BIOS MCSDK 2.0 User Guide - Texas Instruments Wiki

Acronyms and Definitions

The following acronyms are used throughout this document.

Acronym Meaning
AMC Advanced Mezzanine Card
CCS Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
CSL Texas Instruments Chip Support Library
DDR Double Data Rate
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DVT Texas Instruments Data Analysis and Visualization Technology
EDMA Enhanced Direct Memory Access
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EVM Evaluation Module, hardware platform containing the Texas Instruments DSP
HUA High Performance Digital Signal Processor Utility Application
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Texas Instruments Inter-Processor Communication Development Kit
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
MCSA Texas Instruments Multi-Core System Analyzer
MCSDK Texas Instruments Multi-Core Software Development Kit
NDK Texas Instruments Network Development Kit (IP Stack)
NIMU Network Interface Management Unit
PDK Texas Instruments Programmers Development Kit
RAM Random Access Memory
RTSC Eclipse Real-Time Software Components
SRIO Serial Rapid IO
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TI Texas Instruments
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UIA Texas Instruments Unified Instrumentation Architecture
USB Universal Serial Bus

Note: We use the abbreviation TMS when referring to a specific TI device (processor) and the abbreviation TMD when referring to a specific platform that the processor is on. For example, TMS320C6678 refers to the C6678 DSP processor and TMDSEVM6678L refers to the actual hardware EVM that the processor is on.

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