using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading; namespace WaitOne
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Calculate calc = new Calculate();
Console.WriteLine("Result = {0}.",
Console.WriteLine("Result = {0}.",
calc.Result(55).ToString()); } static void WorkMethod(object stateInfo)
Console.WriteLine("Work starting."); // Simulate time spent working.
Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(100, 2000)); // Signal that work is finished.
Console.WriteLine("Work ending.");
} }
class Calculate
double baseNumber, firstTerm, secondTerm, thirdTerm;
AutoResetEvent[] autoEvents;
ManualResetEvent manualEvent; // Generate random numbers to simulate the actual calculations.
Random randomGenerator; public Calculate()
autoEvents = new AutoResetEvent[]
new AutoResetEvent(false),
new AutoResetEvent(false),
new AutoResetEvent(false)
}; manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
} void CalculateBase(object stateInfo)
baseNumber = randomGenerator.NextDouble(); Console.WriteLine("Base start");
// Signal that baseNumber is ready.
manualEvent.Set(); Console.WriteLine("Base work");
} // The following CalculateX methods all perform the same
// series of steps as commented in CalculateFirstTerm. void CalculateFirstTerm(object stateInfo)
// Perform a precalculation.
double preCalc = randomGenerator.NextDouble(); Console.WriteLine("First start");
// Wait for baseNumber to be calculated.
manualEvent.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("First work.");
// Calculate the first term from preCalc and baseNumber.
firstTerm = preCalc * baseNumber *
randomGenerator.NextDouble(); // Signal that the calculation is finished.
} void CalculateSecondTerm(object stateInfo)
double preCalc = randomGenerator.NextDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Second Start..");
Console.WriteLine("Second Work..");
secondTerm = preCalc * baseNumber *
} void CalculateThirdTerm(object stateInfo)
double preCalc = randomGenerator.NextDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Third Start..");
manualEvent.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("Third work..");
thirdTerm = preCalc * baseNumber *
} public double Result(int seed)
randomGenerator = new Random(seed); // Simultaneously calculate the terms.
new WaitCallback(CalculateBase));
new WaitCallback(CalculateFirstTerm));
new WaitCallback(CalculateSecondTerm));
new WaitCallback(CalculateThirdTerm)); // Wait for all of the terms to be calculated.
WaitHandle.WaitAll(autoEvents); // Reset the wait handle for the next calculation.
manualEvent.Reset(); return firstTerm + secondTerm + thirdTerm;


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