API:void houghLins(源图像,输出寻找到的直线,double 像素为单位的距离精度,double 弧度为单位的角度精度,int 累加平面的阈值,double 多尺度变换的除数距离,double 多尺度时的单位角度的除数距离);
- Mat srcImage,srcImageGray,cannyImage;
- vector<Vec2f>lines;
- //三个变量,距离精度rho 角度精度 theta 阈值参数 threshold
- const int g_rhoMax = ;
- int g_rhoValue;
- const int g_thetaMax = ;
- int g_thetaValue;
- const int g_thresholdMax = ;
- int g_thresholdValue;
- void onTrackBarrho(int pos,void* userData);
- void onTrackBartheta(int pos,void* userData);
- void onTrackBarThreshold(int pos,void* userData);
- int main(int argc,char* argv[])
- {
- srcImage = imread("F:\\opencv\\OpenCVImage\\HoughLine.jpg");
- if(srcImage.channels() == )
- {
- srcImageGray = srcImage.clone();
- }
- else
- {
- cvtColor(srcImage, srcImageGray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
- }
- namedWindow("src image");
- namedWindow("line image");
- g_rhoValue = ;
- g_thetaValue = ;
- g_thresholdValue = ;
- createTrackbar("rho value", "line image", &g_rhoValue, g_rhoMax,onTrackBarrho,);
- createTrackbar("theta value", "line image", &g_thetaValue, g_thetaMax,onTrackBartheta ,);
- createTrackbar("threshold value", "line image", &g_thresholdValue, g_thresholdMax,onTrackBarThreshold,);
- onTrackBarThreshold(g_thresholdValue,);
- imshow("src image", srcImageGray);
- moveWindow("src image", , );
- moveWindow("line image", srcImageGray.cols*, );
- waitKey();
- return ;
- }
- void onTrackBarrho(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int rhoValue = g_rhoValue+;
- int thetaValue = g_thetaValue+;
- int threshold = g_thresholdValue+;
- double theta = CV_PI/(double)thetaValue;
- Canny(srcImageGray, cannyImage, , ,);
- HoughLines(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, theta, threshold,,);
- imshow("canny image", cannyImage);
- moveWindow("canny image", srcImageGray.cols, );
- Mat tempImage(srcImageGray.rows,srcImageGray.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for(size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++)
- {
- float rhoResult = lines[i][];
- float thetaResult = lines[i][];
- Point pt1,pt2;
- double a = cos(thetaResult);
- double b = sin(thetaResult);
- double x0 = a*rhoResult;
- double y0 = b*rhoResult;
- pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + *(-b));
- pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + *(a));
- pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - *(-b));
- pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - *(a));
- line(tempImage, pt1, pt2, Scalar(,,),);
- }
- imshow("line image", tempImage);
- }
- void onTrackBartheta(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int rhoValue = g_rhoValue+;
- int thetaValue = g_thetaValue+;
- int threshold = g_thresholdValue+;
- double theta = CV_PI/(double)thetaValue;
- Canny(srcImageGray, cannyImage, , ,);
- HoughLines(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, theta, threshold,,);
- imshow("canny image", cannyImage);
- moveWindow("canny image", srcImageGray.cols, );
- Mat tempImage(srcImageGray.rows,srcImageGray.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for(size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++)
- {
- float rhoResult = lines[i][];
- float thetaResult = lines[i][];
- Point pt1,pt2;
- double a = cos(thetaResult);
- double b = sin(thetaResult);
- double x0 = a*rhoResult;
- double y0 = b*rhoResult;
- pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + *(-b));
- pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + *(a));
- pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - *(-b));
- pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - *(a));
- line(tempImage, pt1, pt2, Scalar(,,),);
- }
- imshow("line image", tempImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarThreshold(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int rhoValue = g_rhoValue+;
- int thetaValue = g_thetaValue+;
- int threshold = g_thresholdValue+;
- double theta = CV_PI/(double)thetaValue;
- Canny(srcImageGray, cannyImage, , ,);
- HoughLines(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, theta, threshold,,);
- imshow("canny image", cannyImage);
- moveWindow("canny image", srcImageGray.cols, );
- Mat tempImage(srcImageGray.rows,srcImageGray.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for(size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++)
- {
- float rhoResult = lines[i][];
- float thetaResult = lines[i][];
- Point pt1,pt2;
- double a = cos(thetaResult);
- double b = sin(thetaResult);
- double x0 = a*rhoResult;
- double y0 = b*rhoResult;
- pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + *(-b));
- pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + *(a));
- pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - *(-b));
- pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - *(a));
- line(tempImage, pt1, pt2, Scalar(,,),);
- }
- imshow("line image", tempImage);
- }
API:void houghLineP(源图像,结果向量,double 进步距离,double 进角弧度,int 累计阈值,int 最小线段长度,int 同一行点与点之间的最小连接距离);
- Mat srcImage,srcGrayImage,cannyImage;
- vector<Vec4i>lines;
- //lowThreshold 默?认¨?upThreshold为alowthtreshold的Ì?三¨y倍À?
