

#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
const int SZ=1e7+,INF=0x7FFFFFFF;
typedef long long lon;
string x,y; bool cmp(int bg1,int end1,int bg2,int end2)
for(int i=bg1,j=bg2;i<end1;++i,++j)
if(x[i]!=y[j])return ;
return ;
} bool equ(int bg1,int end1,int bg2,int end2,int d)
int len=end1-bg1;
//cout<<d<<"cmp: "<<bg1<<" "<<end1<<" "<<bg2<<" "<<end2<<" "<<cmp(bg1,end1,bg2,end2)<<endl;
if(cmp(bg1,end1,bg2,end2)==)return ;
else if((len)&)return ;
int half=len/;
return (equ(bg1,bg1+half,bg2,bg2+half,d+)&&equ(bg1+half,end1,bg2+half,end2,d+)||equ(bg1,bg1+half,bg2+half,end2,d+)&&equ(bg1+half,end1,bg2,bg2+half,d+));
} int main()
else cout<<"NO"<<endl;
return ;

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