Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile("/a.js", function() {
console.log('hello loadScriptFile callback'); }, undefined, true

//you can load script from local

//and also, you can load script from remote server

//for example,you can load a jquery lib from jquery CDN

Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile("http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.js", function() {
console.log('hello loadScriptFile callback'); }, undefined, true
//you now can use jquery functions
//above will error,you can't use $ at this place this moment, because the Loader loading files async,your code is not loaded just now
// you can try
Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile("http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.js", function() {
console.log('hello loadScriptFile callback');
//once your script load successfully, you can use your functions from the new imported lib
}, undefined, true

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