- const int g_lowThresholdMax = ;
- int g_lowThresholdValue;
- void onTrackBarCannyLowThreshold(int pos,void* userData);
- #define CALC_UPTHRESHOLD_VALUE(value) value*3;
- //canny sobel 孔¡Á径?
- const int g_cannySobelSizeMax = ;
- int g_cannySobelSizeValue;
- void onTrackBarCannySobelSize(int pos,void* userData);
- //hough 步?进?精?度¨¨
- const int g_houghlineRhoMax = ;
- int g_houghlineRhoValue;
- void onTrackBarHoughlineRhoValue(int pos,void* userData);
- //houghlinep 角?度¨¨精?度¨¨
- const int g_houghlineThetaMax = ;
- int g_houghlineThetaValue;
- void onTrackBarHoughlineThetaValue(int pos,void* userData);
- //累¤?计?阈D值¦Ì
- const int g_houghlineThresholdMax = ;
- int g_houghlineThresholdValue;
- void onTrackBarHoughlineThresholdValue(int pos,void* userData);
- //最Á?小?线?段?长¡è度¨¨
- const int g_houghlineMindistMax = ;
- int g_houghlineMindistValue;
- void onTrackBarHoughlineMindistValue(int pos,void* userData);
- int main(int argc,char* argv[])
- {
- srcImage = imread("F:\\opencv\\OpenCVImage\\HoughLineP.jpg");
- if(srcImage.channels() == )
- {
- srcGrayImage = srcImage.clone();
- }
- else
- {
- cvtColor(srcImage, srcGrayImage, CV_RGB2GRAY);
- }
- namedWindow("src image");
- namedWindow("canny image");
- namedWindow("dst image");
- g_lowThresholdValue = ;
- g_cannySobelSizeValue = ;
- createTrackbar("low threshold", "canny image", &g_lowThresholdValue, g_lowThresholdMax,onTrackBarCannyLowThreshold,);
- createTrackbar("sobel size", "canny image", &g_cannySobelSizeValue, g_cannySobelSizeMax,onTrackBarCannySobelSize,);
- onTrackBarCannySobelSize(g_cannySobelSizeValue, );
- g_houghlineRhoValue = ;
- g_houghlineThetaValue = ;
- g_houghlineMindistValue = ;
- g_houghlineThresholdValue = ;
- createTrackbar("rho value", "dst image", &g_houghlineRhoValue, g_houghlineRhoMax,onTrackBarHoughlineRhoValue,);
- createTrackbar("theta value", "dst image", &g_houghlineThetaValue,g_houghlineThetaMax,onTrackBarHoughlineThetaValue,);
- createTrackbar("threshold value", "dst image", &g_houghlineThresholdValue, g_houghlineThresholdMax,onTrackBarHoughlineThresholdValue,);
- createTrackbar("min dist", "dst image", &g_houghlineMindistValue, g_houghlineMindistMax,onTrackBarHoughlineMindistValue,);
- onTrackBarHoughlineRhoValue(g_houghlineRhoValue, );
- imshow("src image", srcImage);
- moveWindow("src image", , );
- moveWindow("canny image", srcGrayImage.cols, );
- moveWindow("dst image", srcImage.cols*, );
- waitKey();
- return ;
- }
- void onTrackBarCannyLowThreshold(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int sobelSize = g_cannySobelSizeValue*+;
- int lowThreshold = g_lowThresholdValue+;
- int upThreshold = CALC_UPTHRESHOLD_VALUE(lowThreshold);
- Canny(srcGrayImage, cannyImage, lowThreshold, upThreshold,sobelSize);
- imshow("canny image", cannyImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarCannySobelSize(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int sobelSize = g_cannySobelSizeValue*+;
- int lowThreshold = g_lowThresholdValue+;
- int upThreshold = CALC_UPTHRESHOLD_VALUE(lowThreshold);
- Canny(srcGrayImage, cannyImage, lowThreshold, upThreshold,sobelSize);
- imshow("canny image", cannyImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarHoughlineRhoValue(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- double rhoValue = g_houghlineRhoValue+;
- double thetaValue = g_houghlineThetaValue+;
- int thresholdValue = g_houghlineThresholdValue+;
- int minDist = g_houghlineMindistValue+;
