一. Django基于python3.6使用容联发送短信流程
1.1 调用接口前的准备
- def send_msg(to, datas, tempId):
- # 初始化REST SDK
- rest = REST(serverIP, serverPort, softVersion)
- rest.setAccount(accountSid, accountToken)
- rest.setAppId(appId)
- result = rest.sendTemplateSMS(to, datas, tempId)
- if result.get('statusCode') == '':
- print('发送成功')
- return True
- else:
- print('发送失败')
- return False
1.2 使用容联接口
- # 修改
- from hashlib import md5
- import base64
- import datetime
- # 修改
- from urllib import request as urllib2
- import json
- # 修改
- from .xmltojson import xmltojson
- from xml.dom import minidom
- #生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch;
- md5_obj = md5()
- sig = md5_obj.hexdigest().upper()
- # 仅仅修改其中的auth
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- = body.encode()
- if(int(self.ServerPort)<=0):
- print('');
- print('端口错误(小于等于0)');
- from .sms import send_msg
- import os
- # 以下三行配置django测试环境
- os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', '')
- import django
- django.setup()
- from luffyapi.libs.yuntongxun import send_msg
- # send_msg('接收方手机号',(验证码,过期时间分钟), 模块编号)
- # 模板编号测试环境中只能为1,接收方手机号是我们控制台测试号码中配置的
- # 过期时间客户端收到的是以分钟为单位的,我们通过该值配置redis等非关系型数据库中该验证码的过期时间
- result = send_msg('', ('python', 5), 1)
- print(result)
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- # Copyright (c) 2014 The CCP project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Use of this source code is governed by a Beijing Speedtong Information Technology Co.,Ltd license
- # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the web site.
- #
- #
- #
- # An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- from hashlib import md5
- import base64
- import datetime
- from urllib import request as urllib2
- import json
- from .xmltojson import xmltojson
- class REST:
- AccountSid = ''
- AccountToken = ''
- AppId = ''
- SubAccountSid = ''
- SubAccountToken = ''
- ServerIP = ''
- ServerPort = ''
- SoftVersion = ''
- Iflog = False # 是否打印日志
- Batch = '' # 时间戳
- BodyType = 'xml' # 包体格式,可填值:json 、xml
- # 初始化
- # @param serverIP 必选参数 服务器地址
- # @param serverPort 必选参数 服务器端口
- # @param softVersion 必选参数 REST版本号
- def __init__(self, ServerIP, ServerPort, SoftVersion):
- self.ServerIP = ServerIP
- self.ServerPort = ServerPort
- self.SoftVersion = SoftVersion
- # 设置主帐号
- # @param AccountSid 必选参数 主帐号
- # @param AccountToken 必选参数 主帐号Token
- def setAccount(self, AccountSid, AccountToken):
- self.AccountSid = AccountSid
- self.AccountToken = AccountToken
- # 设置子帐号
- #
- # @param SubAccountSid 必选参数 子帐号
- # @param SubAccountToken 必选参数 子帐号Token
- def setSubAccount(self, SubAccountSid, SubAccountToken):
- self.SubAccountSid = SubAccountSid
- self.SubAccountToken = SubAccountToken
- # 设置应用ID
- #
- # @param AppId 必选参数 应用ID
- def setAppId(self, AppId):
- self.AppId = AppId
- def log(self, url, body, data):
- print('这是请求的URL:')
- print(url)
- print('这是请求包体:')
- print(body)
- print('这是响应包体:')
- print(data)
- print('********************************')
- # 创建子账号
- # @param friendlyName 必选参数 子帐号名称
- def CreateSubAccount(self, friendlyName):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SubAccounts?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # xml格式
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><SubAccount><appId>%s</appId>\
- <friendlyName>%s</friendlyName>\
- </SubAccount>\
- ''' % (self.AppId, friendlyName)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- body = '''{"friendlyName": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (friendlyName, self.AppId)
- data = ''
- = body.encode()
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 获取子帐号
- # @param startNo 可选参数 开始的序号,默认从0开始
- # @param offset 可选参数 一次查询的最大条数,最小是1条,最大是100条
- def getSubAccounts(self, startNo, offset):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/GetSubAccounts?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- # auth = base64.encodestring(src).strip()
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # xml格式
