never mind!!!

duplicate: Error with iOS 5.1 when i use ASIHTTPRequest and SBJSON

"I would take a look at the Build Phases section in your Target. Under "Compile Sources", make sure you see the .m files for ASIHTTPRequest and for SBJson. Sometimes when you drag external classes into a project, even if you check the box to copy the files into your project, they don't make it into these compile sources. When you drag a file into Xcode, there is a check box to add the file to the target. If this isn't checked, the file won't make it into the Compile Sources. Delete the files and re-add them, ensuring this file is checked (or you can add the .m files manually if you'd like)."

ASIHTTPREQUEST framework compile error when method is called / link error的更多相关文章

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