Stable libraries | Development versions | Unreleased | Commercial | All
attica | Open Collaboration Services API |
avahi-qt | Qt4 Bindings for avahi, the D-BUS Service for Zeroconf and Bonjour |
baloo | Baloo is a file indexing and searching framework |
bluez-qt | Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus API |
breeze-icons | Breeze icon theme |
cutereport | Report solution |
diff-match-patch | Diff, Match and Patch libraries for Plain Text |
echonest | Qt library for communicating with The Echo Nest |
enginio-qt | Enginio client library for Qt platfom. Provides both Qt C++ and QML APIs to client applications. |
exaro | Report engine |
extra-cmake-modules | Extensions for software using the CMake build system |
frameworkintegration | Workspace and cross-framework integration plugins |
gcf | Generic component framework |
glc-lib | Library for high performance 3D applications based on OpenGL |
injeqt | Dependency injection |
jreen | XMPP client library |
kactivities | Runtime and library to organize the user work in separate activities |
karchive | File compression |
kauth | Abstraction to system policy and authentication features |
kbookmarks | Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format |
kcmutils | Utilities for working with KCModules |
kcodecs | Text encoding |
kcompletion | Text completion helpers and widgets |
kconfig | Configuration system |
kconfigwidgets | Widgets for configuration dialogs |
kcoreaddons | Addons to QtCore |
kcrash | Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps |
kdbusaddons | Addons to QtDBus |
kdeclarative | Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks |
kded | Extensible deamon for providing system level services |
kdelibs | KDE Development Platform |
kdelibs4support | Porting aid from KDELibs4 |
kdepimlibs | KDE PIM Libraries |
kdesignerplugin | Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator |
kdesu | Integration with su for elevated privileges |
kdewebkit | KDE Integration for QtWebKit |
kdnssd | Abstraction to system DNSSD features |
kdoctools | Documentation generation from docbook |
kdreports | Report generator |
kdsoap | Client-side and server-side SOAP component |
kemoticons | Support for emoticons and emoticons themes |
kf5umbrella | CMake convenience functions for KDE Frameworks |
kfileaudiopreview | Preview of audio files |
kfilemetadata | A file metadata and text extraction library |
kglobalaccel | Add support for global workspace shortcuts |
kguiaddons | Addons to QtGui |
khtml | KHTML APIs |
ki18n | Advanced internationalization framework |
kiconthemes | Support for icon themes |
kidletime | Monitoring user activity |
kimageformats | Image format plugins for Qt |
kinit | Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications |
kio | Resource and network access abstraction |
kitemmodels | Models for Qt Model/View system |
kitemviews | Widget addons for Qt Model/View |
kjobwidgets | Widgets for tracking KJob instances |
kjs | Support for JS scripting in applications |
kjsembed | Embedded JS |
klfbackend | KLatexFormula backend library |
kmediaplayer | Plugin interface for media player features |
knewstuff | Support for downloading application assets from the network |
knotifications | Abstraction for system notifications |
knotifyconfig | Configuration system for KNotify |
kpackage | Library to load and install packages of non binary files as they were a plugin |
kparts | Document centric plugin system |
kpeople | Provides access to all contacts and the people who hold them |
kplotting | Lightweight plotting framework |
kprintutils | Print dialogs |
kpty | Pty abstraction |
kqoauth | OAuth 1.0 authentication |
kross | Multi-language application scripting |
krunner | Parallelized query system |
kservice | Advanced plugin and service introspection |
ktexteditor | Advanced embeddable text editor |
ktextwidgets | Advanced text editing widgets |
kunitconversion | Support for unit conversion |
kwallet | Secure and unified container for user passwords |
kwayland | Qt-style API to interact with the wayland-client and wayland-server API |
kwidgetsaddons | Addons to QtWidgets |
kwindowsystem | Access to the windowing system |
kxmlgui | User configurable main windows |
kxmlrpcclient | Interaction with XMLRPC services |
libcommuni | IRC framework |
libengsas | Widgets for technical applications |
libkexiv2 | Qt bindings for Exiv2, the library to manipulate picture meta data |
liblastfm | A Qt C++ library for the Last.fm webservices |
libmm-qt | Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API |
libnm-qt | Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API |
libqtlua | Framework for embedding Lua in Qt applications |
libqxt | Utility classes for Qt |
lxqt_wallet | Secure storage of data in an internal storage system or in KDE KWallet or GNOME libsecret |
marble | Marble Virtual Globe |
modemmanager-qt | Qt wrapper for ModemManager API |
networkmanager-qt | Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API |
o2 | A library encapsulating OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 client authentication flows |
oxygen-icons5 | Oxygen icon theme |
packagekit-qt | Qt bindings for PackageKit, the backend for managing software installation |
phonon | Phonon Multimedia Platform Abstraction |
plasma-framework | Plugin based UI runtime used to write primary user interfaces |
polkit-qt-1 | Qt bindings for PolicyKit |
poppler-qt | Qt bindings for Poppler, the PDF rendering library |
pythonqt | Framework for embedding Python in Qt applications |
qca | Qt Cryptographic Architecture |
qcustomplot | Plotting widget |
qdatacube | Datacube for Qt |
qdecimal | Decimal arithmetic library for Qt framework |
qdjango | ORM and HTTP request/response framework |
qimageblitz | Image Effect Library for KDE |
qjson | JSON parser for Qt |
qlogsystem | qlogsystem is a very efficient and easy to use logger library |
qoauth | Library for OAuth authorization scheme |
qscintilla | Qt port of Scintilla C++ editor control |
qsint | Open source Qt Widgets Collection |
qsqlmigrator | QSqlMigrator - keep track of your database migrations |
qt | Cross-platform application and UI framework |
qt-gstreamer | Qt bindings for GStreamer |
qtargparser | Command line parsing |
qtav | A cross-platform media playback framework based on Qt and FFmpeg. |
qtdropbox | Qt Dropbox |
qtffmpegwrapper | Qt FFmpeg Wrapper for video frame encoding and decoding |
qtilities | Building blocks for Qt applications |
qtinstallerframework | Tools and utilities to create installers for the supported desktop Qt platforms. |
qtkeychain | Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely |
qtrpt | Report engine |
qtwebapp | Web application framework similar to Java Servlet API |
qtwebkit | Qt port of WebKit |
qtweetlib | Library to access Twitter |
quazip | Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package |
qwt | Widgets for Technical Applications |
qwtplot3d | 3D plot widgets |
qxmpp | XMPP client and server library |
qxorm | Qt-based Object Relational Mapping (ORM) |
qyoto | Mono bindings for core Qt libraries |
snorenotify | Snorenotify notification framework |
solid | Hardware integration and detection |
sonnet | Support for spellchecking |
soprano | Qt/C++ RDF framework |
soqt | Qt interface for 3D visualization library Coin |
sqlate | type-safe template-based SQL support using Qt |
tasks | a simple single header library that allows async programming in Qt/C++ using tasks,continuations and resumable functions |
telepathy-qt | Qt bindings for the Telepathy communications framework |
threadweaver | High-level multithreading framework |
treefrog | Framework for developing web applications |
tufao | An asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt |
vlc-qt | VLC-Qt - a simple library to connect Qt application with libVLC |
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https://inqlude.org/ Stable libraries | Development versions | Unreleased | Commercial | All attica ...
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链接地址:http://www.tuicool.com/articles/jyA3MrU 时间 2015-01-05 10:08:18 我是程序猿,我为自己代言 原文 http://blog.cs ...
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