
npm install --save easemob-websdk
import WebIM from 'easemob-websdk'

以下是最开始版本 环信不适配所写


使用时请仔细检查域名与host 是否是HTTP/HHTPS协议

// Step1、安装 easemob-websdk

// npm install --save easemob-websdk

// Step2、安装 strophe.js    underscore    crypto-js

// npm install --save strophe.js underscore crypto-js

Update 2019-6-19  更新  使用 hx-websdk

npm install --save hx-websdk

Step3、使用 新建一个webim.js

import store from '@/store'
// window.Strophe = require('strophe.js').Strophe // 务必在前面引入
// let WebIM = require('easemob-websdk')
let WebIM = require('hx-websdk') // 使用hx-websdk集成 直接使用 WebIM.config = {
* XMPP server
xmppURL: 'im-api.easemob.com',
* Backend REST API URL
apiURL: (location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//a1.easemob.com',
* Application AppKey
appkey: '你公司的环信AppKey', /*
* Whether to use wss
* @parameter {Boolean} true or false
https: false,
* isMultiLoginSessions
* true: A visitor can sign in to multiple webpages and receive messages at all the webpages.
* false: A visitor can sign in to only one webpage and receive messages at the webpage.
isMultiLoginSessions: false,
* set presence after login
isAutoLogin: true,
* Whether to use window.doQuery()
* @parameter {Boolean} true or false
isWindowSDK: false,
* isSandBox=true: xmppURL: 'im-api-sandbox.easemob.com', apiURL: '//a1-sdb.easemob.com',
* isSandBox=false: xmppURL: 'im-api.easemob.com', apiURL: '//a1.easemob.com',
* @parameter {Boolean} true or false
isSandBox: false,
* Whether to console.log in strophe.log()
* @parameter {Boolean} true or false
isDebug: true,
* will auto connect the xmpp server autoReconnectNumMax times in background when client is offline.
* won't auto connect if autoReconnectNumMax=0.
autoReconnectNumMax: 2,
* the interval seconds between each auto reconnectting.
* works only if autoReconnectMaxNum >= 2.
autoReconnectInterval: 2,
* webrtc supports WebKit and https only
isWebRTC: (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) || /WebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent)) && /^https:$/.test(window.location.protocol),
* after login, send empty message to xmpp server like heartBeat every 45s, to keep the ws connection alive.
heartBeatWait: 4500,
* while http access,use ip directly,instead of ServerName,avoiding DNS problem.
isHttpDNS: false, /**
* Will show the status of messages in single chat
* msgStatus: true show
* msgStatus: true hide
msgStatus: true, /**
* When a message arrived, the receiver send an ack message to the
* sender, in order to tell the sender the message has delivered.
* See call back function onReceivedMessage
delivery: true, /**
* When a message read, the receiver send an ack message to the
* sender, in order to tell the sender the message has been read.
* See call back function onReadMessage
read: false, /**
* Will encrypt text message and emoji message
* {type:'none'} no encrypt
* {type:'base64'} encrypt with base64
* {type:'aes',mode: 'ebc',key: '123456789easemob',iv: '0000000000000000'} encrypt with aes(ebc)
* {type:'aes',mode: 'cbc',key: '123456789easemob',iv: '0000000000000000'} encrypt with aes(cbc)
encrypt: {
type: 'none'
WebIM.Emoji = {
path: 'images/faces/',
map: {
'[):]': 'ee_1.png',
'[:D]': 'ee_2.png',
'[;)]': 'ee_3.png',
'[:-o]': 'ee_4.png',
'[:p]': 'ee_5.png',
'[(H)]': 'ee_6.png',
'[:@]': 'ee_7.png',
'[:s]': 'ee_8.png',
'[:$]': 'ee_9.png',
'[:(]': 'ee_10.png',
'[:\'(]': 'ee_11.png',
'[:|]': 'ee_12.png',
'[(a)]': 'ee_13.png',
'[8o|]': 'ee_14.png',
'[|]': 'ee_15.png',
'[+o(]': 'ee_16.png',
'[<o)]': 'ee_17.png',
'[|-)]': 'ee_18.png',
'[*-)]': 'ee_19.png',
'[:-#]': 'ee_20.png',
'[:-*]': 'ee_21.png',
'[^o)]': 'ee_22.png',
'[8-)]': 'ee_23.png',
'[(|)]': 'ee_24.png',
'[(u)]': 'ee_25.png',
'[(S)]': 'ee_26.png',
'[(*)]': 'ee_27.png',
'[(#)]': 'ee_28.png',
'[(R)]': 'ee_29.png',
'[({)]': 'ee_30.png',
'[(})]': 'ee_31.png',
'[(k)]': 'ee_32.png',
'[(F)]': 'ee_33.png',
'[(W)]': 'ee_34.png',
'[(D)]': 'ee_35.png'
WebIM.NewEmoji = {
map: ['

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