1 |
db.runCommand( { removeshard: "your_shard_name" } ) |
2 |
3 |
{ msg : "draining started successfully" , state: "started" , shard : "mongodb0" , ok : 1 } |
1 |
db.runCommand( { removeshard: "your_shard_name" } ) |
2 |
3 |
{ msg: "draining ongoing" , state: "ongoing" , remaining: { chunks: 42, dbs : 1 }, ok: 1 } |
1 |
db.runCommand( { movePrimary: "myapp" , to: "mongodb1" }) |
1 |
{ "primary" : "mongodb1" , "ok" : 1 } |
1 |
db.runCommand( { removeshard: "mongodb0" } ) |
1 |
{ msg: "remove shard completed succesfully" , stage: "completed" , host: "mongodb0" , ok : 1 } |
Popgo: In my MongoDB sharding cluster, i used db.runCommand( { removeshard: "shard3" } )
command to remove a shard "shard3", but it just puts the shard in draining mode, which will never end and three days past. All chunks of the shard "shard3" are moved into "shard1" or "shard2", but the APP read request can use it to query data. So i want to know which process of the sharding now or how to diagnose this problem?
MrKurt:You probably have a database using shard3
as its primary shard, check the output ofdb.printShardingStatus()
to see where each database resides.
Once you figure out which database it is, move it to a different shard with the movePrimary
command. Then run removeShard
again and you should be good to go.
It is confirmed that there is a unsharded database test on the shard "shard3" and "shard3" is not the primary shard, then i drop "test" database and re-run removeshard
command. It is success to remove the "shard3". From document, "Do not run the movePrimary until you have finished draining the shard". But our program also use the "shard3" with 3 nodes replicaset to query data. Why not to router APP requests to other available shards by mongos server?
Andre: You do need to run movePrimary to complete draining in the case of a db being on the primary. If you look at the results of the removeshard
and see "chunks" : NumberLong(0)
but "dbs": NumberLong(
some number other than 0 )
you probably have a DB whose primary is the shard you are removing and will probably have to run movePrimary even though removeshard
hasn't said "draining is complete". Check out this discussion on mongodb-user for more information:
Databases with non-sharded collections store those collections on a single shard known as the primary shardfor that database. The following step is necessary only when the shard to remove is also the primary shard for one or more databases.
也就是说,如果在这个片上有非分片的collection,这样的话,分片的数据合到其他片上了,那么剩下的非分片数据,没法通过合并分片的方式合到其他服务器上,所以这时要运行一个movePrimary命令将这些非分片的数据移到另一个服务器上。db.runCommand( { movePrimary: "myapp", to: "mongodb1" })
This command migrates all remaining non-sharded data in the database named myapp to the shard namedmongodb1
Do not run the movePrimary until you have finished draining the shard
另外,movePrimary执行完后,还记得将db.runCommand({removeshard:"shardx"})再运行一遍,直到看到如下结果{ msg: "remove shard completed successfully" , stage: "completed", host: "mongodb0", ok : 1 }
about how to identify the non-sharding databases int server2, to run:db.printShardingStatus();
to, you can use the printShardingStatus command. It will tell you what
is the "primary" shard for each non-partitioned database.
If any of the DBs have the drained shard listed as the primary, you
will need to issue a move primary command (again listed on the page
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