Autodesk ADN招人了,在上海,开发顾问, JD如下。



Job Title:

Developer Technical Consultant




Job description:

This is an exciting opportunity to be part of Developer Technical Services team in Autodesk in Shanghai. Provides consulting services to Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) members from the worldwide - developers of third-party applications based on Autodesk products and Autodesk Cloud Platforms. Responsible for evangelizing Autodesk technology to support the growth of the network, to help ADN members become successful and to positively impact Autodesk’s business. Provides technical assistance including software design, customization, integration, orientation/training and technical problem resolution.

This position typically reports to Joe Ye


Principal Duties and Responsibilities


* Provide technical (programming) support to Autodesk Developer Network(ADN) members worldwide using knowledge of a variety of tools and technologies. Help resolve technical issues including communicating the functions of a particular API, assist with the software code and programming-related API questions.

Also assist Technical Consultants who are working directly with customers to help answer and/or resolve their API-related issues. Work closely with team members worldwide to help resolve issues related to a specific product line.

* Use knowledge of Autodesk products and their APIs to assist ADN members with their business objectives of providing value-added software for their customers. Assist with their software design by providing them with technical information on Autodesk APIs and technologies. Encourage the use of newer product versions and/or vertically-oriented solutions.

* Work with internal engineering teams to incorporate enhancements as requested by ADN members. Act as a liaison between engineering and ADN members by helping evaluate and influence new product releases to help meet the needs of ADN community. Write extensive samples demonstrating API usage and best practice. Submit bug reports and work closely with engineering to ensure appropriate resolution of issues impacting customer satisfaction.


* Develop technical content for the ADN program including technical notes and whitepapers. Content is published on the ADN Devblog and used for conferences and marketing events.

* Develop and deliver training courses and/or presentations internally and to ADN members. Topics include APIs, and/or other software-development-related topics. Courses may be an overview of product functionality or API or may be in-depth, including hands-on programming.

* Assist with marketing activities including presentations and event participation. Support the growth of the ADN as experts of the field.

* Translate technical issues from local language(s) to English, and vice-versa, for technical problem resolution and for publishing technical content.



1. A bachelors' degree or higher in computer science or related field. Graduated from one of the 211 Universities.

2. Ability to quickly learn new software development related technology and some of the Autodesk software products.

3. At least 3 years hands-on programming experience

4. Familiar with at least one popular programming language, C++/C#/VB.NET.

5. This position will work closely remotely with team members from various locations in the world and support ADN members worldwide, fluent oral English and good written English is a MUST.

6. Good skills of communication with colleagues and customers.

7. Good team player: Easy to work with team members across cultures.

8. Good problem solving ability.

9. Fluent presentation in public.


Preferred Qualifications

10. Experience of industry (building or manufacturing) background is a good bonus.

11. Experience of programming on AutoCAD is a great bonus.

12. Experience of web programming experience will be a plus.

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