
Oracle Applications DBA
基础》- 9 - Concurrent Processing



1. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration

http://download.oracle.com/docs/ ... acrobat/120sacg.pdf

2. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance

http://download.oracle.com/docs/ ... acrobat/120samg.pdf

3. Oracle 11i System Administrator Fundamentals

4. Oracle Applications Developer's Guide

http://download.oracle.com/docs/ ... acrobat/120devg.pdf

并发处理 ( Concurrent process) 和 并发管理器(Concurrent Manager) 是R12中负责

处理批作业 或 后台作业的。 用的地方很多,所以需要多花点时间理解。

Concurrent Manager 管理的基础知识,比如 start/stop,output and logfile location 等,


下面只是列出一些常用的内容,可以帮助理解concurrent manager。


# 如何从 concurrent request id  找到 Oracle session id (sid) :

很多时候我们需要从 concurrent request 的request id 找到对应的

Oracle session id (sid),可以用下面的方法, 由此我们也可了解

concurrent manager 对应的 table 结构。

# 当前正在运行的 concurrent request:

select request_id, controlling_manager,  phase_code 

from fnd_concurrent_requests  

where phase_code='R';

# 根据 request id 找到 对应的<controlling_manager>

select request_id, controlling_manager,  phase_code 

from fnd_concurrent_requests  

where request_id = <request_id>;

# 根据 <controlling_manager> 找到对应的<ORACLE_PROCESS_ID>:


from fnd_concurrent_processes 

where CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID = <controlling_manager>;


select a.sid ,b.spid from v$session a , v$process b 

where b.addr=a.paddr and b.pid = <ORACLE_PROCESS_ID>;

# 另外一种 SQL query 方法:

select session_id from fnd_concurrent_processes 

where CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID = <controlling_manager>;

select sid from v$session where audsid=<session_id>;


# 统计 每个 program 对应完成的 request 数量:

select a.concurrent_program_id , b.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME, count(1) 

from fnd_concurrent_requests a, fnd_concurrent_programs b

where a.concurrent_program_id = b.concurrent_program_id

group by a.concurrent_program_id,b.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME;


# 列出 concurrent program的种类

col LOOKUP_CODE for a10

col meaning for a60

select lv.lookup_code, lv.meaning from fnd_lookup_values lv

where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and language='US' order by 1;

# 列出 concurrent program的种类对应的数量

select lv.meaning , count(*) from fnd_lookup_values lv,

fnd_concurrent_programs cp where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and

language='US' and lv.lookup_code=cp.execution_method_code

group by lv.meaning order by 2;

select cp.enabled_flag,lv.meaning , count(*) cp_count

from fnd_lookup_values lv,fnd_concurrent_programs cp 

where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and

language='US' and lv.lookup_code=cp.execution_method_code

group by cp.enabled_flag,lv.meaning

order by cp.enabled_flag, cp_count;


# 列出正在运行的 concurrent manager processes: 

select CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME, control_code, running_processes, max_processes 

from fnd_concurrent_queues 

where running_processes != 0


# status code 对应的解释 <297909.1>

select lookup_type,lookup_code, meaning from fnd_lookups 

where lookup_type like 'CP_%';

# fnd_concurrent_processes 的 status_code

select lookup_code, meaning from fnd_lookups 

where lookup_type='CP_PROCESS_STATUS_CODE'

# 如何手动停掉正在运行的 Concurrent Request <154688.1> 

update fnd_concurrent_requests set status_code='C',phase_code='c' 

where request_id=4374195;

# <152763.1> , in that case, set status_code='X'

# check the meaning of status_code of requests from the note above

update fnd_concurrent_requests set status_code='C' ,phase_code='C' 

where request_id = 2722233;

# The Oracle server process might become runaway. 

# find out the sid first to kill it manully if needed.


# 如何在命令行上提交 concurrent request

CONCSUB apps/apps SYSADMIN "System Administrator" SYSADMIN WAIT=N CONCURRENT FND cusupt3 PROGRAM_NAME="custom update 3"

"cusupt3": concurrent executable in $FND_TOP/bin

# 如何 trace concurrent program


metalink note: 453527.1

1. concurrent program => define => "Enable Trace" 

2. Profiles => System => Concurrent:Allow Debugging

3. submit request => Debug Options

# 各种 不同的 concurrent programs

Concurrent Program 可以用不同的方式构成, 既可以用 shell,PL/SQL, C, JAVA 等

语言,也可以用 Oracle Reports,SQL*loader 等工具。下面逐一介绍。


example 1 : shell concurrent program


cd $FND_TOP/bin

vi WH1TEST.prog

cat ./WH1TEST.prog



. /applvis/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSVIS_mis.env

sqlplus apps/apps@VIS <<EOF


echo "END"


chmod +x WH1TEST.prog

### pass parameter as separate variable

ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr WH1TEST


concurrent executable 

concurrent program 

Responsibility : Request 

request group (system Administrator Reports)

