Cocon90.DB 使用说明





Cocon90.Db是由Cocon90.Db.Common为核心的类库与其它数据库操作库组合而成,以方便调用为主要目的,支持ORM操作,增、删、改、查、事务、批量执行、创建表、插入或保存记录 等等,并提供多种数据库支持。当前已支持Mysql、Sqlite、SqlServer。

Cocon90.Db is a core class library which is composed of Cocon90.Db.Common and other database operations, which is convenient to call for the main purpose, and provides a variety of database support. Currently supports Mysql, Sqlite, SqlServer.


NetFramework4.0+ Required
VisualStudio 2015+ Required

(2)添加对库Cocon90.Db.Common.dll的引用,或者执行Install-Package Cocon90.Db.Common

DataBase Require Library
MySql Cocon90.Db.Common,Cocon90.Db.Mysql
Sqlite Cocon90.Db.Common,Cocon90.Db.Sqlite
SqlServer Cocon90.Db.Common,Cocon90.Db.SqlServer


static void Main(string[] args)
var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper("Cocon90.Db.Sqlite.dll", "Cocon90.Db.Sqlite.DbDriver", "D:\\mysqlite.db;");
// or you can use app.config by this code:
var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper();


<!--<add name="ConnectionString" providerName="Cocon90.Db.Mysql.dll|Cocon90.Db.Mysql.DbDriver" connectionString="Server=;Port=3306;Database=world;Uid=root;Pwd=123456;"/>-->
<!--<add name="ConnectionString" providerName="Cocon90.Db.SqlServer.dll|Cocon90.Db.SqlServer.DbDriver" connectionString="Server=;Database=world;Uid=sa;Pwd=123456;"/>-->
<add name="ConnectionString" providerName="Cocon90.Db.Sqlite.dll|Cocon90.Db.Sqlite.DbDriver" connectionString="Data Source=D:\Application\DbTools\sqliteSpy\SQLiteSpy.db3;"/>


    var tab = dh.GetTable("select * from Student");


 class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper("Cocon90.Db.Sqlite.dll", "Cocon90.Db.Sqlite.DbDriver", "D:\\Application\\DbTools\\sqliteSpy\\SQLiteSpy.db3;"); var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper(); var createSql = dh.GetCreateTableSql<Model.CountryLanguageModel>();
var updateTabSql = dh.GetUpdateTableSql(typeof(Model.CountryLanguageModel));
var effRow = dh.CreateOrUpdateTable<Model.CountryLanguageModel>(); var needInserts = new List<Model.CountryLanguageModel>();
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
needInserts.Add(new Model.CountryLanguageModel() { Percent = (decimal)(rand.NextDouble() * 10), Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * i), Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), IsOfficial = rand.Next(0, 2) > 0, Code = i, Language = "Lang_" + i });
var succRows = dh.Save(needInserts.ToArray());
dh.GetTable("SELECT * FROM countrylanguage");
var lst = dh.GetList<Model.CountryLanguageModel>("SELECT * FROM countrylanguage");
var oneModel = dh.GetOne<Model.CountryLanguageModel>("select * from countrylanguage");
var oneModel2 = dh.GetOneByPrimaryKey<Model.CountryLanguageModel>(1, "Lang_1");
//var successRows = dh.Insert(new Model.CountryLanguage() { Percent = 1.555m, IsOfficial = false, Code = 2, Language = "Lang" },
// new Model.CountryLanguage() { Percent = 1.66m, IsOfficial = true, Code = 3, Language = "Lang" });
var updateSql = dh.GetUpdateSqlByPrimaryKey(new Model.CountryLanguageModel() { Percent = 9.9m }, true, "1=1 AND 2=2", 3, "Lang");
var updateSql2 = dh.GetUpdateSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Code = 3, Percent = 3.3m }, false, null);
var updateSql3 = dh.GetUpdateSqlByWhere(new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Code = 3, Percent = 3.3m }, true, "Language='Lang'", new Common.Data.Params("@Name", "song"));
var updateRow3 = dh.UpdateByByWhere(new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Percent = 3.3m }, true, "Language='Lang'");
var updateRow = dh.UpdateByPrimaryKey(new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Percent = 4.5m }, true, null, 3, "Lang");
var deleteSql = dh.GetDeleteSqlByPrimaryKey<Model.CountryLanguageModel>("1=1", 3, "Lang");
var deleteSql1 = dh.GetDeleteSqlByPrimaryKey<Model.CountryLanguageModel>(null, 3, "Lang_111");
var deleteSql2 = dh.GetDeleteSqlByWhere<Model.CountryLanguageModel>("Percentage=@Perc", new Common.Data.Params("Perc", 100));
var deleteSql3 = dh.GetDeleteSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Code = 3, Percent = 3.3m }, "1=@myParam", new Common.Data.Params("myParam", 1));
var deleteSql4 = dh.GetDeleteSql<Model.CountryLanguageModel>(null, "1=@myParam", new Common.Data.Params("myParam", 1));
var successRow = dh.Delete(new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Code = 3, Percent = 4.5m }); var saveSql = dh.GetSaveSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel() { Percent = 1.555m, IsOfficial = false, Code = 2, Language = "Lang" },
new Model.CountryLanguageModel() { Percent = 1.66m, IsOfficial = true, Code = 3, Language = "Lang" });
var saveRows = dh.Save(new Model.CountryLanguageModel() { Percent = 1.555m, IsOfficial = false, Code = 2, Language = "Lang" },
new Model.CountryLanguageModel() { Percent = 1.66m, IsOfficial = true, Code = 3, Language = "Lang" });
var executeNoQuery = dh.ExecNoQuery("update countrylanguage set Percentage=4.4 where Percentage=@Percentage", new Model.CountryLanguageModel { Percent = 1.6m });
var pageSql = dh.Driver.GetPagedSql("select * from countrylanguage", "CountryCode", true, 1, 10);
var pageResult = dh.GetPagedResult<Model.CountryLanguageModel>("select * from countrylanguage", "countrycode", true, 1, 10); }


    public class Student
[Cocon90.Db.Common.Attribute.Column(PrimaryKey = true)]
public Guid? Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Addrss { get; set; }
public DateTime? Birthday { get; set; }
    [Table(TableName = "CountryLanguage")]
public class CountryLanguageTab
[Column(PrimaryKey = true, ColumnName = "CountryCode")]
public int? Code { get; set; }
[Column(PrimaryKey = true, CreateDDL = "varchar(20)")]
public string Language { get; set; }
public bool? IsOfficial { get; set; }
[Column(ColumnName = "Percentage", PrimaryKey = false)]
public decimal? Percent { get; set; }
public DateTime? Date { get; set; }
public Guid? Guid { get; set; }
} [Table(TableName = "CountryLanguage")]
public class CountryLanguageModel : CountryLanguageTab
public string CodeAndLang { get; set; }



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