Leetcode_1278. Palindrome Partitioning III_[DP]
You are given a string s
containing lowercase letters and an integer k
. You need to :
- First, change some characters of
to other lowercase English letters. - Then divide
non-empty disjoint substrings such that each substring is palindrome.
Return the minimal number of characters that you need to change to divide the string.
Example 1:
Input: s = "abc", k = 2
Output: 1
Explanation: You can split the string into "ab" and "c", and change 1 character in "ab" to make it palindrome.
Example 2:
Input: s = "aabbc", k = 3
Output: 0
Explanation: You can split the string into "aa", "bb" and "c", all of them are palindrome.
Example 3:
Input: s = "leetcode", k = 8
Output: 0
1 <= k <= s.length <= 100
only contains lowercase English letters.
由Leetcode_132. Palindrome Partitioning II解法,这道题可以有一个比较清晰的思路。
动态规划:dp[idx][k]表示将s[idx : s.size())这个子串划分为k个非空回文子串最少需要改变的字符数。
递归关系:dp[0][k] = min( f(0,idx-1) + dp[idx][k-1]), for idx in [0, s.size()-1],
其中 f(0,idx-1) == 0 if(s[0,idx-1] is palendrome),else f(0,idx-1) == number of chars that have to change.
需要注意,对于dp[idx][k],如果s.size()-idx < k,那么无论如何也不能将s[idx, s.size()-1]划分为k个回文子串。
class Solution {
vector<vector<bool>> is_palindrome;
vector<vector<int>> dp;
int palindromePartition(string s, int k) {
int len = s.size();
is_palindrome = std::move(vector<vector<bool>>(len, vector<bool>(len, false)));
dp = std::move(vector<vector<int>>(len, vector<int>(k+, INT_MAX)));
for(int l=; l<=len; l++)
for(int head=; head+l-<len; head++){
int tail = head+l-;
if(l == )
is_palindrome[head][head] = true;
else if(l == )
is_palindrome[head][tail] = s[head]==s[tail];
is_palindrome[head][tail] = (s[head]==s[tail] && is_palindrome[head+][tail-]);
} dfs(s, , k);
return dp[][k];
} int dfs(string &s, int idx, int k){
if(idx == s.size())
return k== ? : s.size();
return dp[idx][k];
int ret = s.size()+;
for(int l=; idx+l-+k-<s.size(); l++){
int behind = dfs(s, idx+l, k-), use = ;
for(int head=idx, tail=idx+l-; head<tail; head++, tail--)
use += s[head]!=s[tail] ? : ;
ret = min(ret, use+behind);
return dp[idx][k] = ret;
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