Vendor PSpice Model Description
Advanced Linear Devices adv_lin.lib Library of op-amps
Advanced Linear Devices adv_lin.olb Op-amp Capture symbols
Analog Devices Inc. anlg_dev.lib Library of op-amps, transistor arrays, analog aultipliers, buffer, switches, voltage references
Analog Devices Inc. anlg_dev.olb Op-amp, transistor array, analog aultiplier, buffer, switch, voltage reference Capture symbols
Apex Microtechnology Corp. apex.lib Library of power op-amps
Apex Microtechnology Corp. apex.olb Power op-amp Capture symbols
Burr-Brown Corp. burr_brn.lib Library of op-amps
Burr-Brown Corp. burr_brn.olb Op-amp Capture symbols
California Eastern Laboratories cel.lib Library of CEL/NEC RF devices
California Eastern Laboratories cel.olb CEL/NEC RF device Capture symbols
Comlinear comlinr.lib Library of op-amps
Comlinear comlinr.olb Op-amp Capture symbols
Coilcraft, Inc Ccrfind.lib Coilcraft RF Inductor PSpice models
Coilcraft, Inc Ccrfind.olb Coilcraft RF Inductor Capture Symbols
Elantec Inc. elantec.lib Library of op-amps, transistor arrays
Elantec Inc. elantec.olb Op-amp, transistor array Capture symbols
Epcos epcos.lib Library of varsistors(MOV), inductors and NTC thermistors
Epcos epcos.olb Varsistor(MOV), inductor and NTC thermistor Capture symbols
Fairchild fairchild.lib Library of power MOSFETs
Fairchild fairchild.olb Power MOSFET Capture symbols
F. W. Bell fwbell.lib Library of generator models
F. W. Bell fwbell.olb Generator model Capture symbols
Harris Semiconductor harris.lib Library of op-amps, transistor arrays, power MOSFETs, MCTs, half-bridge drivers
Harris Semiconductor harris.olb Op-amp, transistor array, power MOSFET, MCT, half-bridge driver Capture symbols
Infineon infineon.lib Library of semiconductors
Infineon infineon.olb Semiconductor Capture symbols
IXYS ixys.lib Library of IGBTs and power MOSFETs
IXYS ixys.olb IGBT and power MOSFET Capture symbols
Linear Technology Corp. lin_tech.lib Library of op-amps
Linear Technology Corp. lin_tech.olb Op-amp Capture symbols
Maxim Integrated Circuits maxim.lib Library of op-amps and comparators
Maxim Integrated Circuits maxim.olb Op-amp and comparator Capture symbols
Motorola motor_rf.lib Library of RF bipolar transistors
Motorola motor_rf.olb RF bipolar transistor Capture symbols
Motorola motorsen.lib Library of pressure sensors
Motorola motorsen.olb Pressure sensor Capture symbols
National Semiconductor nat_semi.lib Library of op-amps
National Semiconductor nat_semi.olb Op-amp Capture symbols
NEC nec_mos.lib Library of power MOSFETs
NEC nec_mos.olb Power MOSFET Symbols
ON Semiconductor on_amp.lib Library of op-amps
ON Semiconductor on_amp.olb Op-amp Capture symbols
ON Semiconductor on_bjt.lib Library of BJTs
ON Semiconductor on_bjt.olb BJT Capture symbols
ON Semiconductor on_diode.lib Library of diodes
ON Semiconductor on_diode.olb Diode Capture symbols
ON Semiconductor on_mos.lib Library of power MOSFETs
ON Semiconductor on_mos.olb Power MOSFET Capture symbols
ON Semiconductor on_pwm.lib Library of PWMs
ON Semiconductor on_pwm.olb PWM Capture symbols
Philips phil_bjt.lib Library of small signal transistors
Philips phil_bjt.olb Small signal transistor Capture symbols
Philips phil_fet.lib Library of field effect transistors
Philips phil_fet.olb Field effect transistor Capture symbols
Philips phil_rf.lib Library of RF bipolar transistors
Philips phil_rf.olb RF bipolar transistor Capture symbols
Polyfet RF Devices polyfet.lib Library of RF device MOSFETs
Polyfet RF Devices polyfet.olb RF device MOSFETs Capture symbols
Shindengen shindngn.lib Library of diodes and diode bridges
Shindengen shindngn.olb Diode and diode bridge Capture symbols
Texas Instruments tex_inst.lib Library of op-amps, voltage comparators
Texas Instruments tex_inst.olb Op-amp and voltage comparator Capture symbols
Zetex Inc. zetex.lib Library of PLC Diodes, BJTs, Darlingtons and MOSFETs
Zetex Inc. zetex.olb PLC Diode, BJT, Darlington and MOSFET Capture symbols