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><SubAccount><appId>%s</appId>\
- <startNo>%s</startNo><offset>%s</offset>\
- </SubAccount>\
- ''' % (self.AppId, startNo, offset)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- body = '''{"appId": "%s", "startNo": "%s", "offset": "%s"}''' % (self.AppId, startNo, offset)
- data = ''
- = body.encode()
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 子帐号信息查询
- # @param friendlyName 必选参数 子帐号名称
- def querySubAccount(self, friendlyName):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/QuerySubAccountByName?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- # auth = base64.encodestring(src).strip()
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><SubAccount><appId>%s</appId>\
- <friendlyName>%s</friendlyName>\
- </SubAccount>\
- ''' % (self.AppId, friendlyName)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- body = '''{"friendlyName": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (friendlyName, self.AppId)
- data = ''
- = body.encode()
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 发送模板短信
- # @param to 必选参数 短信接收彿手机号码集合,用英文逗号分开
- # @param datas 可选参数 内容数据
- # @param tempId 必选参数 模板Id
- def sendTemplateSMS(self, to, datas, tempId):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SMS/TemplateSMS?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- # auth = base64.encodestring(src).strip()
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- b = ''
- for a in datas:
- b += '<data>%s</data>' % (a)
- body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><SubAccount><datas>' + b + '</datas><to>%s</to><templateId>%s</templateId><appId>%s</appId>\
- </SubAccount>\
- ' % (to, tempId, self.AppId)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # if this model is Json ..then do next code
- b = '['
- for a in datas:
- b += '"%s",' % (a)
- b += ']'
- body = '''{"to": "%s", "datas": %s, "templateId": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (to, b, tempId, self.AppId)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 外呼通知
- # @param to 必选参数 被叫号码
- # @param mediaName 可选参数 语音文件名称,格式 wav。与mediaTxt不能同时为空。当不为空时mediaTxt属性失效。
- # @param mediaTxt 可选参数 文本内容
- # @param displayNum 可选参数 显示的主叫号码
- # @param playTimes 可选参数 循环播放次数,1-3次,默认播放1次。
- # @param respUrl 可选参数 外呼通知状态通知回调地址,云通讯平台将向该Url地址发送呼叫结果通知。
- # @param userData 可选参数 用户私有数据
- # @param maxCallTime 可选参数 最大通话时长
- # @param speed 可选参数 发音速度
- # @param volume 可选参数 音量
- # @param pitch 可选参数 音调
- # @param bgsound 可选参数 背景音编号
- def landingCall(self, to, mediaName, mediaTxt, displayNum, playTimes, respUrl, userData, maxCallTime, speed, volume,
- pitch, bgsound):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/Calls/LandingCalls?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- # auth = base64.encodestring(src).strip()
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LandingCall>\
- <to>%s</to><mediaName>%s</mediaName><mediaTxt>%s</mediaTxt><appId>%s</appId><displayNum>%s</displayNum>\
- <playTimes>%s</playTimes><respUrl>%s</respUrl><userData>%s</userData><maxCallTime>%s</maxCallTime><speed>%s</speed>
- <volume>%s</volume><pitch>%s</pitch><bgsound>%s</bgsound></LandingCall>\
- ''' % (
- to, mediaName, mediaTxt, self.AppId, displayNum, playTimes, respUrl, userData, maxCallTime, speed, volume,
- pitch, bgsound)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- body = '''{"to": "%s", "mediaName": "%s","mediaTxt": "%s","appId": "%s","displayNum": "%s","playTimes": "%s","respUrl": "%s","userData": "%s","maxCallTime": "%s","speed": "%s","volume": "%s","pitch": "%s","bgsound": "%s"}''' % (
- to, mediaName, mediaTxt, self.AppId, displayNum, playTimes, respUrl, userData, maxCallTime, speed,
- volume,
- pitch, bgsound)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 语音验证码
- # @param verifyCode 必选参数 验证码内容,为数字和英文字母,不区分大小写,长度4-8位
- # @param playTimes 可选参数 播放次数,1-3次
- # @param to 必选参数 接收号码
- # @param displayNum 可选参数 显示的主叫号码
