IMapControl3 Interface

Provides access to members that control the MapControl. Note: the IMapControl3 interface has been superseded by IMapControl4. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


The IMapControl3 interface provides additional members for tasks related to the MapControl, such as setting a custom property and suppressing data redraw whilst the MapControl is being resized.



AboutBox Displays a dialog of information about the MapControl.
AboutBox Displays a dialog of information about the MapControl.
ActiveView The active view of the Map contained by the MapControl.
ActiveView The active view of the Map contained by the MapControl.
AddLayer Adds a layer to the Map's collection of layers at the specified index position.
AddLayer Adds a layer to the Map's collection of layers at the specified index position.
AddLayerFromFile Loads a layer file and adds it to the Map's collection of layers at the specified index position.
AddLayerFromFile Loads a layer file and adds it to the Map's collection of layers at the specified index position.
AddShapeFile Adds a shapefile as a layer to the Map.
AddShapeFile Adds a shapefile as a layer to the Map.
Appearance The appearance of the MapControl.
Appearance The appearance of the MapControl.
BackColor Background color of the MapControl.
BackColor Background color of the MapControl.
BorderStyle The border style of the MapControl.
BorderStyle The border style of the MapControl.
CenterAt Moves the center of the MapControl to the specified location.
CenterAt Moves the center of the MapControl to the specified location.
CheckMxFile Checks the specified filename to see if it is a map document that can be loaded into the MapControl.
CheckMxFile Checks the specified filename to see if it is a map document that can be loaded into the MapControl.
ClearLayers Removes all layers from the Map.
ClearLayers Removes all layers from the Map.
CurrentTool Current active tool for the MapControl. Set to nothing to clear the tool.
CurrentTool Current active tool for the MapControl. Set to nothing to clear the tool.
CustomProperty A property to associate data with a control.
DeleteLayer Removes a Layer from the Map's collection of layers at the specified index position.
DeleteLayer Removes a Layer from the Map's collection of layers at the specified index position.
DocumentFilename The filename of the last map document loaded into the control.
DocumentMap The name of the map that was last loaded into the control from a map document.
DrawShape Draws a geometry shape on the MapControl.
DrawShape Draws a geometry shape on the MapControl.
DrawText Draws text along the supplied geometry.
DrawText Draws text along the supplied geometry.
Enabled Indicates whether the MapControl can respond to user generated events.
Enabled Indicates whether the MapControl can respond to user generated events.
Extent Current extent of the Map in map units.
Extent Current extent of the Map in map units.
FlashShape Flashes a shape on the MapControl, duration is in milliseconds.
FlashShape Flashes a shape on the MapControl, duration is in milliseconds.
FromMapPoint Converts a point on the Map (in map units) to device co-ordinates (typically pixels).
FromMapPoint Converts a point on the Map (in map units) to device co-ordinates (typically pixels).
FullExtent Rectangular shape that encloses all features of all layers in the Map.
FullExtent Rectangular shape that encloses all features of all layers in the Map.
hWnd Handle to the window associated with the MapControl.
hWnd Handle to the window associated with the MapControl.
KeyIntercept A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container. When intercepted the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events will be called. This value can be a combined bit mask of esriKeyIntercept enum values.
Layer Layer at the supplied index.
Layer Layer at the supplied index.
LayerCount Number of layers in the Map.
LayerCount Number of layers in the Map.
LoadMxFile Loads the specified Map from the map document into the MapControl. The Map can be an index or a name, if it is not supplied the focus map is used.
LoadMxFile Loads the specified Map from the map document into the MapControl. The Map can be an index or a name, if it is not supplied the focus map is used.
Map The Map contained by the MapControl.
Map The Map contained by the MapControl.
MapScale Scale of the map as a representative fraction.
MapScale Scale of the map as a representative fraction.
MapUnits The geographical units of the map.
MapUnits The geographical units of the map.
MouseIcon Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.
MouseIcon Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.
MousePointer The mouse pointer displayed over the MapControl.
MousePointer The mouse pointer displayed over the MapControl.
MoveLayerTo Moves a layer within the Map's collection from its current index position to a new index position.
MoveLayerTo Moves a layer within the Map's collection from its current index position to a new index position.
Object A property that returns the underlying control. This can be used when the control is inside a wrapper object that has been added by a development environment.
OleDropEnabled Indicates if the MapControl will fire events when data is dragged over the control's window.
OleDropEnabled Indicates if the MapControl will fire events when data is dragged over the control's window.
Pan Tracks the mouse while panning the MapControl.
Pan Tracks the mouse while panning the MapControl.
ReadMxMaps Opens a map document specified by the supplied filename and reads the maps into an array object.
ReadMxMaps Opens a map document specified by the supplied filename and reads the maps into an array object.
ReferenceScale Reference scale of the Map as a representative fraction.
ReferenceScale Reference scale of the Map as a representative fraction.
Refresh Redraws the Map, optionally just redraw specified phases or envelope.
Refresh Redraws the Map, optionally just redraw specified phases or envelope.
Rotation Determines how many degrees the map display is rotated.
Rotation Determines how many degrees the map display is rotated.
ShowMapTips Indicates if map tips are shown.
ShowScrollbars Indicates whether or not the Map's scrollbars are visible.
ShowScrollbars Indicates whether or not the Map's scrollbars are visible.
SpatialReference Spatial reference of the Map.
SpatialReference Spatial reference of the Map.
SuppressResizeDrawing Suppress full redraw of control during resize operations.
TipDelay The delay before map tips are shown.
TipStyle The style of map tips.
ToMapPoint Converts a point in device co-ordinates (typically pixels) to a point on the Map (in map units).
ToMapPoint Converts a point in device co-ordinates (typically pixels) to a point on the Map (in map units).
TrackCancel The object used by the MapControl to check if drawing has been aborted.
TrackCancel The object used by the MapControl to check if drawing has been aborted.
TrackCircle Rubber-bands a circle on the MapControl.
TrackCircle Rubber-bands a circle on the MapControl.
TrackLine Rubber-bands a polyline on the MapControl.
TrackLine Rubber-bands a polyline on the MapControl.
TrackPolygon Rubber-bands a polygon on the MapControl.
TrackPolygon Rubber-bands a polygon on the MapControl.
TrackRectangle Rubber-bands a rectangle on the MapControl.
TrackRectangle Rubber-bands a rectangle on the MapControl.
VisibleRegion The geometry specifying the visible region of the Map.


The geometry specifying the visible region of the Map

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