj.m_len; i++)
out << obj.m_space[i] << " ";
//out << t1;
out << endl;
return out;
} //MyVector<int> myv1(10);
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(int size) //构造函数
m_space = new T[size];
m_len = size;
} //MyVector<int> myv2 = myv1;
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(const MyVector &obj) // 拷贝构造函数
m_len = obj.m_len;
m_space = new T[m_len]; //copy数据
for (int i=; i<m_len; i++)
m_space[i] = obj.m_space[i];
} } template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::~MyVector() //析构函数
if (m_space != NULL)
delete [] m_space;
m_space = NULL;
m_len = ;
} template <typename T>
T& MyVector<T>::operator[] (int index)
return m_space[index];
} // a3 = a2 = a1;
template <typename T>
MyVector<T> & MyVector<T>::operator=(const MyVector<T> &obj)
//先把a2的旧的内存释放掉 if (m_space != NULL)
delete[] m_space;
m_space = NULL;
m_len = ;
} //根据a1分配内存
m_len = obj.m_len;
m_space = new T[m_len]; //copy数据
for (int i=; i<m_len; i++)
m_space[i] = obj[i];
return *this; // a2 = a1; 返回给a2 的自身
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; #include "MyVector.cpp" //1 优化Teacher类, 属性变成 char *panme, 购置函数里面 分配内存
//2 优化Teacher类,析构函数 释放panme指向的内存空间
//3 优化Teacher类,避免浅拷贝 重载= 重写拷贝构造函数
//4 优化Teacher类,在Teacher增加 <<
//5 在模板数组类中,存int char Teacher Teacher*(指针类型) //=====>stl 容器的概念 class Teacher
age = ;
strcpy(name, "");
} Teacher(char *name, int age)
this->age = age;
strcpy(this->name, name);
void printT()
cout << name << ", " << age << endl;
int age;
//char name[32];
char *pName2;
}; void main()
Teacher t1("t1", ), t2("t2", ), t3("t3", ), t4("t4", ); MyVector<Teacher> tArray(); tArray[] = t1;
tArray[] = t2;
tArray[] = t3;
tArray[] = t4; for (int i=; i<; i++)
Teacher tmp = tArray[i];
cout << tArray; system("pause");
void main02()
MyVector<char> myv1();
myv1[] = 'a';
myv1[] = 'b';
myv1[] = 'c';
myv1[] = 'd'; cout << myv1; system("pause");
} void main01()
MyVector<int> myv1(); for (int i=; i<myv1.getLen(); i++)
myv1[i] = i+;
cout << myv1[i] << " ";
cout << endl; MyVector<int> myv2 = myv1;
for (int i=; i<myv2.getLen(); i++)
cout << myv2[i] << " ";
} cout << myv2 << endl; cout<<"hello..."<<endl;
return ;

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