- # @param respUrl 可选参数 语音验证码状态通知回调地址,云通讯平台将向该Url地址发送呼叫结果通知
- # @param lang 可选参数 语言类型
- # @param userData 可选参数 第三方私有数据
- def voiceVerify(self, verifyCode, playTimes, to, displayNum, respUrl, lang, userData):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/Calls/VoiceVerify?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- # auth = base64.encodestring(src).strip()
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><VoiceVerify>\
- <appId>%s</appId><verifyCode>%s</verifyCode><playTimes>%s</playTimes><to>%s</to><respUrl>%s</respUrl>\
- <displayNum>%s</displayNum><lang>%s</lang><userData>%s</userData></VoiceVerify>\
- ''' % (self.AppId, verifyCode, playTimes, to, respUrl, displayNum, lang, userData)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # if this model is Json ..then do next code
- body = '''{"appId": "%s", "verifyCode": "%s","playTimes": "%s","to": "%s","respUrl": "%s","displayNum": "%s","lang": "%s","userData": "%s"}''' % (
- self.AppId, verifyCode, playTimes, to, respUrl, displayNum, lang, userData)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # IVR外呼
- # @param number 必选参数 待呼叫号码,为Dial节点的属性
- # @param userdata 可选参数 用户数据,在<startservice>通知中返回,只允许填写数字字符,为Dial节点的属性
- # @param record 可选参数 是否录音,可填项为true和false,默认值为false不录音,为Dial节点的属性
- def ivrDial(self, number, userdata, record):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch;
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/ivr/dial?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- req.add_header("Accept", "application/xml")
- req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=utf-8")
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <Request>
- <Appid>%s</Appid>
- <Dial number="%s" userdata="%s" record="%s"></Dial>
- </Request>
- ''' % (self.AppId, number, userdata, record)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 话单下载
- # @param date 必选参数 day 代表前一天的数据(从00:00 – 23:59),目前只支持按天查询
- # @param keywords 可选参数 客户的查询条件,由客户自行定义并提供给云通讯平台。默认不填忽略此参数
- def billRecords(self, date, keywords):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/BillRecords?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><BillRecords>\
- <appId>%s</appId><date>%s</date><keywords>%s</keywords>\
- </BillRecords>\
- ''' % (self.AppId, date, keywords)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # if this model is Json ..then do next code
- body = '''{"appId": "%s", "date": "%s","keywords": "%s"}''' % (self.AppId, date, keywords)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 主帐号信息查询
- def queryAccountInfo(self):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/AccountInfo?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- body = ''
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 短信模板查询
- # @param templateId 必选参数 模板Id,不带此参数查询全部可用模板
- def QuerySMSTemplate(self, templateId):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SMS/QuerySMSTemplate?sig=" + sig
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Request>\
- <appId>%s</appId><templateId>%s</templateId></Request>
- ''' % (self.AppId, templateId)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # if this model is Json ..then do next code
- body = '''{"appId": "%s", "templateId": "%s"}''' % (self.AppId, templateId)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main2(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 呼叫结果查询
- # @param callsid 必选参数 呼叫ID
- def CallResult(self, callSid):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/CallResult?sig=" + sig + "&callsid=" + callSid
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- body = ''
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 呼叫状态查询
- # @param callid 必选参数 一个由32个字符组成的电话唯一标识符
- # @param action 可选参数 查询结果通知的回调url地址
- def QueryCallState(self, callid, action):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/ivr/call?sig=" + sig + "&callid=" + callid