- HoughLinesP(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, CV_PI/thetaValue, thresholdValue,minDist);
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for (size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++) {
- line(dstImage, Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]), Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]),Scalar(,,),LINE_4);
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarHoughlineThetaValue(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- double rhoValue = g_houghlineRhoValue+;
- double thetaValue = g_houghlineThetaValue+;
- int thresholdValue = g_houghlineThresholdValue+;
- int minDist = g_houghlineMindistValue+;
- HoughLinesP(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, CV_PI/thetaValue, thresholdValue,minDist);
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for (size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++) {
- line(dstImage, Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]), Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]),Scalar(,,),LINE_4);
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarHoughlineThresholdValue(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- double rhoValue = g_houghlineRhoValue+;
- double thetaValue = g_houghlineThetaValue+;
- int thresholdValue = g_houghlineThresholdValue+;
- int minDist = g_houghlineMindistValue+;
- HoughLinesP(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, CV_PI/thetaValue, thresholdValue,minDist);
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for (size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++) {
- line(dstImage, Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]), Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]),Scalar(,,),LINE_4);
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarHoughlineMindistValue(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- double rhoValue = g_houghlineRhoValue+;
- double thetaValue = g_houghlineThetaValue+;
- int thresholdValue = g_houghlineThresholdValue+;
- int minDist = g_houghlineMindistValue+;
- HoughLinesP(cannyImage, lines, rhoValue, CV_PI/thetaValue, thresholdValue,minDist);
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- for (size_t i = ; i < lines.size(); i++) {
- line(dstImage, Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]), Point(lines[i][],lines[i][]),Scalar(,,),LINE_4);
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
API:void houghCircles(源图,结果向量,int 检测方法,int 输入图像和累加器的分辨率之比,int 圆心之间最小距离,double 算法高阈值,低阈值默认为高阈值1/2,double 圆心累累加器阈值,int 半径最小值,int 半径最大值);
注:源图像为八位单通道灰度图,目标向量为vecter<vec3f>,向量中存储的依次是圆心x,圆心y,半径r,检测方法目前只有霍夫梯度法HOUGH_GRENIENT ,霍夫梯度法默认高阈值100.低阈值为其1/2,圆心间距太小,多个相邻的圆会重合,太大,某些圆不能被检测出,累加器阈值太小,会检测出很多不存在的圆,阈值越大,越容易检测出完美的圆
- Mat srcImage,srcGrayImage;
- vector<Vec3f>circles;
- //圆2形?最Á?小?距¨¤离¤?
- const int g_houghcircleMinDistMax = ;
- int g_houghcircleMinDistValue;
- void onTrackBarMinDist(int pos,void* userData);
- //canny算?子Á¨®高?阈D值¦Ì
- const int g_houghcircleThresholdUpMax = ;
- int g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue;
- void onTrackBarThresholdUp(int pos,void* userData);
- //圆2心?累¤?加¨®器¡Â阈D值¦Ì
- const int g_houghcircleCenterThresholdMax = ;
- int g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue;
- void onTrackBarCenterThreshold(int pos,void* userData);
- //最Á?小?半ã?径?
- const int g_houghcircleMinRadiusMax = ;
- int g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue;
- void onTrackBarRadiusMin(int pos,void* userData);
- //最Á?大䨮半ã?径?
