
  Web Services Made Easy (WSME) simplifies the writing of REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing,

  removing the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects.


  WSEM support lots of protocols.

  'restjson':   Implements a REST+Json protocol.

  'restxml':   Implements a REST+Xml protocol.

  'soap':    Implements the SOAP protocol.


WSRoot:   Root controller for webservices

@expose:   The return type of web service interface

@validate:  Validate the incoming paramters type

@signature:  Set the return type and the incoming paramters type


  WSME provide details implements for Web Service.

  WSME need a Web Framework to provide service.

  In the OpenStack, Horizon use Django web framework.

  The following example use bottle web framework.

from wsme import WSRoot, expose, validate, signature
from wsme.types import File import bottle
from six import uclass Person(object):
id = int
firstname = unicode
lastname = unicode hobbies = [unicode] def __repr__(self):
return "Person(%s, %s %s, %s)" % (,
self.firstname, self.lastname,
) class DemoRoot(WSRoot):
@validate(int, int)
def multiply(self, a, b):
return a * b @expose(File)
def echofile(self, afile):
return afile @expose(unicode)
def helloworld(self):
return u"Здраво, свете (<- Hello World in Serbian !)" @expose(Person)
def getperson(self):
p = Person() = 12
p.firstname = u'Ross'
p.lastname = u'Geler'
p.hobbies = []
print p
return p @expose([Person])
def listpersons(self):
p = Person() = 12
p.firstname = u('Ross')
p.lastname = u('Geler')
r = [p]
p = Person() = 13
p.firstname = u('Rachel')
p.lastname = u('Green')
print r
return r @expose(Person)
def setperson(self, person):
return person @expose([Person])
def setpersons(self, persons):
print persons
return persons @signature(int, int, int)
def increment(self, value, delta=1):
return value + delta @signature(Person, body=Person)
def updateauthor(self, person):
return person

# Set Web Root Path
root = DemoRoot(webpath='/ws')
# Add Soap protocol
# Add Rest Json protocal
# Create a wsgi Application
bottle.mount('/ws/', root.wsgiapp())
# Run Applicaton in bottle


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