1' AMPLIFIER.OLB共182个零件,存放模拟放大器IC,如CA3280,TL027C,EL4093等。

2' ARITHMETIC.OLB共182个零件,存放逻辑运算IC,如TC4032B,74LS85等。

3' ATOD.OLB共618个零件,存放A/D转换IC,如ADC0804,TC7109等。

4' BUS DRIVERTRANSCEIVER.OLB共632个零件,存放汇流排驱动IC,如74LS244,74LS373等数字IC。

5' CAPSYM.OLB共35个零件,存放电源,地,输入输出口,标题栏等。


7' COUNTER.OLB共182个零件,存放计数器IC,如74LS90,CD4040B。

8' DISCRETE.OLB共872个零件,存放分立式元件,如电阻,电容,电感,开关,变压器等常用零件。

9' DRAM.OLB共623个零件,存放动态存储器,如TMS44C256,MN41100-10等。

10' ELECTRO MECHANICAL.OLB共6个零件,存放马达,断路器等电机类元件。

11' FIFO.OLB共177个零件,存放先进先出资料暂存器,如40105,SN74LS232。

12' FILTRE.OLB共80个零件,存放滤波器类元件,如MAX270,LTC1065等。

13' FPGA.OLB存放可编程逻辑器件,如XC6216/LCC。

14' GATE.OLB共691个零件,存放逻辑门(含CMOS和TLL)。

15' LATCH.OLB共305个零件,存放锁存器,如4013,74LS73,74LS76等。

16' LINE DRIVER RECEIVER.OLB共380个零件,存放线控驱动与接收器。如SN75125,DS275等。

17' MECHANICAL.OLB共110个零件,存放机构图件,如M HOLE 2,PGASOC-15-F等。

18' MICROCONTROLLER.OLB共523个零件,存放单晶片微处理器,如68HC11,AT89C51等。

19' MICRO PROCESSOR.OLB共288个零件,存放微处理器,如80386,Z80180等。

20' MISC.OLB共1567个零件,存放杂项图件,如电表(METER MA),微处理器周边(Z80-DMA)等未分类的零件。

21' MISC2.OLB共772个零件,存放杂项图件,如TP3071,ZSD100等未分类零件。

22' MISCLINEAR.OLB共365个零件,存放线性杂项图件(未分类),如14573,4127,VFC32等。

23' MISCMEMORY.OLB共278个零件,存放记忆体杂项图件(未分类),如28F020,X76F041等。

24' MISCPOWER.OLB共222个零件,存放高功率杂项图件(未分类),如REF-01,PWR505,TPS67341等。

25' MUXDECODER.OLB共449个零件,存放解码器,如4511,4555,74AC157等。

26' OPAMP.OLB共610个零件,存放运放,如101,1458,UA741等。


28' PLD.OLB共355个零件,存放可编程逻辑器件,如22V10,10H8等。

29' PROM.OLB共811个零件,存放只读记忆体运算放大器,如18SA46,XL93C46等。

30' REGULATOR.OLB共549个零件,存放稳压IC,如78xxx,79xxx等。

31' SHIFTREGISTER.OLB共610个零件,存放移位寄存器,如4006,SNLS91等



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