- const int g_houghcircleMaxRadiusMax = ;
- int g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue;
- void onTrackBarRadiusMax(int pos,void* userData);
- int main(int argc,char* argv[])
- {
- srcImage = imread("F:\\opencv\\OpenCVImage\\HoughCircle.jpg");
- if(srcImage.channels() == )
- {
- cvtColor(srcImage, srcGrayImage, CV_RGB2GRAY);
- }
- else
- {
- srcGrayImage = srcImage.clone();
- }
- namedWindow("src gray image");
- namedWindow("dst image");
- g_houghcircleMinDistValue = ;
- g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue = ;
- g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue = ;
- g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue = ;
- g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue = ;
- createTrackbar("center min dist", "dst image", &g_houghcircleMinDistValue, g_houghcircleMinDistMax,onTrackBarMinDist,);
- createTrackbar("canny threshold", "dst image", &g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue, g_houghcircleThresholdUpMax,onTrackBarThresholdUp,);
- createTrackbar("center threshold", "dst image", &g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue, g_houghcircleCenterThresholdMax,onTrackBarCenterThreshold,);
- createTrackbar("min radius", "dst image", &g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue, g_houghcircleMinRadiusMax,onTrackBarRadiusMin,);
- createTrackbar("max radius", "dst image", &g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue, g_houghcircleMaxRadiusMax,onTrackBarRadiusMax,);
- onTrackBarRadiusMin(g_houghcircleMinDistValue,);
- imshow("src gray image", srcGrayImage);
- moveWindow("src gray image", , );
- moveWindow("dst image", srcGrayImage.cols, );
- waitKey();
- return ;
- }
- void onTrackBarMinDist(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int minDist = g_houghcircleMinDistValue+;
- double cannyThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue+;
- double centerThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue+;
- int minRadius = g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue+;
- int maxRadius = g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue+;
- if(minRadius >= maxRadius)
- {
- imshow("dst image", srcGrayImage);
- }
- else
- {
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- HoughCircles(srcGrayImage, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, , minDist,cannyThreshold,centerThreshold,minRadius,maxRadius);
- for (size_t i = ; i < circles.size(); i++) {
- circle(dstImage, Point(circles[i][],circles[i][]), circles[i][], Scalar(,,));
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- }
- void onTrackBarThresholdUp(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int minDist = g_houghcircleMinDistValue+;
- double cannyThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue+;
- double centerThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue+;
- int minRadius = g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue+;
- int maxRadius = g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue+;
- if(minRadius >= maxRadius)
- {
- imshow("dst image", srcGrayImage);
- }
- else
- {
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- HoughCircles(srcGrayImage, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, , minDist,cannyThreshold,centerThreshold,minRadius,maxRadius);
- for (size_t i = ; i < circles.size(); i++) {
- circle(dstImage, Point(circles[i][],circles[i][]), circles[i][], Scalar(,,),LINE_AA);
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- }
- void onTrackBarCenterThreshold(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int minDist = g_houghcircleMinDistValue+;
- double cannyThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue+;
- double centerThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue+;
- int minRadius = g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue+;
- int maxRadius = g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue+;
- if(minRadius >= maxRadius)
- {
- imshow("dst image", srcGrayImage);
- }
- else
- {
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- HoughCircles(srcGrayImage, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, , minDist,cannyThreshold,centerThreshold,minRadius,maxRadius);
- for (size_t i = ; i < circles.size(); i++) {
- circle(dstImage, Point(circles[i][],circles[i][]), circles[i][], Scalar(,,));
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- }
- void onTrackBarRadiusMax(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int minDist = g_houghcircleMinDistValue+;
- double cannyThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue+;
- double centerThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue+;
- int minRadius = g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue+;
- int maxRadius = g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue+;
