HP P2xxx/MSA SMI-S Provider
HP P2xxx/MSA SMI-S Provider
The HP MSA provider must be enabled before it can be monitored. For more information on what a provider is, see Configure your provider.
When you have configured the provider, you can add the array to SRM. For information, see HP P2xxx / MSA.
SolarWinds provides some guidance on configuring provider software.
The following information is provided 'as-is' as a reference for our customers. SolarWinds provides no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information as the software is built and distributed by 3rd party vendors who may make changes at any time. SolarWinds does not provide official support for problems related to vendor's SMI-S Providers, but customers can seek support via thwack. Our product team and other knowledgeable customers regularly use these forums and may be able to assist you.
The HP MSA provider is running on both controllers of the HP MSA array. The providers are enabled by default.
The IP address and credentials are the same for the SMI-S and API access:
- Provider IP Address: The IP Address of any one of the controllers
- Provider Credentials: Credentials of an array user with at least Manage level privileges and access for the wbi and smis interfaces.
The default user "manage" can be used or a new user can be created with the required privileges.
The default port used for SMI-S is 5989.
Enabling SMI-S
To enable SMI-S using the CLI:
- SSH into the array using the controller management IP address as the user "manage".
- Run the
show protocols
command. - Check the output to ensure SMI-S is enabled.
- If SMI-S is not enabled, run the
set protocol smis enabled
To enable SMI-S using the web interface:
- Log in to the Management Interface:
. - Click
Configuration > Services > Management
. - Check to see if SMI-S is enabled.
- If SMI-S is not enabled, select the Enable check box under Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S).
In some versions of the management interface, even after enabling SMI-S and saving, the web interface may still show that it is not enabled. Run the show protocols
command in the CLI to confirm that it is enabled.
Checking user privileges
To check user privileges using the CLI, SSH into the array using the controller management IP Address, and then run the show user <username>
To check user privileges using the web interface:
- Log in to the Management Interface:
. - Click Configuration > Users > Modify User.
- Choose the user from the table.
Creating a user with SMI-S and API access
To create a user with SMI-S and API access using the CLI:
- SSH into the array using the controller management IP Address.
- Run the
create user level manage <username>
command. - Run the
set user <username> interface wbi, smis
To create a user with SMI-S and API access using the web interface:
- Log in to the Management Interface:
. - Click
Configuration > Users > Add New User
- Enter the user Name and Password.
- Select Manage from the User Roles drop-down list.
- Select the WBI Access check box.
- Select the SMI-S Access check box.
- Click Add User.
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