下面直接上例子,有两个文件组成1.zkclient.py 2.zktest.py
# coding: utf-8
# modfied from https://github.com/phunt/zk-smoketest/blob/master/zkclient.py
# zkclient.py import zookeeper, time, threading
from collections import namedtuple DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30000
VERBOSE = True ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE = {"perms":0x1f, "scheme":"world", "id" :"anyone"} # Mapping of connection state values to human strings.
zookeeper.ASSOCIATING_STATE: "associating",
zookeeper.AUTH_FAILED_STATE: "auth-failed",
zookeeper.CONNECTED_STATE: "connected",
zookeeper.CONNECTING_STATE: "connecting",
zookeeper.EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE: "expired",
} # Mapping of event type to human string.
zookeeper.NOTWATCHING_EVENT: "not-watching",
zookeeper.SESSION_EVENT: "session",
zookeeper.CREATED_EVENT: "created",
zookeeper.DELETED_EVENT: "deleted",
zookeeper.CHANGED_EVENT: "changed",
zookeeper.CHILD_EVENT: "child",
} class ZKClientError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value) class ClientEvent(namedtuple("ClientEvent", 'type, connection_state, path')):
A client event is returned when a watch deferred fires. It denotes
some event on the zookeeper client that the watch was requested on.
""" @property
def type_name(self):
return TYPE_NAME_MAPPING[self.type] @property
def state_name(self):
return STATE_NAME_MAPPING[self.connection_state] def __repr__(self):
return "<ClientEvent %s at %r state: %s>" % (
self.type_name, self.path, self.state_name) def watchmethod(func):
def decorated(handle, atype, state, path):
event = ClientEvent(atype, state, path)
return func(event)
return decorated class ZKClient(object):
def __init__(self, servers, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
self.timeout = timeout
self.connected = False
self.conn_cv = threading.Condition( )
self.handle = -1 self.conn_cv.acquire()
if VERBOSE: print("Connecting to %s" % (servers))
start = time.time()
self.handle = zookeeper.init(servers, self.connection_watcher, timeout)
self.conn_cv.release() if not self.connected:
raise ZKClientError("Unable to connect to %s" % (servers)) if VERBOSE:
print("Connected in %d ms, handle is %d"
% (int((time.time() - start) * 1000), self.handle)) def connection_watcher(self, h, type, state, path):
self.handle = h
self.connected = True
self.conn_cv.release() def close(self):
return zookeeper.close(self.handle) def create(self, path, data="", flags=0, acl=[ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]):
start = time.time()
result = zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, acl, flags)
print("Node %s created in %d ms"
% (path, int((time.time() - start) * 1000)))
return result def delete(self, path, version=-1):
start = time.time()
result = zookeeper.delete(self.handle, path, version)
print("Node %s deleted in %d ms"
% (path, int((time.time() - start) * 1000)))
return result def get(self, path, watcher=None):
return zookeeper.get(self.handle, path, watcher) def exists(self, path, watcher=None):
return zookeeper.exists(self.handle, path, watcher) def set(self, path, data="", version=-1):
return zookeeper.set(self.handle, path, data, version) def set2(self, path, data="", version=-1):
return zookeeper.set2(self.handle, path, data, version) def get_children(self, path, watcher=None):
return zookeeper.get_children(self.handle, path, watcher) def async(self, path = "/"):
return zookeeper.async(self.handle, path) def acreate(self, path, callback, data="", flags=0, acl=[ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]):
result = zookeeper.acreate(self.handle, path, data, acl, flags, callback)
return result def adelete(self, path, callback, version=-1):
return zookeeper.adelete(self.handle, path, version, callback) def aget(self, path, callback, watcher=None):
return zookeeper.aget(self.handle, path, watcher, callback) def aexists(self, path, callback, watcher=None):
return zookeeper.aexists(self.handle, path, watcher, callback) def aset(self, path, callback, data="", version=-1):
return zookeeper.aset(self.handle, path, data, version, callback) watch_count = 0 """Callable watcher that counts the number of notifications"""
class CountingWatcher(object):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
global watch_count
self.id = watch_count
watch_count += 1 def waitForExpected(self, count, maxwait):
"""Wait up to maxwait for the specified count,
return the count whether or not maxwait reached. Arguments:
- `count`: expected count
- `maxwait`: max milliseconds to wait
waited = 0
while (waited < maxwait):
if self.count >= count:
return self.count
waited += 1000
return self.count def __call__(self, handle, typ, state, path):
self.count += 1
print("handle %d got watch for %s in watcher %d, count %d" %
(handle, path, self.id, self.count)) """Callable watcher that counts the number of notifications
