AUTEL MaxiSys MS908S Pro Description :

One of the MaxiSys series devices, the MS908S Pro Diagnostic Platform bases on the revolutionary Android multitasking operating system, utilizes the powerful Cortex A7+A15 six-core processor, and equips with 9.7-inch LED capacitive touch screen. Supporting J2534 ECU Programming Device is capable of replacing the existing software/firmware in the Electronic Control Units (ECU), programming new ECUs and fixing software-controlled drivability issues and emission issues. MS908S Pro is an ideal tool for a truly trouble-free diagnosis of a maintenance plant by quickly, efficiently and effectively diagnosing automotive faults, managing customer data, and standardizing business processes.

MaxiSys MS908S Pro Features:

1. Extraordinarily powerful Cortex A7+A15 six-core processor
2. 9.7” 1024×768 LED-backlit glossy Multi-Touch capacitive display with IPS technology
3. Internal reliable 64GB On-board Memory for better performance
4. Built-in 8-megapixel rear camera with autofocus and flashlight
5. The VCI connects to the main unit wirelessly with up to 70 meters working range
6. 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi to access your favorite web resources
7. Unique ergonomic design with rubberized outer protection and a rugged internal housing
8. Open source Android Operating System for fast boot-up and multitasking
9. Extensive vehicle coverage for more than 80 US, Asian and European vehicle makes
10. Exceptional OE-Level system coverage for all electronic systems
11. Complete capabilities for codes, live data, active test, ECU information, adaptation, matching, etc
12. Cloud-based Data Manager saves customer and vehicle records, scanner data and technician notes
13. Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery for up to 7.5 hours of continuous operation
14. Equip with J2534 ECU Programming Device for replacing the existing software/firmware in the Electronic Control Units (ECU), programming new ECUs and fixing software-controlled drivability issues and emission issues

MaxiSys MS908S Pro Specifications:

AUTEL MaxiSys MS908S Pro on Accessories

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