【Linux_Fedora_应用系列】_5_如何安装XZ Utils 解压缩工具以及利用 xz工具来解压缩.xz文件
有段时间没有来园子了,今天从 www.kernel.org 上面下载了一个 内核压缩包,下载
下来后发现是一个 .xz 结尾的文件,一看与通常的 .gz、.bz2等格式不一样,感觉可能利用系统现有
就在Internet上捞了一下,知道整个这个格式是 LZMA 格式的压缩文件,就是说是利用LZMA压缩
解压,也可以用 XZ Utils工具进行解压。 于是就逛了一圈 XZ Utils的官网:http://tukaani.org/xz/
下载了一个xz-5.0.1.tar.gz 的源码包。解压后如下所示:
- [root@localhost setup_file]# cd xz-5.0.
- [root@localhost xz-5.0.]# ls
- ABOUT-NLS config.h COPYING dos lib NEWS tests
- aclocal.m4 config.h.in COPYING.GPLv2 Doxyfile libtool PACKAGERS THANKS
- AUTHORS config.log COPYING.GPLv3 Doxyfile.in m4 po TODO
- autogen.sh config.status COPYING.LGPLv2. extra Makefile README windows
- build-aux configure debug INSTALL Makefile.am src
- ChangeLog configure.ac doc INSTALL.generic Makefile.in stamp-h1
- . Compile XZ Utils with debugging code using configure switches
- --enable-debug and, if possible, --disable-shared. If you are
- using GCC, use CFLAGS='-O0 -ggdb3'. Don't strip the resulting
- binaries.
这地方说,如果你需要编译带调试信息的代码,那么就需要在执行 ./configure 的时候带上 --enable-debug 选项。
- . Try to reproduce the suspected bug. If you get "assertion failed"
- message, be sure to include the complete message in your bug
- report. If the application leaves a coredump, get a backtrace
- using gdb:
- $ gdb /path/to/app-binary # Load the app to the debugger.
- (gdb) core core # Open the coredump.
- (gdb) bt # Print the backtrace. Copy & paste to bug report.
- (gdb) quit # Quit gdb.
这个地方说,如果在make 或者 make install 的时候遇到 中断错误,那么就可以执行下面的命令来
检查出错的原因。 一般编译的时候,不会出错,这一步也能省略。
- . Translating the xz tool
- --------------------------
- The messages from the xz tool have been translated into a few
- languages. Before starting to translate into a new language, ask
- the author that someone else hasn't already started working on it.
- Test your translation. Testing includes comparing the translated
- output to the original English version by running the same commands
- in both your target locale and with LC_ALL=C. Ask someone to
- proof-read and test the translation.
- Testing can be done e.g. by installing xz into a temporary directory:
- ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=/tmp/xz-test
- # <Edit the .po file in the po directory.>
- make -C po update-po
- make install
- bash debug/translations.bash | less
- bash debug/translations.bash | less -S # For --list outputs
这个地方到了正题: 编译和安装 xz 工具。
1、这里提到了一句,与 LC_ALL 区域的相关的问题,一般情况下,这个变量不需要修改,就算
不设置为 LC_ALL=C 也没有关系。一般情况下这个变量的值为空。
2、编译第一步:执行 ./configure 文件
- ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=/tmp/xz-test
这一句用来配置编译过程, --disable-shared 的意思是禁止共享,
--prefix=/tmp/xz-test 表示编译后将xz安装到 /tmp/xz-test 目录下。
- make -C po update-po
这个命令的意思,没啥好解释的 -C po 指定Makefile的搜索路径, update-po 表示执行这个目标
- make install
执行这个命令后,就将xz工具编译后,并安装到 /tmp/xz-test 目录下。
我就是这么做的,所以执行 /test/xz-test/bin/xz --help 后显示如下:
- [root@localhost linux-]# /tmp/xz-test/bin/xz --help
- Usage: /tmp/xz-test/bin/xz [OPTION]... [FILE]...
- Compress or decompress FILEs in the .xz format.
- -z, --compress force compression
- -d, --decompress force decompression
- -t, --test test compressed file integrity
- -l, --list list information about .xz files
- -k, --keep keep (don't delete) input files
- -f, --force force overwrite of output file and (de)compress links
- -c, --stdout write to standard output and don't delete input files
- - ... - compression preset; default is ; take compressor *and*
- decompressor memory usage into account before using -!
- -e, --extreme try to improve compression ratio by using more CPU time;
- does not affect decompressor memory requirements
- -q, --quiet suppress warnings; specify twice to suppress errors too
- -v, --verbose be verbose; specify twice for even more verbose
- -h, --help display this short help and exit
- -H, --long-help display the long help (lists also the advanced options)
- -V, --version display the version number and exit
- With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
- Report bugs to <lasse.collin@tukaani.org> (in English or Finnish).
- XZ Utils home page: <http://tukaani.org/xz/>
如果你觉得麻烦,可以将路径: /tmp/xz-test/bin 添加到环境变量 PATH 中,或者临时导出一下也行。
-d: 解压缩
-z: 压缩文件
-t: 测试文件的一致性
-l: 列出文件的信息
- /tmp/xz-test/bin/xz -d linux-
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