- if(minRadius >= maxRadius)
- {
- imshow("dst image", srcGrayImage);
- }
- else
- {
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- HoughCircles(srcGrayImage, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, , minDist,cannyThreshold,centerThreshold,minRadius,maxRadius);
- for (size_t i = ; i < circles.size(); i++) {
- circle(dstImage, Point(circles[i][],circles[i][]), circles[i][], Scalar(,,));
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- }
- void onTrackBarRadiusMin(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- int minDist = g_houghcircleMinDistValue+;
- double cannyThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleThresholdUpValue+;
- double centerThreshold = (double)g_houghcircleCenterThresholdValue+;
- int minRadius = g_houghcircleMinRadiusValue+;
- int maxRadius = g_houghcircleMaxRadiusValue+;
- if(minRadius >= maxRadius)
- {
- imshow("dst image", srcGrayImage);
- }
- else
- {
- Mat dstImage(srcGrayImage.rows,srcGrayImage.cols,CV_8UC3,Scalar(,,));
- HoughCircles(srcGrayImage, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, , minDist,cannyThreshold,centerThreshold,minRadius,maxRadius);
- for (size_t i = ; i < circles.size(); i++) {
- circle(dstImage, Point(circles[i][],circles[i][]), circles[i][], Scalar(,,));
- }
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- }
API:void remap(源图,目的图,映射数组1,映射数组2,int 插值方式,int 边界模式,int 边界值)
- int main(int argc,char* argv[])
- {
- Mat srcImage,mapx,mapy,dstImage;
- srcImage = imread("F:\\opencv\\OpenCVImage\\remap.jpg");
- mapx.create(srcImage.size(), CV_32FC1);
- mapy.create(srcImage.size(), CV_32FC1);
- dstImage.create(srcImage.rows, srcImage.cols, srcImage.type());
- //核?心?就¨ª是º?这a个?mapx 和¨ªmapy
- for(int j = ; j < srcImage.rows;j++)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < srcImage.cols; i++)
- {
-<float>(j,i) = static_cast<float>(i);
-<float>(j,i) = static_cast<float>(srcImage.rows-j);
- }
- }
- remap(srcImage, dstImage, mapx, mapy, INTER_LINEAR,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(,,));
- imshow("src image", srcImage);
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- moveWindow("src image", , );
- moveWindow("dst image", srcImage.cols, );
- waitKey();
- return ;
- }
API:void warpAffine(源图像,目标图像,变换矩阵,Size 输出图像尺寸,int 插值方式,int 边界模式,int 恒定边界取值)
API Mat getRotationMatrix2D(Point源图的旋转中心,double 旋转角度,double 缩放系数)
- Mat srcImage,dstImage,rotationImage;
- const int g_angelMax = ;
- int g_angelValue;
- void onTrackBarRotationAngel(int pos,void* userData);
- const int g_scaleMax = ;//最Á?大䨮10倍À?缩?放¤?系¦Ì数ºy
- int g_scaleValue;
- void onTrackBarScale(int pos,void* userData);
- int main(int argc,char* argv[])
- {
- srcImage = imread("F:\\opencv\\OpenCVImage\\warpAffine.jpg");
- namedWindow("src image");
- namedWindow("dst image");
- g_angelValue = ;
- g_scaleValue = ;
- createTrackbar("angel value", "dst image", &g_angelValue, g_angelMax,onTrackBarRotationAngel,);
- createTrackbar("scale value", "dst image", &g_scaleValue, g_scaleMax,onTrackBarScale,);
- onTrackBarRotationAngel(g_angelValue,);
- imshow("src image", srcImage);
- moveWindow("src image", , );
- moveWindow("dst image", srcImage.cols, );
- waitKey();
- return ;
- }
- void onTrackBarRotationAngel(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- if(g_scaleValue == )g_scaleValue = ;
- double scale = 1.0/g_scaleValue;
- rotationImage = getRotationMatrix2D(Point(srcImage.cols/,srcImage.rows/), g_angelValue, scale);
- warpAffine(srcImage, dstImage, rotationImage, srcImage.size(),INTER_LINEAR);
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
- void onTrackBarScale(int pos,void* userData)
- {
- if(g_scaleValue == )g_scaleValue = ;
- double scale = 1.0/g_scaleValue;
- rotationImage = getRotationMatrix2D(Point(srcImage.cols/,srcImage.rows/), g_angelValue, scale);
- warpAffine(srcImage, dstImage, rotationImage, srcImage.size(),INTER_LINEAR);
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- }
API:void equalizeHist(源图像,目标图像)
- int main(int argc,char* argv[])
- {
- Mat srcImage,dstImage;
- srcImage = imread("F:\\opencv\\OpenCVImage\\equalizeHist.jpg");
- if(srcImage.channels() != )
- {
- cvtColor(srcImage, srcImage, CV_RGB2GRAY);
- }
- equalizeHist(srcImage, dstImage);
- //Mat dstRgbImage(srcImage.rows,srcImage.cols,CV_8UC3);
- //cvtColor(dstImage, dstRgbImage, CV_GRAY2BGR);
- imshow("src image", srcImage);
- imshow("dst image", dstImage);
- moveWindow("src image", , );
- moveWindow("dst image", srcImage.cols, );
- waitKey();
- return ;
- }
- OPENCV图像变换-1
图像变换是指将一幅图像变换为图像数据的另一种表现形式,例如将图像进行傅立叶变换,或者对图像进行X,Y方向的求导等,经过这些变换,可以将图像数据处理中的某些问题换一个别的角度想办法,所以图像变换是图像处 ...
- OpenCV图像变换(仿射变换与透视变换)
仿射变换(affine transform)与透视变换(perspective transform)在图像还原.图像局部变化处理方面有重要意义.通常,在2D平面中,仿射变换的应用较多,而在3D平面中, ...
