IELTS - Word List 28
1, The lawsuit is very much o the lawyer's mind.
2, The canteen was absolutely packed.
3, Doctors diagnose before they prescribe a drug.
4, Not only did the rocket solve a problem that had intrigued man for ages, but more importantly, it literally opened the door to exploration of the universe.
5, The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site.
6, The two companies are fighting for the domination of the market.
7, A smile suddenly animated her face through hearing the good news.
8, He works in accountancy since he graduated from university.
9, Free Water Served is subject to availability.
10, Our company was asked a 10% deposit payable in advance.
11, Solicitors in Australia are very popular.
12, The local people had received no news of him since his departure from hometown.
13, It is a busy time for him that he has to audit the accounts of company A.
14, It is a common rule that goods will be delivered on receipt of payment.
15, I shouted for help and the dog scampered off.
16, A spiral of smoke rose from the chimney.
17, Engineers need to encode the message into computer language.
18, Both my brothers ere scouts and I really want to joint the scout troop.
19, The cormorant regurgitates half-digested fish to feed its young.
20, A rocket motor's “bullets” are minute, high-speed particles produced by burning propellants.
21, The reaction to the ejection of these small particles inside the rocket causes the rocket to move forwards.
22, The army has laid down a barrage.
23, A good teacher knows how to intrigue his students to learn.
24, The transition from panned economy to market economy is not an easy one.
25, It is strange that the rocket was generally ignored by writers of fiction to transport their heroes to mysterious realms beyond the Earth, even though it had been commonly used in fireworks displays in China since the thirteenth century.
26, Some time in tenth century, black powder was first compounded from its basic ingredients of saltpeter, charcoal and sulphur.
27, Studies of primitive societies suggest that the earliest method of making fire was through friction.
28, The rocket transported the astronauts to mysterious realms beyond the Earth.
29, On the wall is the banner welcoming the Friends of Italian Opera.
30, This can weighs about 0.48 ounces.
31, A new style of architecture was made possible by new materials and construction techniques.
32, Dishes are stacked up in a drying rack.
33, In several countries they have become interested in the possibility of using fuel produced from crop residues as a replacement for petrol.
34, I made the toast and squeezed orange juice every morning.
35, Carolyn's eyes filled with sorrow at thinking of how she had treated Kevin and lost him forever.
36, Koala is an arboreal animal.
37, Preserving historic buildings or keeping only their facades grew common.
38, When businesses fail, the post-mortem analysis is traditionally undertaken by accountants and market strategists.
39, Disillusionment at the failure of many poor imitations of Modernist architecture led to interest in various styles and ideas from the past and present.
40, I'm giving some thoughts to a new book on a different subject.
41, The bad weather has blunted our enthusiasm for camping.
42, The owner of the factory intended to build up his stockpile of raw materials.
43, Evidence gathered in recent years indicates that the region has supported a series of indigenous cultures for eleven thousand years.
44, If that information is statistically valid, we can find out what the majority of students prefer.
45, A switch was flipped and the machine began to whirl at 300 revolutions per minute.
46, These fluctuations of environment add another degree of uncertainty to the survival of many species.
47, You have to discard or modify your hypothesis if shown not to be correct.
48, They decided to put superclean coal and ultraclean coal into the production.
49, This is the most mountainous part of Astoria.
50, The top of the can is trimmed and then bent over to secure the lid.
51, The van is making steady progress through the dark night.
52, This information is all in the handout which you should have received at the orientation meeting.
53, The changes in China's Pearl River Delta are more dramatic than these natural fluctuations.
54, The Swedish chemist called Pasch discovered amorphous phosphorus.
55, Technology alone cannot solve the problem of vehicle pollution.
56, The rotating blades can shave away the wax that covers each cell.
57, We glimpsed the profile of the church steeple against the last glow of the sunset.
58, Tom is going for some news bulletins.
59, The bathroom light which flickered quite badly annoyed me very much.
60, Jack was the organist in the Octagon Chapel in the city of Bath.
61, Which magazines did your father subscribe to?
62, The freezer is filled with foil-wrapped packages.
63, The manufacturer invoiced me for two computers.
64, Today, almost all companies have employees work overtime rather than hire extra personnel.
65, The alchemist tried to transmute iron into gold.
66, The objective of the Human Genome Project is to map and analyse every single gene within the double helix of humanity's DNA.
67, In the houses near the highway special acoustic seals should be fitted to the doors to reduce noise.
68, Remember to visit the souvenir stalls in the car park in front of the main entrance to the stadium.
69, The study covered 500 employee in four large companies.
70, A brilliant intellectual breakthrough does not ensure that the transition is made from theory to practice.
71, Now not even the humblest household object is made without a microprocessor.
72, Human spiritual needs should match material affluence.
73, It's impossible to generalise about children's books, as they are all different.
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