Campwood Software

SourceMonitor Version 3.5

The freeware program SourceMonitor lets you see inside your software source code to find out how much code you have and to identify the relative complexity of your modules. For example, you can use SourceMonitor to identify the code that is most likely to contain defects and thus warrants formal review. SourceMonitor, written in C++, runs through your code at high speed, typically more than 10,000 lines of code per second. SourceMonitor provides the following:

  • Collects metrics in a fast, single pass through source files.
  • Measures metrics for source code written in C++, C, C#, VB.NET, Java, Delphi, Visual Basic (VB6) or HTML.
  • Includes method and function level metrics for C++, C, C#, VB.NET, Java, and Delphi.
  • Offers Modified Complexity metric option.
  • Saves metrics in checkpoints for comparison during software development projects.
  • Displays and prints metrics in tables and charts, including Kiviat diagrams.
  • Operates within a standard Windows GUI or inside your scripts using XML command files.
  • Exports metrics to XML or CSV (comma-separated-value) files for further processing with other tools.

Enhancements added in Version 3.5 are described below. Like all previous versions, this version of SourceMonitor is free [view license]. The download is a fully functional installer contained in a single file, SMSetupV346.exe. Please download the installation file and give it a try:

Download SourceMonitor V3.5.0.306 (2.47 MBytes):   via HTTP. Run the downloaded file (SMSetupV350.exe) to install SourceMonitor.

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