


  1. 每个字长4bit.

  2. 地址用2个字进行编码。先高位字后低位字,即高位字大的地址占据内存中靠前的字。

  3. 内存大小为256个字。

  4. 有两个微处理器A和B,每个存储一个字。

  5. 有9个指令编码。每条指令需要至少一个字来存储编码,其中有4条指令含参数,并需要额外的2个字。



Code Words Description
0 3 LD: Load accumulator A with the contents of memory at the specified argument.
1 3 ST: Write the contents of accumulator A to the memory location specified by the argumen
2 1 SWP: Swap the contents of accumulators A and B.
3 1 ADD: Add the contents of accumulators A and B. The low word of the sum is stored in A, and the high word in B
4 1 INC: Increment accumulator A. Overflow is allowed; that is, incrementing F yields 0.
5 1 DEC: Decrement accumulator A. Underflow is allowed; that is, decrementing 0 yields F.
6 3 BZ: If accumulator A is zero, the next command to be executed is at the location specified by the argument. If A is not zero, the argument is ignored and nothing happens.
7 3 BR: The next command to be executed is at the location specified by the argument.
8 1 STP: Stop execution of the program.



Program Description
01A8 Load accumulator A with the contents of memory location 1A (26 in decimal) and stop.
01A512F8 Load accumulator A with the contents of memory location 1A (26 in decimal), decrement it, store the result to memory location 2F, then stop.

输入:输入由若干行组成,每行256个16进制数字(1-9, A-F).每行表示的是内存的内容,地址编码从00到FF。00地址的内存单元为Stop指令时标志着输入的结束。输入的程序保证了程序的指令不会位于地址F0到FF的内存单元中。


Sample Input


Sample Output



// POJ1049 Microprocessor Simulation
// Memory: 164K Time: 0MS
// Language: C++ Result: Accepted
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <cstdio> using namespace std; char mem[];
char A, B;
int pc; int Hex2Dec(char c) {
if (c >= '' && c <= '') return c - '';
else return c - 'A' + ;
} int DHex2Dec(char a, char b) {
return Hex2Dec(a) * + Hex2Dec(b);
} char Dec2Hex(int i) {
if (i >= ) return 'A' + i - ;
else return i + '';
} int main(void) {
while (scanf("%s", mem) && mem[] != '') {
pc = ;
char command;
char buf;
int buf1, buf2;
A = B = '';
while ((command = mem[pc]) != '') {
switch (command) {
case ''://LD
A = mem[DHex2Dec(mem[pc + ], mem[pc + ])];
pc += ;
case ''://ST
mem[DHex2Dec(mem[pc + ], mem[pc + ])] = A;
pc += ;
case ''://SWP
buf = A;
A = B;
B = buf;
case ''://ADD
buf1 = Hex2Dec(A);
buf2 = Hex2Dec(B);
B = Dec2Hex((buf1 + buf2) / );
A = Dec2Hex((buf1 + buf2) % );
case ''://INC
if (A == 'F') A = '';
else if (A == '') A = 'A';
else ++A;
case ''://DEC
if (A == '') A = 'F';
else if (A == 'A') A = '';
else --A;
case ''://BZ
if (A == '') pc = DHex2Dec(mem[pc + ], mem[pc + ]);
else pc += ;
case ''://BR
pc = DHex2Dec(mem[pc + ], mem[pc + ]);
printf("%s\n", mem);
return ;

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