此文章翻译自 NDC { London } 16-20 January 2017 上, Damian Edwards和David Fowler的演讲,如果翻译不周,请大家指出错误。


  1. 生产环境总是配置一个Logger(比如: Serilog, Application Insights)

  2. 日志作为诊断应用程序问题的入口

  3. 不需要重启应用程序,就能改变日志的级别


  4. 如果不想显示太多的信息,可以选择特定的Category


  5. ASP.NET按照如下方式记录日志:

    • ANCM(IIS): 将不能启动进程的错误记录到EventLog

      ANCM是指ASP.NET Core Module。按照Damian的说法,当IIS进程无法启动的时候是很崩溃的,此时可以从Windows Event Log中查看具体的错误。

    • ANCM also uses regular IIS failed request tracing

    • 其他未处理的异常将由为logger providers提供的logger记录

Configuration & Options

  1. 随着配置文件的改变而自动重新加载配置

  2. 当配置内容的值更改时,使用IOptionsSnapshot重新加载IOptions对象

    IOptionsSnapshot是ASP.NET Core 1.1提供的新接口,这个接口在配置文件改变时会重新绑定配置对象的值,这样可以在应用程序运行时动态修改配置内容。

  3. 使用User Secrets, 环境变量,Azure KeyVault等方式存储和环境有关的配置内容


  4. 应用程序部署在IIS时,可以通过web.config配置环境变量

File Upload

  1. 如果上传的文件需要提供给浏览器访问,将它们放在web root下

  2. 最简单的处理文件上传的方法,是使用MVC里的IFormFile或者IFormFileCollection



  3. 也可以使用低级别的API,比如HttpRequest.ReadFormAsync和HttpRequest.Form

  4. 阻止用户上传任何可以在服务器执行的文件

    比较容易疏忽的是.cshtml文件。ASP.NET Core 2.0提供了Razor Page,那么.cshtml文件很可能被制作成一个可以直接访问的Razor Page上传上来。

  5. 大文件会提供buffer,防止服务器内存暴增

  6. 在保存文件之前,检查客户端传递的文件路径


    var path = Path.Combine(env.ContentRoot, file.FileName);


  7. 处理很大的multipart uploads时,不要使用model binding。手动的调用HttpRequest.GetMultipartBoundary()方法。

    这个方法仅在ASP.NET CORE 1.1.0提供

  8. IIS的限制仍然生效


Dependency Injection

  1. 保持你的DI工厂快速响应,不要在构造服务时使用异步方法


    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    DeadlockWithFactory(); Console.WriteLine("hello");
    } private static void DeadlockWithFactory()
    var services = new ServiceCollection();
    services.AddSingleton(s =>
    var b = GetBAsync(s).Result; return new A(b);
    }); services.AddSingleton<B>(); var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
    var a = serviceProvider.GetService<A>(); //1. 此处lock了Container
    } private static async Task<B> GetBAsync(IServiceProvider s)
    await Task.Delay(1000); //2. 此处由于使用了await关键字,离开了主线程,进入了后台线程 return s.GetRequiredService<B>(); //3. 此处后台线程尝试lock Container,导致死锁
    } public class A
    public A(B b)
    { }
    } public class B
    { }
  2. 避免手动的调用GetService



  3. 实现了IDisposable接口的服务会由Container控制调用它们的Dispose方法,如果在顶层Container中构造出该服务的实例,会导致内存泄漏。


  4. Turn on scope validation to make sure you don't have scoped services capturing singletons.


    var services = new ServiceCollection();
    services.AddScoped<B>(); var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
    var a = sp.GetRequiredService<A>();


    在ASP.NET Core 1.1中, BuildServiceProvider方法提供了一个新的参数 validateScopes,上面的代码可以修改成

    var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true);
    var a = sp.GetRequiredService<A>(); //如果A依赖B,那么此处会抛出System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot consume scoped service 'B' from singleton 'A'.
  5. 优化依赖注入


    public class A(B b) { }
    public class B(C c) { }
    public class C() { }


    new A(new B(new C()));


    public class A(IServiceProvider sp) { _b = sp.GetService<B>(); }
    public class B(IServiceProvider sp) { _c = sp.GetService<C>(); }
    public class C() { }


    new C();
    new B(GetService<C>());
    new A(GetService<B>());


