
解题思路:我用的是递归的方法,每次找出与第一个')'匹配的'('计算atom的数量后去除括号,只到分子式中没有括号为止。例如 "K4(ON(SO3)2)2" -> "K4(ONS2O6)2" -> "K4O2N2S4O12"。接下来再对分子式进行分割,得出每个atom的数量后排序即可。原理很简单,代码写得很乱,仅供参考。


class Solution(object):
def recursive(self,formula):
left = right = None
for i,v in enumerate(formula):
if v == '(':
left = i
elif v == ')':
right = i
if left == None and right == None:
return formula
lf = formula[:left]
parse = formula[left+1:right]
times = ''
for i in range(right+1,len(formula)):
if formula[i].isdigit():
times += formula[i]
if i != len(formula) - 1:
i -= 1
break if times != '':
times = int(times) rf = formula[i+1:] if times == '':
ts = parse
parseList = []
val = ''
val_num = ''
parse += '#'
for i in parse:
#print parseList
if i.islower():
val += i
elif i.isupper():
if val != '':
if val_num != '':
parseList.append(str(int(val_num) * int(times)))
val_num = ''
elif val_num == '' and val != '':
val = i
elif i.isdigit():
if val != '':
val = ''
val_num += i
elif i == '#':
if val != '':
if val_num != '':
parseList.append(str(int(val_num) * int(times)))
elif val_num == '' and val != '':
ts = ''.join(parseList)
return self.recursive(lf + ts + rf) def countOfAtoms(self, formula):
:type formula: str
:rtype: str
f = self.recursive(formula)
i = 1 #print f #transform MgO2H2 -> Mg1O2H2
while i < len(f):
if f[i].isupper() and f[i-1].isdigit() == False:
f = f[:i] + '' + f[i:]
i = 1
i += 1
if f[-1].isdigit() == False:
f += '' dic = {} key = ''
val = '' # H11He49N1O35B7N46Li20
for i in f:
if i.isdigit():
val += i
if val == '':
key += i
if key not in dic:
dic[key] = int(val)
dic[key] += int(val)
key = i
val = '' if key not in dic:
dic[key] = int(val)
dic[key] += int(val) keys = dic.keys()
res = ''
#print dic
for i in keys:
res += i
if dic[i] > 1:
res += str(dic[i])
return res

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