hasura graphql server 是一个很不错的graphql 引擎,当前版本已经支持event triiger 了

webhook 使用benthos ,简单例子参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/rongfengliang/p/9569811.html




  • docker-compose 文件
  1. version: '3.6'
  2. services:
  3. postgres:
  4. image: postgres
  5. ports:
  6. - "5432:5432"
  7. environment:
  8. - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD:dalong"
  9. volumes:
  10. - ./db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  11. benthos:
  12. image: jeffail/benthos
  13. volumes:
  14. - "./configs/webhook.yaml:/benthos.yaml"
  15. ports:
  16. - "4195:4195"
  17. graphql-engine:
  18. image: hasura/graphql-engine:v1.0.0-alpha16
  19. ports:
  20. - "8080:8080"
  21. depends_on:
  22. - "postgres"
  23. environment:
  24. - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD:dalong"
  25. command: >
  26. /bin/sh -c "
  27. graphql-engine --database-url postgres://postgres:dalong@postgres:5432/postgres serve --enable-console;
  28. "
  • benthos webhook 配置
    webhook.yaml 文件
  1. input:
  2. type: broker
  3. broker:
  4. inputs:
  5. - type: http_server
  6. http_server:
  7. path: /post/customer1
  8. processors:
  9. - type: text
  10. text:
  11. operator: prepend
  12. value: "Customer 1 received: "
  13. - type: http_server
  14. http_server:
  15. path: /post/customer2
  16. processors:
  17. - type: text
  18. text:
  19. operator: prepend
  20. value: "Customer 2 received: "
  21. - type: http_server
  22. http_server:
  23. path: /post/customer3
  24. processors:
  25. - type: text
  26. text:
  27. operator: prepend
  28. value: "Customer 3 received: "
  29. output:
  30. type: stdout


  • 启动graphql server&& benthos stream webhook
  1. docker-compose up -d
  • 效果

测试event trigger

  • 添加基本数据
  • 添加evnet triiger

    具体webhook 地址参考自己电脑ip,我使用docker-compose 的service

  • 添加数据测试


类似的支持框架有prisma 都是挺不错的,但是hasura graphql 看起来潜力是无限的,只是在crud 这方便如果能扩展到不止pg 就更好了。




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