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- self.setHttpHeader(req)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- # 创建包体
- body = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Request>\
- <Appid>%s</Appid><QueryCallState callid="%s" action="%s"/>\
- </Request>\
- ''' % (self.AppId, callid, action)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # if this model is Json ..then do next code
- body = '''{"Appid":"%s","QueryCallState":{"callid":"%s","action":"%s"}}''' % (self.AppId, callid, action)
- = body.encode()
- data = ''
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 语音文件上传
- # @param filename 必选参数 文件名
- # @param body 必选参数 二进制串
- def MediaFileUpload(self, filename, body):
- self.accAuth()
- nowdate =
- self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # 生成sig
- signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
- sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
- # 拼接URL
- url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/Calls/MediaFileUpload?sig=" + sig + "&appid=" + self.AppId + "&filename=" + filename
- # 生成auth
- src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
- auth = base64.encodebytes(src.encode()).decode().strip()
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- req.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
- req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
- else:
- req.add_header("Accept", "application/xml")
- req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
- # 创建包体
- = body.encode()
- try:
- res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- data =
- res.close()
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- # json格式
- locations = json.loads(data)
- else:
- # xml格式
- xtj = xmltojson()
- locations = xtj.main(data)
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return locations
- except Exception as error:
- if self.Iflog:
- self.log(url, body, data)
- return {'': '网络错误'}
- # 子帐号鉴权
- def subAuth(self):
- if (self.ServerIP == ""):
- print('')
- print('IP为空')
- if (int(self.ServerPort) <= 0):
- print('')
- print('端口错误(小于等于0)')
- if (self.SoftVersion == ""):
- print('')
- print('版本号为空')
- if (self.SubAccountSid == ""):
- print('')
- print('子帐号为空')
- if (self.SubAccountToken == ""):
- print('')
- print('子帐号令牌为空')
- if (self.AppId == ""):
- print('')
- print('应用ID为空')
- # 主帐号鉴权
- def accAuth(self):
- if (self.ServerIP == ""):
- print('')
- print('IP为空')
- if (int(self.ServerPort) <= 0):
- print('')
- print('端口错误(小于等于0)')
- if (self.SoftVersion == ""):
- print('')
- print('版本号为空')
- if (self.AccountSid == ""):
- print('')
- print('主帐号为空')
- if (self.AccountToken == ""):
- print('')
- print('主帐号令牌为空')
- if (self.AppId == ""):
- print('')
- print('应用ID为空')
- # 设置包头
- def setHttpHeader(self, req):
- if self.BodyType == 'json':
- req.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
- req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
- else:
- req.add_header("Accept", "application/xml")
- req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=utf-8")
- from .CCPRestSDK import REST
- from django.conf import settings
- # 注:在配置文件dev中完成四个配置信息
- # 说明:主账号,登陆云通讯网站后,可在"控制台-应用"中看到开发者主账号ACCOUNT SID
- _accountSid = settings.SMS_ACCOUNTSID
- # 说明:主账号Token,登陆云通讯网站后,可在控制台-应用中看到开发者主账号AUTH TOKEN
- _accountToken = settings.SMS_ACCOUNTTOKEN
- # 说明:请使用管理控制台首页的APPID或自己创建应用的APPID
- _appId = settings.SMS_APPID
- # 说明:请求地址,生产环境配置成,开发环境配置成
- _serverIP = settings.SMS_SERVERIP
- # 说明:请求端口 ,生产环境为8883
- _serverPort = ""
- # 说明:REST API版本号保持不变
- _softVersion = '2013-12-26'
- def send_sms(mobile, code_expire_tuple, temp_id):
- # 配置
- rest = REST(_serverIP, _serverPort, _softVersion)
- rest.setAccount(_accountSid, _accountToken)
- rest.setAppId(_appId)
- # 发送
- result = rest.sendTemplateSMS(mobile, code_expire_tuple, temp_id)
- # 结果:信息成功发生,结果字典result中 statuCode 字段为 "000000"
- if result.get("statusCode") == "":
- return True # 表示发送短信成功
- else:
- return False # 表示发送失败
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