#pragma once class MyQueue
void Insert(int aValue);
int Top();
void Pop();
void PrintQueue();
void PrintHead(); private:
int GetIncreIndex(const int& aIndex); private:
int* m_pData;
int m_Length;
int m_Count;
int m_Head;
int m_Tail;
#include "MyQueue.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h> MyQueue::MyQueue( void )
, m_Length()
, m_Head()
, m_Tail()
, m_Count()
m_pData = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*m_Length);
} void MyQueue::Insert( int aValue )
m_pData[m_Tail] = aValue;
m_Tail = (m_Tail+)%m_Length;
++m_Count; if (m_Count == m_Length-)
m_Length = m_Length << ;
m_pData = (int*)realloc(m_pData,sizeof(int)*m_Length);
} int MyQueue::Top()
return m_pData[m_Head];
} void MyQueue::Pop()
if (m_Count == )
m_Head = (m_Head+)%m_Length;
} MyQueue::~MyQueue()
delete []m_pData;
} void MyQueue::PrintQueue()
if (m_Count > )
int lTempIndex = m_Head;
printf("%d ", m_pData[lTempIndex]);
lTempIndex = GetIncreIndex(lTempIndex);
} while (lTempIndex != m_Tail);
} printf("\n");
} int MyQueue::GetIncreIndex( const int& aIndex )
return (aIndex+)%m_Length;
} void MyQueue::PrintHead()
if (m_Count==)
printf("Head: %d\n",m_pData[m_Head]);
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