Help for enable SSL 3.0 and disable TLS 1.0..
i cant find tab Encryption for enable SSL 3.0 and disable TLS 1.0.. tnx ♿
Chosen solution
I think you're using 30morgh proxy for web surfing so as you know this proxy server is just a public and free one that you have been used and this will fuck your works up and you wont able to deal with some websites like BBC and so on due to the heavy proxy usage. So I propose to you not to use free of charge proxies and try to get monetary ones.
Question owner
sure in firefox 23....
Current Firefox no longer have a user interface setting to disable TLS or SSL3, but you can make the change on the about:config page.
Future Firefox versions will support higher TLS versions (1.1 and 1.2) and both SSL3 and TLS 1.0 are enabled by default.
You can set the security.tls.version.min and security.tls.version.max prefs to 0 to disable TLS (0 means SSL3)
See also:
0 means SSL 3.0, 1 means TLS 1.0, 2 means TLS 1.1, etc.
- Bug 733632 - Remove TLS version UI (Options > Advanced > Encryption > Protocols)
Please DO NOT comment in bug reports:
Modified August 7, 2013 4:04:59 PM PDT by cor-el
Helpful Reply
Rather than use individual checkboxes, Firefox now operates over a range of SSL/TLS protocols. These settings are accessed using the about:config preferences editor.
Lowest Acceptable Protocol: security.tls.version.min (default SSL3.0 = 0)
Highest Allowed Protocol: security.tls.version.max (default TLS1.0 = 1)
To modify:
(1) In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
(2) In the Search box above the list, type or paste tls and pause while the list is filtered
(3) To disable SSL3 and requires TLS of one flavor or another, double-click security.tls.version.min and enter the desired value:
- 0 = SSL 3.0 okay
- 1 = at least TLS 1.0
- 2 = at least TLS 1.1 See WARNING below
(4) To disable TLS of one flavor or another, double-click security.tls.version.max and enter the desired value:
- 0 = up to SSL 3.0
- 1 = up to TLS 1.0
- 2 = up to TLS 1.1 See WARNING below
WARNING: According the following article, selecting TLS 1.1 may prevent connections to older servers from working:*
Modified August 7, 2013 4:05:41 PM PDT by jscher2000
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