  1. Protect against mass assignment with separate input/output models


    public class AdminViewModel
    [Display(Name = "Live Show Embed URL", Description = "URL for embedding the live show")]
    public string LiveShowEmbedUrl { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Live Show HTML", Description = "HTML content for the live show")]
    public string LiveShowHtml { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Next Show Date/time", Description = "Exact date and time of the next live show in Pacific Time")]
    [DateAfterNow(TimeZoneId = "Pacific Standard Time")]
    public DateTime? NextShowDatePst { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Standby Message", Description = "Message to show on home page during show standby")]
    public string AdminMessage { get; set; } public string NextShowDateSuggestionPstAM { get; set; } public string NextShowDateSuggestionPstPM { get; set; } public string SuccessMessage { get; set; } public bool ShowSuccessMessage => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SuccessMessage); public AppSettings AppSettings { get; set; } public string EnvironmentName { get; set; }
    } [ModelMetadataType(typeof(AdminViewModel))]
    public class AdminInputModel
    public string LiveShowEmbedUrl { get; set; } public string LiveShowHtml { get; set; } public DateTime? NextShowDatePst { get; set; } public string AdminMessage { get; set; }




    public class AdminViewModel
    public AdminInputModel Input { get; set; } public string NextShowDateSuggestionPstAM { get; set; } public string NextShowDateSuggestionPstPM { get; set; } public string SuccessMessage { get; set; } public bool ShowSuccessMessage => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SuccessMessage); public AppSettings AppSettings { get; set; } public string EnvironmentName { get; set; }
    } [ModelMetadataType(typeof(AdminViewModel))]
    public class AdminInputModel
    [Display(Name = "Live Show Embed URL", Description = "URL for embedding the live show")]
    public string LiveShowEmbedUrl { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Live Show HTML", Description = "HTML content for the live show")]
    public string LiveShowHtml { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Next Show Date/time", Description = "Exact date and time of the next live show in Pacific Time")]
    [DateAfterNow(TimeZoneId = "Pacific Standard Time")]
    public DateTime? NextShowDatePst { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Standby Message", Description = "Message to show on home page during show standby")]
    public string AdminMessage { get; set; }
  2. TagHelpers

    • 正确的处理属性值
    • 属性中带有文件路径时,确保在执行前验证文件是否存在
  3. 在Post-Redirect-Get场景中使用TempData

    当你在一个Post的请求里完成操作,并且需要重定向到另外一个页面展示操作结果时,可以通过URL传参,Cookies, Sessions等技术来实现,也可以使用TempData来实现。

    ASP.NET Core的TempData是基于Cookies的。

Testing your pipeline

  1. 使用TestHost在内存中测试整个管道,而不用访问网络

    public async Task VerifyResponse()
    var builder = new WebHostBuilder()
    .UseStartup<Startup>(); var server = new TestServer(builder);
    var client = server.CreateClient(); var response = await client.GetAsync("http://something"); Assert.Equal("Hello World", await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  2. 单元测试中也可以使用enviroments来对不同的环境进行测试

    public async Task VerifyTestEnvironmentResponse()
    var builder = new WebHostBuilder()
    .UseStartup<StartupWithEnvironment>(); var server = new TestServer(builder);
    var client = server.CreateClient(); var response = await client.GetAsync("http://something"); Assert.Equal("Test", await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

Per request state

  1. HttpContext.Items


  2. HttpContext.Get/SetFeature


  3. Scoped services


  4. 在Request Context以外要访问HttpContext时,可以使用IHttpContextAcessor接口。

    public class A
    private HttpContext HttpContext { get; set; } public A(IHttpContextAcessor httpContextAcessor)
    this.HttpContext = httpContextAcessor.HttpContext;


  1. 原文视频:Youtube

  2. 相关源码

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