通过vSphere API获取对象Statistics
1、vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId() 通过counter_id获取到metric_id
2、vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec() 通过对象、metric_id、起始时间进行装配
3、content.perfManager.QueryPerf() 通过QuerySpec获取对象的Statistics
4、content.perfManager.perfCounter 获取所有Performance Counter相关信息
示例1: 获取ESXI主机的网络利用率
- from pyVim.connect import SmartConnectNoSSL, Disconnect
- from pyVmomi import vim
- from datetime import timedelta
- import atexit
- def connect_vc(host, user, pwd, port):
- si = SmartConnectNoSSL(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port)
- # disconnect this thing
- atexit.register(Disconnect, si)
- return si
- def build_query(content, vc_time, counter_id, obj, interval):
- metric_id = vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId(counterId=counter_id, instance="")
- start_time = vc_time - timedelta(minutes=(interval + 1))
- end_time = vc_time - timedelta(minutes=1)
- query = vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec(intervalId=20,
- entity=obj,
- metricId=[metric_id],
- startTime=start_time,
- endTime=end_time)
- perf_results = content.perfManager.QueryPerf(querySpec=[query])
- if perf_results:
- return perf_results
- else:
- pass
- def print_statistics(obj, content, vc_time, interval, perf_dict, ):
- stat_interval = interval * 3 # There are 3per 20s samples in each minute
- # Network usage (Tx/Rx)
- # statNetworkTx = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (stat_check(perf_dict, 'net.usage.maximum')), obj, interval)
- # networkTx = (float(sum(statNetworkTx[0].value[0].value) * 8 / 1024) / statInt)
- # statNetworkRx = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (stat_check(perf_dict, 'net.usage.minimum')), obj, interval)
- # networkRx = (float(sum(statNetworkRx[0].value[0].value) * 8 / 1024) / statInt)
- # Network utilization (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates) during the interval = 145
- network_usage = build_query(content, vc_time, stat_check(perf_dict, 'net.usage.average'), obj, interval)
- try:
- print('statNetworkThroughput:%sMB' % (round((((sum(network_usage[0].value[0].value)) / 1024) / stat_interval), 2)))
- except TypeError:
- # 关机的ESXi主机无法获取到数据
- pass
- def stat_check(perf_dict, counter_name):
- """通过performance counter名称获取counter id"""
- counter_id = perf_dict[counter_name]
- return counter_id
- def main():
- username = 'administrator@vsphere.local'
- password = 'xxxxxx'
- vc_ip = ''
- vc_port = ''
- statistics_interval_time = 10 # 分钟为单位
- si = connect_vc(host=vc_ip, user=username, pwd=password, port=vc_port)
- content = si.RetrieveContent()
- # Get vCenter date and time for use as baseline when querying for counters
- vc_time = si.CurrentTime()
- # 获取所有performance counter,并放入字典中
- perf_dict = {}
- perf_list = content.perfManager.perfCounter
- for counter in perf_list:
- counter_full = "{}.{}.{}".format(counter.groupInfo.key, counter.nameInfo.key, counter.rollupType)
- perf_dict[counter_full] = counter.key # perf_dict包含了所有的perfCounter
- # 获取ESXi主机对象
- container_view = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [vim.HostSystem], True)
- for obj in container_view.view:
- print_statistics(obj, content, vc_time, statistics_interval_time, perf_dict)
- # Start program
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
示例2: 获取VM相关的performance
- """
- Python program that generates various statistics for one or more virtual machines
- A list of virtual machines can be provided as a comma separated list.
- """
- from __future__ import print_function
- from pyVim.connect import SmartConnectNoSSL, Disconnect
- from pyVmomi import vmodl, vim
- from datetime import timedelta, datetime
- import atexit
- def connect_vc(host, user, pwd, port):
- si = SmartConnectNoSSL(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port)
- # disconnect this thing
- atexit.register(Disconnect, si)
- return si
- def BuildQuery(content, vchtime, counterId, instance, vm, interval):
- perfManager = content.perfManager
- metricId = vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId(counterId=counterId, instance=instance)
- startTime = vchtime - timedelta(minutes=(interval + 1))
- endTime = vchtime - timedelta(minutes=1)
- query = vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec(intervalId=20, entity=vm, metricId=[metricId], startTime=startTime,
- endTime=endTime)
- perfResults = perfManager.QueryPerf(querySpec=[query])
- if perfResults:
- return perfResults
- else:
- print('ERROR: Performance results empty. TIP: Check time drift on source and vCenter server')
- print('Troubleshooting info:')
- print('vCenter/host date and time: {}'.format(vchtime))
- print('Start perf counter time : {}'.format(startTime))
- print('End perf counter time : {}'.format(endTime))
- print(query)
- exit()
- def PrintVmInfo(vm, content, vchtime, interval, perf_dict, ):
- statInt = interval * 3 # There are 3 20s samples in each minute
