[bcc32 Error] System.ZLib.hpp(310): E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly
  Full parser context
    DllUnit.cpp(9): #include frm\ttunit1.h
    ttunit1.h(58): #include d:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\include\windows\vcl\Vcl.WinXCtrls.hpp
    Vcl.WinXCtrls.hpp(25): #include d:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\include\windows\vcl\Vcl.Imaging.pngimage.hpp
    Vcl.Imaging.pngimage.hpp(21): #include d:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\include\windows\rtl\System.ZLib.hpp
    System.ZLib.hpp(23): namespace System
    System.ZLib.hpp(25): namespace Zlib




E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly - System.ZLib.hpp(310) ZLIB_VERSION的更多相关文章

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