- OpenCV —— 图像变换
将一副图像转变成另一种表现形式 ,比如,傅里叶变换将图像转换成频谱分量 卷积 —— 变换的基础 cvFilter2D 源图像 src 和目标图像 dst 大小应该相同 注意:卷积核的系数应该是浮点类 ...
- python+opencv图像变换的两种方法cv2.warpAffine和cv2.warpPerspective
本文链接: # usr/bin/env python # coding: utf- ...
- OpenCV图像变换二 投影变换与极坐标变换实现圆形图像修正
投影变换 在放射变换中,物体是在二维空间中变换的.如果物体在三维空间中发生了旋转,那么这种变换就成为投影变换,在投影变换中就会出现阴影或者遮挡,我们可以运用二维投影对三维投影变换进行模块化,来处理阴影 ...
- <学习opencv>图像变换
拉伸.收缩.扭曲和旋转 统一调整大小 我们经常会遇到一些我们希望转换为其他尺寸的图像. 我们可能想要扩大或缩小图像; 这两项任务都是由同一个功能完成的. cv::resize() 该cv::resiz ...
- [opencv]<学习Opencv>英文原版翻译学习
[注]下文全部内容为 <<Learning OpenCV 3: Computer Vision in C++ with the OpenCV Library>>经由在线翻译整理 ...
- pyhton:图像旋转
最近一个作业中要用到图像旋转,分享一下学习过程.如有讲错的地方,恳请指正! 图像旋转,想想真简单啊,不就是将图像矩阵乘上一个旋转平移矩阵就完了吗?实际上还真没这么简单.首先这个旋转平移矩阵怎么获得?通 ...
- OpenCV-Python Tutorials目录
版本 3.4.6 1 Introduction to OpenCV OpenCV介绍Learn how to setup OpenCV-Python on your computer! 2 Gui F ...
- hash随笔
hash属性是一个可读可写的字符串,是url的锚部分(从#开始).多用于单页面应用中,使其包含多个页面. 定位:通过id来定位 eg: <div id= "part1"> ...
- 转 EXPDP ORA-39095 ORA-3909 错误
今天帮同事在测试库上导出两张表,第一张表大小为30M,第二章表大小为7G,以下是expdp语法 expdp tranuser/******** parallel=4 content=data_only ...
- java跳过构造方法新建对象
Java有四种创建对象的方法: (1) 用new语句创建对象,这是最常见的创建对象的方法. (2) 运用反射手段,调用java.lang.Class或者java.lang.reflect.Constr ...
- Intersecting Lines POJ 1269
题目大意:给出两条直线,每个直线上的两点,求这两条直线的位置关系:共线,平行,或相交,相交输出交点. 题目思路:主要在于求交点 F0(X)=a0x+b0y+c0==0; F1(X)=a1x+b1y+c ...
- 最小点集覆盖=最大匹配<二分图>/证明
来源 最小点集覆盖==最大匹配. 首先,最小点集覆盖一定>=最大匹配,因为假设最大匹配为n,那么我们就得到了n条互不相邻的边,光覆盖这些边就要用到n个点. 现在我们来思考为什么最小点击覆盖一定& ...
- LightOJ 1341 Aladdin and the Flying Carpet(整数拆分定理)
分析:题目并不难理解,就是一些细节上的优化需要我们注意,我在没有优化前跑了2000多MS,优化了一些细节后就是400多MS了,之前还TLE了好几次. 方法:将整数拆分为质因子以后,表达为这样的形式,e ...
- elasticsearch高级配置之(一)----分片分布规则设置
cluster.routing.allocation.allow_rebalance 设置根据集群中机器的状态来重新分配分片,可以设置为always, indices_primaries_active ...
- C#无边框窗体移动 将事件绑定到想实现的控件上
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ReleaseCapture(); [DllImport("use ...
- CodeForces 525D Arthur and Walls
广搜.看了官方题解才会的..... 定义2*2的小矩阵,有三个是点,一个是星,这样的小矩阵被称为元素块. 首先把所有元素块压入队列,每次取出对头,检查是否还是元素块,如果是 那么将那个*改为点,否则跳 ...
- 《云阅》一个仿网易云音乐UI,使用Gank.Io及豆瓣Api开发的开源项目
CloudReader 一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用GankIo及豆瓣api开发的符合Google Material Desgin阅读类的开源项目.项目采取的是Retrofit + RxJava + ...