- summary = vm.summary
- disk_list = []
- network_list = []
- # Convert limit and reservation values from -1 to None
- if vm.resourceConfig.cpuAllocation.limit == -1:
- vmcpulimit = "None"
- else:
- vmcpulimit = "{} Mhz".format(vm.resourceConfig.cpuAllocation.limit)
- if vm.resourceConfig.memoryAllocation.limit == -1:
- vmmemlimit = "None"
- else:
- vmmemlimit = "{} MB".format(vm.resourceConfig.cpuAllocation.limit)
- if vm.resourceConfig.cpuAllocation.reservation == 0:
- vmcpures = "None"
- else:
- vmcpures = "{} Mhz".format(vm.resourceConfig.cpuAllocation.reservation)
- if vm.resourceConfig.memoryAllocation.reservation == 0:
- vmmemres = "None"
- else:
- vmmemres = "{} MB".format(vm.resourceConfig.memoryAllocation.reservation)
- vm_hardware = vm.config.hardware
- for each_vm_hardware in vm_hardware.device:
- if (each_vm_hardware.key >= 2000) and (each_vm_hardware.key < 3000):
- disk_list.append('{} | {:.1f}GB | Thin: {} | {}'.format(each_vm_hardware.deviceInfo.label,
- each_vm_hardware.capacityInKB/1024/1024,
- each_vm_hardware.backing.thinProvisioned,
- each_vm_hardware.backing.fileName))
- elif (each_vm_hardware.key >= 4000) and (each_vm_hardware.key < 5000):
- network_list.append('{} | {} | {}'.format(each_vm_hardware.deviceInfo.label,
- each_vm_hardware.deviceInfo.summary,
- each_vm_hardware.macAddress))
- #CPU Ready Average
- statCpuReady = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'cpu.ready.summation')), "", vm, interval)
- cpuReady = (float(sum(statCpuReady[0].value[0].value)) / statInt)
- #CPU Usage Average % - NOTE: values are type LONG so needs divided by 100 for percentage
- statCpuUsage = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'cpu.usage.average')), "", vm, interval)
- cpuUsage = ((float(sum(statCpuUsage[0].value[0].value)) / statInt) / 100)
- #Memory Active Average MB
- statMemoryActive = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'mem.active.average')), "", vm, interval)
- memoryActive = (float(sum(statMemoryActive[0].value[0].value) / 1024) / statInt)
- #Memory Shared
- statMemoryShared = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'mem.shared.average')), "", vm, interval)
- memoryShared = (float(sum(statMemoryShared[0].value[0].value) / 1024) / statInt)
- #Memory Balloon
- statMemoryBalloon = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'mem.vmmemctl.average')), "", vm, interval)
- memoryBalloon = (float(sum(statMemoryBalloon[0].value[0].value) / 1024) / statInt)
- #Memory Swapped
- statMemorySwapped = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'mem.swapped.average')), "", vm, interval)
- memorySwapped = (float(sum(statMemorySwapped[0].value[0].value) / 1024) / statInt)
- #Datastore Average IO
- statDatastoreIoRead = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'datastore.numberReadAveraged.average')),
- "*", vm, interval)
- DatastoreIoRead = (float(sum(statDatastoreIoRead[0].value[0].value)) / statInt)
- statDatastoreIoWrite = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'datastore.numberWriteAveraged.average')),
- "*", vm, interval)
- DatastoreIoWrite = (float(sum(statDatastoreIoWrite[0].value[0].value)) / statInt)
- #Datastore Average Latency
- statDatastoreLatRead = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'datastore.totalReadLatency.average')),
- "*", vm, interval)
- DatastoreLatRead = (float(sum(statDatastoreLatRead[0].value[0].value)) / statInt)
- statDatastoreLatWrite = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'datastore.totalWriteLatency.average')),
- "*", vm, interval)
- DatastoreLatWrite = (float(sum(statDatastoreLatWrite[0].value[0].value)) / statInt)
- #Network usage (Tx/Rx)
- statNetworkTx = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'net.transmitted.average')), "", vm, interval)
- networkTx = (float(sum(statNetworkTx[0].value[0].value) * 8 / 1024) / statInt)
- statNetworkRx = BuildQuery(content, vchtime, (StatCheck(perf_dict, 'net.received.average')), "", vm, interval)
- networkRx = (float(sum(statNetworkRx[0].value[0].value) * 8 / 1024) / statInt)
- print('networkRx:', networkRx)
- print('networkTx:', networkTx)
- print('\nNOTE: Any VM statistics are averages of the last {} minutes\n'.format(statInt / 3))
- print('Server Name :', summary.config.name)
- print('Description :', summary.config.annotation)
- print('Guest :', summary.config.guestFullName)
- if vm.rootSnapshot:
- print('Snapshot Status : Snapshots present')
- else:
- print('Snapshot Status : No Snapshots')
- print('VM .vmx Path :', summary.config.vmPathName)
- try:
- print('Virtual Disks :', disk_list[0])
- if len(disk_list) > 1:
- disk_list.pop(0)
- for each_disk in disk_list:
- print(' ', each_disk)
- except IndexError:
- pass
- print('Virtual NIC(s) :', network_list[0])
- if len(network_list) > 1:
- network_list.pop(0)
- for each_vnic in network_list:
- print(' ', each_vnic)
- print('[VM] Limits : CPU: {}, Memory: {}'.format(vmcpulimit, vmmemlimit))