and verifies that the paths are sequential"""
class SequentialCountingWatcher(CountingWatcher):
def __init__(self, child_path):
self.child_path = child_path def __call__(self, handle, typ, state, path):
if not self.child_path(self.count) == path:
raise ZKClientError("handle %d invalid path order %s" % (handle, path))
CountingWatcher.__call__(self, handle, typ, state, path) class Callback(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cv = threading.Condition()
self.callback_flag = False
self.rc = -1 def callback(self, handle, rc, handler):
self.callback_flag = True
self.handle = handle
self.rc = rc
self.cv.release() def waitForSuccess(self):
while not self.callback_flag:
self.cv.release() if not self.callback_flag == True:
raise ZKClientError("asynchronous operation timed out on handle %d" %
if not self.rc == zookeeper.OK:
raise ZKClientError(
"asynchronous operation failed on handle %d with rc %d" %
(self.handle, self.rc)) class GetCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self):
Callback.__init__(self) def __call__(self, handle, rc, value, stat):
def handler():
self.value = value
self.stat = stat
self.callback(handle, rc, handler) class SetCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self):
Callback.__init__(self) def __call__(self, handle, rc, stat):
def handler():
self.stat = stat
self.callback(handle, rc, handler) class ExistsCallback(SetCallback):
pass class CreateCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self):
Callback.__init__(self) def __call__(self, handle, rc, path):
def handler():
self.path = path
self.callback(handle, rc, handler) class DeleteCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self):
Callback.__init__(self) def __call__(self, handle, rc):
def handler():
self.callback(handle, rc, handler)
# coding: utf-8
# zktest.py import logging
from os.path import basename, join from zkclient import ZKClient, zookeeper, watchmethod logging.basicConfig(
level = logging.DEBUG,
format = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s %(message)s"
) log = logging class GJZookeeper(object): ZK_HOST = "localhost:2181"
ROOT = "/app"
WORKERS_PATH = join(ROOT, "workers")
TIMEOUT = 10000 def __init__(self, verbose = True):
self.VERBOSE = verbose
self.masters = []
self.is_master = False
self.path = None self.zk = ZKClient(self.ZK_HOST, timeout = self.TIMEOUT)
self.say("login ok!")
# init
# register
self.register() def __init_zk(self):
create the zookeeper node if not exist
nodes = (self.ROOT, self.WORKERS_PATH)
for node in nodes:
if not self.zk.exists(node):
self.zk.create(node, "")
pass @property
def is_slave(self):
return not self.is_master def register(self):
register a node for this worker
self.path = self.zk.create(self.WORKERS_PATH + "/worker", "1", flags=zookeeper.EPHEMERAL | zookeeper.SEQUENCE)
self.path = basename(self.path)
self.say("register ok! I'm %s" % self.path)
# check who is the master
self.get_master() def get_master(self):
get children, and check who is the smallest child
def watcher(event):
self.say("child changed, try to get master again.")
self.get_master() children = self.zk.get_children(self.WORKERS_PATH, watcher)
self.say("%s's children: %s" % (self.WORKERS_PATH, children)) # check if I'm master
self.masters = children[:self.MASTERS_NUM]
if self.path in self.masters:
self.is_master = True
self.say("I've become master!")
self.say("%s is masters, I'm slave" % self.masters) def say(self, msg):
print messages to screen
if self.VERBOSE:
if self.path:
if self.is_master:
log.info("[ %s(%s) ] %s" % (self.path, "master" , msg))
log.info("[ %s(%s) ] %s" % (self.path, "slave", msg))
log.info(msg) def main():
gj_zookeeper = GJZookeeper() if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
[2013-07-03 14:26:12,192] INFO login ok!
Node /app/workers/worker created in 1 ms
[2013-07-03 14:26:12,195] INFO [ worker0000000016(slave) ] register ok! I'm worker0000000016
[2013-07-03 14:26:12,196] INFO [ worker0000000016(slave) ] /app/workers's children: ['worker0000000016']
[2013-07-03 14:26:12,196] INFO [ worker0000000016(master) ] I've become master!
[2013-07-03 14:26:58,277] INFO login ok!
Node /app/workers/worker created in 2 ms
[2013-07-03 14:26:58,281] INFO [ worker0000000017(slave) ] register ok! I'm worker0000000017
[2013-07-03 14:26:58,282] INFO [ worker0000000017(slave) ] /app/workers's children: ['worker0000000016', 'worker0000000017']
[2013-07-03 14:26:58,282] INFO [ worker0000000017(slave) ] ['worker0000000016'] is masters, I'm slave
[2013-07-03 14:28:02,204] INFO [ worker0000000017(slave) ] child changed, try to get master again.
[2013-07-03 14:28:02,205] INFO [ worker0000000017(slave) ] /app/workers's children: ['worker0000000017']
[2013-07-03 14:28:02,206] INFO [ worker0000000017(master) ] I've become master!
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