Firtly all you need is to install wine on your computer.

Mine is ubuntu 12.04 which is running KDE on it. I like it.

And now

sudo apt-get install wine

if you want to run some *.exe  apps on Linux


wine photoshop.exe

but sometimes it doesn't work on Linux coz some issues.

You need wineconsole to solve things out.

wineconsole greenIt.bat

the greenIt.bat is a script to initialize Photoshop on Linux.

But we always get this:

someone@galaxy:~/Software/PhotoShop$ wineconsole greenIt.bat
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To solve thing problem, I googled this:

It shows:


couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

网上根据lauchpad bug列表里的一回复,解决了问题。
1.安装 getlibs

jim@jim-laptop:~$ wget
jim@jim-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg -i getlibs_2.06-0ubuntu1~ppa2_all.deb


jim@jim-laptop:~$ getlibs -p gnome-keyring:i386


jim@jim-laptop:~$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/


 Take notice that:


sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11

Now we need to install getlibs.deb

But where to get getlibs.deb??

Here! You could find help here.

###############This pretty helpful! And I made it########################

marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said on 2012-11-01: #2

to made some check before installing, from terminal:

mkdir $HOME/getlibs_package
cd $HOME/getlibs_package
mv getlibs-all-deb.pdf getlibs-all.deb

To check the content of package downloaded from this unsecure address...

dpkg -c getlibs-all.deb

We extract to temp dir

dpkg -x getlibs-all.deb /tmp/getlibs

and we can inspect the getlibs shell script

gedit /tmp/getlibs/usr/bin/getlibs

Then you can install it with

sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb


Then you could execute this now:

wineconsole greenIt.bat 

Then nothing wrong happens. Good for you!

And the most informative reference about how to Run Photoshop on Linux   is here:


This works best!

Just Read this

Have a look

An Idiot’s Guide to Installing Photoshop CS5 on Ubuntu 10.04

It works anyway.

just follow it, and then you will get it!

What a rush!...

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