- print('[VM] Reservations : CPU: {}, Memory: {}'.format(vmcpures, vmmemres))
- print('[VM] Number of vCPUs :', summary.config.numCpu)
- print('[VM] CPU Ready : Average {:.1f} %, Maximum {:.1f} %'.format((cpuReady / 20000 * 100),
- ((float(max(
- statCpuReady[0].value[
- 0].value)) / 20000 * 100))))
- print('[VM] CPU (%) : {:.0f} %'.format(cpuUsage))
- print('[VM] Memory : {} MB ({:.1f} GB)'.format(summary.config.memorySizeMB, (float(summary.config.memorySizeMB) / 1024)))
- print('[VM] Memory Shared : {:.0f} %, {:.0f} MB'.format(
- ((memoryShared / summary.config.memorySizeMB) * 100), memoryShared))
- print('[VM] Memory Balloon : {:.0f} %, {:.0f} MB'.format(
- ((memoryBalloon / summary.config.memorySizeMB) * 100), memoryBalloon))
- print('[VM] Memory Swapped : {:.0f} %, {:.0f} MB'.format(
- ((memorySwapped / summary.config.memorySizeMB) * 100), memorySwapped))
- print('[VM] Memory Active : {:.0f} %, {:.0f} MB'.format(
- ((memoryActive / summary.config.memorySizeMB) * 100), memoryActive))
- print('[VM] Datastore Average IO : Read: {:.0f} IOPS, Write: {:.0f} IOPS'.format(DatastoreIoRead,
- DatastoreIoWrite))
- print('[VM] Datastore Average Latency : Read: {:.0f} ms, Write: {:.0f} ms'.format(DatastoreLatRead,
- DatastoreLatWrite))
- print('[VM] Overall Network Usage : Transmitted {:.3f} Mbps, Received {:.3f} Mbps'.format(networkTx, networkRx))
- print('[Host] Name : {}'.format(summary.runtime.host.name))
- print('[Host] CPU Detail : Processor Sockets: {}, Cores per Socket {}'.format(
- summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs,
- (summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.numCpuCores / summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs)))
- print('[Host] CPU Type : {}'.format(summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.cpuModel))
- print('[Host] CPU Usage : Used: {} Mhz, Total: {} Mhz'.format(
- summary.runtime.host.summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage,
- (summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.cpuMhz * summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.numCpuCores)))
- print('[Host] Memory Usage : Used: {:.0f} GB, Total: {:.0f} GB\n'.format(
- (float(summary.runtime.host.summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage) / 1024),
- (float(summary.runtime.host.summary.hardware.memorySize) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)))
- def StatCheck(perf_dict, counter_name):
- counter_key = perf_dict[counter_name]
- return counter_key
- def GetProperties(content, viewType, props, specType):
- # Build a view and get basic properties for all Virtual Machines
- objView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, viewType, True)
- tSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.TraversalSpec(name='tSpecName', path='view', skip=False, type=vim.view.ContainerView)
- pSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.PropertySpec(all=False, pathSet=props, type=specType)
- oSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.ObjectSpec(obj=objView, selectSet=[tSpec], skip=False)
- pfSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.FilterSpec(objectSet=[oSpec], propSet=[pSpec], reportMissingObjectsInResults=False)
- retOptions = vim.PropertyCollector.RetrieveOptions()
- totalProps = []
- retProps = content.propertyCollector.RetrievePropertiesEx(specSet=[pfSpec], options=retOptions)
- totalProps += retProps.objects
- while retProps.token:
- retProps = content.propertyCollector.ContinueRetrievePropertiesEx(token=retProps.token)
- totalProps += retProps.objects
- objView.Destroy()
- # Turn the output in retProps into a usable dictionary of values
- gpOutput = []
- for eachProp in totalProps:
- propDic = {}
- for prop in eachProp.propSet:
- propDic[prop.name] = prop.val
- propDic['moref'] = eachProp.obj
- gpOutput.append(propDic)
- return gpOutput
- def main():
- username = 'administrator@vsphere.local'
- password = 'xxxxxx'
- vc_ip = ''
- vc_port = ''
- customization_spec_name = 'Ubuntu_Customization'
- si = connect_vc(host=vc_ip, user=username, pwd=password, port=vc_port)
- content = si.RetrieveContent()
- # Get vCenter date and time for use as baseline when querying for counters
- vchtime = si.CurrentTime()
- # Get all the performance counters
- perf_dict = {}
- perfList = content.perfManager.perfCounter
- for counter in perfList:
- counter_full = "{}.{}.{}".format(counter.groupInfo.key, counter.nameInfo.key, counter.rollupType)
- perf_dict[counter_full] = counter.key
- retProps = GetProperties(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], ['name', 'runtime.powerState'], vim.VirtualMachine)
- #Find VM supplied as arg and use Managed Object Reference (moref) for the PrintVmInfo
- for vm in retProps:
- PrintVmInfo(vm['moref'], content, vchtime, 20, perf_dict)
- break
- # Start program
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
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