CodeForces Round #516 Div2 题解
A. Make a triangle!
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define il inline
#define in1(a) read(a)
#define in2(a,b) in1(a),in1(b)
#define in3(a,b,c) in2(a,b),in1(c)
#define in4(a,b,c,d) in2(a,b),in2(c,d) inline void read( int &x ){
x = ; int f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} inline void readl( ll &x ){
x = ; ll f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} using namespace std ; #define N 100010 int a , b , c ; int main(){
in3( a ,b , c ) ;
if( a > b ) swap( a , b ) ;
if( b > c ) swap( b , c ) ;
if( a > c ) swap( a , c ) ;
int ans = ;
while( a + b <= c ) {
a ++ ;
ans ++ ;
if( a > b ) swap( a , b ) ;
printf( "%d\n" , ans ) ;
return ;
B. Equations of Mathematical Magic
求满足式子$a-(a\ xor\ x)-x=0$的$x$值的数量
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> #define ll long long
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define il inline
#define in1(a) readl(a)
#define in2(a,b) in1(a),in1(b)
#define in3(a,b,c) in2(a,b),in1(c)
#define in4(a,b,c,d) in2(a,b),in2(c,d) inline void read( int &x ){
x = ; int f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} inline void readl( ll &x ){
x = ; ll f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} using namespace std ; #define N 100010 ll T , a ; int main() {
in1( T ) ;
while( T -- ) {
in1( a ) ;
ll cnt = ;
for( int i = ; i >= ; i -- ) {
if( a&(1ll<<i) ) cnt *= 2ll ;
printf( "%lld\n" , cnt ) ;
C. Oh Those Palindromes
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> #define ll long long
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define il inline
#define in1(a) read(a)
#define in2(a,b) in1(a),in1(b)
#define in3(a,b,c) in2(a,b),in1(c)
#define in4(a,b,c,d) in2(a,b),in2(c,d) inline void read( int &x ){
x = ; int f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} inline void readl( ll &x ){
x = ; ll f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} using namespace std ; #define N 100010 int n ;
char ch[ N ] ; int main(){
in1( n ) ;
scanf( "%s" , ch+ ) ;
sort( ch+ , ch+n+ ) ;
printf( "%s" , ch+ ) ;
D. Labyrinth
$system\ test$ 完后交了就过了
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> #define ll long long
#define debug printf("233\n")
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define il inline
#define in1(a) read(a)
#define in2(a,b) in1(a),in1(b)
#define in3(a,b,c) in2(a,b),in1(c)
#define in4(a,b,c,d) in2(a,b),in2(c,d) inline void read( int &x ){
x = ; int f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} inline void readl( ll &x ){
x = ; ll f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} using namespace std ; #define N 2010 int n , m , r , c , x , y ;
char ch[ N ][ N ] ;
struct edge {
int to , nxt , v ;
} e[ N * N * ] , E[ N * N * ];
int head[ N * N ] , cnt , Head[ N * N ] , Cnt ;
int vis[ N * N ] , d[ N * N ] , Vis[ N * N ] , D[ N * N ] ;
int q[ ] ; void ins1( int u , int v , int w ) {
e[ ++ cnt ].to = v ;
e[ cnt ].nxt = head[ u ] ;
e[ cnt ].v = w ;
head[ u ] = cnt ;
} void ins2( int u , int v , int w ) {
E[ ++ Cnt ].to = v ;
E[ Cnt ].nxt = Head[ u ] ;
E[ Cnt ].v = w ;
Head[ u ] = Cnt ;
} void spfa() {
int s = (r-) * m + c ;
q[ ] = s ;
int l = , r = ;
for( int i = ; i <= n * m ; i ++ ) d[ i ] = inf ;
d[ s ] = ;
vis[ s ] = ;
while( l != r ) {
int u = q[ l ++ ] ;
vis[ u ] = ;
if( l == ) l = ;
for( int i = head[ u ] ; i ; i = e[ i ].nxt ) {
int v = e[ i ].to ;
if( d[ v ] > d[ u ] + e[ i ].v ) {
d[ v ] = d[ u ] + e[ i ].v ;
if( !vis[ v ] ) {
vis[ v ] = ;
q[ r ++ ] = v ;
if( r == ) r = ;
} void spfa2() {
int s = (r-) * m + c ;
int l = , r = ;
q[ ] = s ;Vis[ s ] = ;
for( int i = ; i <= n * m ; i ++ ) D[ i ] = inf ;
D[ s ] = ;
while( l != r ) {
int u = q[ l ++ ] ;
Vis[ u ] = ;
if( l == ) l = ;
for( int i = Head[ u ] ; i ; i = E[ i ].nxt ) {
int v = E[ i ].to ;
if( D[ v ] > D[ u ] + E[ i ].v ) {
D[ v ] = D[ u ] + E[ i ].v ;
if( !Vis[ v ] ) {
Vis[ v ] = ;
q[ r ++ ] = v ;
if( r == ) r = ;
} int main(){
in2( n , m ) ;
in2( r , c ) ;
in2( x , y ) ;
for( int i = ; i <= n ; i ++ ) {
scanf( "%s" , ch[ i ] + ) ;
for( int i = ; i <= n ; i ++ ) {
for( int j = ; j <= m ; j ++ ) {
if( ch[ i ][ j ] == '*' ) continue ;
if(i->=&&ch[i-][j]=='.') ins1((i-)*m+j,(i-)*m+j,), ins2((i-)*m+j,(i-)*m+j,);
if(j->=&&ch[i][j-]=='.') ins1((i-)*m+j,(i-)*m+j-,),ins2((i-)*m+j,(i-)*m+j-,);
if(i+<=n&&ch[i+][j]=='.') ins1((i-)*m+j,i*m+j,), ins2((i-)*m+j,i*m+j,);
if(j+<=m&&ch[i][j+]=='.') ins1((i-)*m+j,(i-)*m+j+,),ins2((i-)*m+j,(i-)*m+j+,);
spfa() ;
spfa2() ;
int ans = ;
for( int i = ; i <= n * m ; i ++ ) {
if( d[ i ] <= x && D[ i ] <= y ) ans ++ ;
printf( "%d\n" , ans ) ;
E. Dwarves, Hats and Extrasensory Abilities
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define il inline
#define in1(a) readl(a) inline void readl( ll &x ){
x = ; ll f = ; char c = getchar() ;
while( c < '' || c > '' ) {
if( c == '-' ) f = - ;
c = getchar() ;
while( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - ;
c = getchar() ;
x *= f ;
} using namespace std ; #define N 100010 ll n ;
ll x , y ;
char s[ N ] ; int main() {
in1( n ) ;
puts( "0 0" ) ;
fflush( stdout ) ;
scanf( "%s" , s ) ;
char tmp = s[ ] ;
ll l = , r = 1e9 ;
for( int i = ; i <= n ; i ++ ) {
ll mid = ( l + r ) >> ;
printf( "%lld %lld\n" , mid , 1ll ) ;
fflush( stdout ) ;
scanf( "%s" , s ) ;
if( s[ ] == tmp ) l = mid + ;
else r = mid - ;
printf( "%lld 0 %lld 2\n" , l , r ) ;
F. Candies for Children
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