## start concurrent program "WH1TEST" manually



fnd_concurrent_programs where concurrent_program_name likE '%WH1%';


example 2: c & pro*c concurrent program


基本上参考 metalink <113428.1>。因为内容比较长,不在这里列出。

example 3: report concurrent program


这里只是copy 现成的一个test Oracle Report 做示范。

cd $FND_TOP/reports/US

Note: the report file should be in US directory.

cp /applvis/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/reports/samples/demo/test.rdf ./WH1RPTCP.rdf

[applvis@mis US]$ pwd


[applvis@mis US]$ ls -l WH1*

-rw-r--r--  1 applvis dba 98304 Aug  9 17:40 WH1RPTCP.rdf

[applvis@mis US]$

then register this rdf as in other cases of the concurrent testing program

use "WH1RPTCP" as the Execution file name. (note: without the .rdf suffix)

but in the "define" part, choose "pdf" as output format .


example 4: PL/SQL concurrent program


参考 metalink <73492.1>。

[oravis@mis ~]$ cat plconc.sql

create or replace procedure WH1plcp(errbuf out varchar2, retcode out varchar2) as


fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'WH1plcp begins');

fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'WH1plcp output');

insert into t1 values('WH1PLCP');


fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'WH1plcp ends');



[oravis@mis ~]$

### submit conc request in PL/SQL

### ref <221542.1> 

### note that CONC_REQUEST_ID returns -1. <878636.1> 


v_id number;

v_id2 number;


--(user_id, responsibility_id, app_resp_id) 

--(sysadmin, system administrator, application system admin)


--(app short name, conc program short name )







### find out relevant info

select * from fnd_application_tl where application_id = 1 ;

select * from fnd_user where user_name ='SYSADMIN' ;

select * from fnd_responsibility_tl where responsibility_name = 'System Administrator';

select * from fnd_user_resp_groups where user_id = 0 ;

select * from fnd_conc_req_summary_v where program_short_name='FNDSCURS';

select * from fnd_conc_req_summary_v where request_id=  314020 ;

### check the stauts of an conc request


l_req_id number;

l_phase varchar2(30);

l_status varchar2(30);

l_dev_status varchar2(30);

l_dev_phase varchar2(30);

l_msg varchar2(2000);

status boolean;


l_req_id := 314021  ;

  status :=fnd_concurrent.get_request_status(REQUEST_ID=>l_req_id, 

  PHASE=> l_phase, STATUS=>l_status, DEV_PHASE => l_dev_phase, 

  DEV_STATUS => l_dev_status, MESSAGE => l_msg ) ; 

dbms_output.put_line(l_req_id ||':'||l_phase||':'||l_status||':'||l_dev_phase||':'||l_dev_status);




example 5: SQL*loader Concurrent program


vi .ctl file in $PRODUCT_TOP/bin

example 6: Java concurrent program


参看 metalink <250964.1>。

cd $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/cp

mkdir sample

vi Hello.java


package oracle.apps.fnd.cp.sample;

import oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.*;

public class Hello implements JavaConcurrentProgram {

public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header$";

public void runProgram (CpContext ctx) {

ctx.getLogFile().writeln("-- Hello World!--",0);

ctx.getOutFile().writeln("-- Hello World!--");

ctx.getReqCompletion().setCompletion(ReqCompletion.NORMAL, "");




javac $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/cp/sample/Hello.java

ls -l $INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure/VIS.dbc

[applvis@mis sample]$ which java


java -Ddbcfile=$INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure/VIS.dbc \

-Drequest.outfile=./outfile \

oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run \


# 在R12中作如下设置:

executable: WH1JAVACP


security > responsiblity > request

### 另一个版本

cat Hello.java

package oracle.apps.fnd.cp.sample;

import oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.*;

import oracle.apps.fnd.util.*;

import java.io.*;

import java.sql.*;

public class Hello implements JavaConcurrentProgram {

public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header$";

String c1Var ;

public void runProgram (CpContext ctx) {

c1Var ="HI";

ctx.getLogFile().writeln("-- Hello World!--",0);

ctx.getOutFile().writeln("-- Hello World!--");

Connection mJConn = ctx.getJDBCConnection();

ParameterList lPara = ctx.getParameterList();

ReqCompletion lRC = ctx.getReqCompletion();

String lQuery = "select c1 from t1 where c1 = ?";

while (lPara.hasMoreElements() )


   NameValueType aNVT = lPara.nextParameter();

   c1Var = aNVT.getValue();


  try {

    PreparedStatement lStmt = mJConn.prepareStatement(lQuery);

    lStmt.setString(1, c1Var);

    ResultSet lRs = lStmt.executeQuery();

  OutFile lOF = ctx.getOutFile();

  LogFile lLF = ctx.getLogFile();

  while  ( lRs.next() )





ctx.getReqCompletion().setCompletion(ReqCompletion.NORMAL, "");


  catch (SQLException e) {



  finally {





java -Ddbcfile=$INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure/VIS.dbc \

-Drequest.outfile=./outfile \

oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run \

oracle.apps.fnd.cp.sample.Hello \



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