【Multiply Strings】cpp
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
class Solution {
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
const int n1 = num1.size(), n2 = num2.size();
if ( num1=="" || num2=="") return "";
vector<char> ret;
for ( int i=n1-; i>=; --i )
vector<char> local(,'');
int v = , carry = , curr = ;
for ( int j=n2-; j>=; --j )
v= (num1[i]-'')*(num2[j]-'');
carry = v/;
curr = v%;
carry += ((local[]-'')+curr)/;
curr = ((local[]-'')+curr)%;
local[] = curr+'';
local.insert(local.begin(), carry+'');
if (local[]=='') local.erase(local.begin());
// cout << string(local.begin(),local.end()) << endl;
// add zeros
for ( int z=n1-; z>i; --z) local.push_back('');
// cout << string(local.begin(),local.end()) << endl;
carry = , curr = ;
for ( int r=ret.size()-, l=local.size()-; r>= || l>=; --r,--l )
if ( r>= && l>= )
curr = (carry+(ret[r]-'')+(local[l]-''))%;
carry = (carry+(ret[r]-'')+(local[l]-''))/;
local[l] = curr+'';
curr = (carry+(local[l]-''))%;
carry = (carry+(local[l]-''))/;
local[l] = curr+'';
if (carry!=) { local.insert(local.begin(), carry+''); }
ret = local;
return string(ret.begin(),ret.end());
第二次过这道题,憋了好久。主要是有个思维误区,认为tmp比ret最多多一位;但是,比如52*4这样的例子,2*4=8 50*4=200就不止一位了。
class Solution {
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
if ( num1=="" || num2=="" ) return "";
vector<char> ret(num2.size(),'');
for ( int i=num1.size()-; i>=; --i )
// mupltiply ret
vector<int> tmp;
int val = , carry = ;
for ( int j=num2.size()-; j>=; --j )
val = (num2[j]-'')*(num1[i]-'')+carry;
tmp.insert(tmp.begin(), val%);
carry = val/;
if ( carry> ) tmp.insert(tmp.begin(), carry);
for ( int k=; k<num1.size()--i; ++k ) tmp.push_back();
// merge tmp & ret
while ( tmp.size()>ret.size() ) ret.insert(ret.begin(),'');
val = ;
carry = ;
for ( int m=tmp.size()-; m>=; --m )
val = (ret[m]-'') + tmp[m] + carry;
ret[m] = val%+'';
carry = val/;
if ( carry> ) ret.insert(ret.begin(), carry+'');
return string(ret.begin(), ret.end());
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