Real love is always worth waiting for.


From Westworld.

Real love is rare, but it does exist, and it can be generated by careful and tender caresses.

There are several factors we can use to foster some kind of real love:

First, trust each other.

Second, try to make some memories and share the joy.

Third, consider her as one of your priorities, and strive to provide the best you have to her.

And finally you will find all your efforts would be worthy.

No words are necessary between two loving hearts.


Actually I think words are very important to maintain an intimate relationship between lovers, or couples.

They help a lot, so try to learn some sweet words to express your love to your partner, and the effects would be remarkable.

I cherish you.

I want to live for a lifetime with you.

I am better because of you.

I need you by my side.

My love for you is unconditional and eternal.

These expressions are very simple, don't be too shy to express your love.

And the same to others, please be lavish with your appreciation and praise.

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